The Snow Ridge Copper Striped Snake King was outside, constantly swimming around the "turtle shell".


The thick snake tail swung high and hit the "tortoise shell" heavily. On the top of the "turtle shell", a crack had already been knocked out under the successive blows of its snake tail.

The Snow Ridge Copper-patterned Snake King is as powerful as a fifth-level spiritual being, and has already begun to develop spiritual intelligence. When he saw the "turtle shell" in front of him cracked, he knew that his chance had come.

He opened his bloody mouth wide and bit the "turtle shell".


The power of the fangs of the Snow Ridge Copper-patterned Snake King is much greater than the impact of the snake's tail to Long Xiaopang's Black Tortoise Seal! Two sharp fangs were inserted into the "turtle shell" with a pop.

It's over!

Long Xiaopang looked at the fangs inserted into the "turtle shell" from top to bottom like sharp swords, and knew that his Xuanwu seal could no longer withstand the opponent's attack, so he turned his head to look at Ye Yuxi...

Ye Yu Xi's body was still covered with turquoise flames, showing no sign of waking up.


Originally, Long Xiaopang thought that after the Snow Ridge Copper Snake King broke his Xuanwu seal, he would definitely pull out his poisonous fangs and attack the second time, smashing the entire "turtle shell" in one fell swoop, but this snake king had nothing to do after one blow. movement.

what's the situation?

Long Xiaopang wondered, could it be that Yan Hua came and killed the Snow Ridge Copper Snake King outside?


Long Xiaopang was thinking, but the surrounding "turtle shells" were hit hard!

Back in time.

After Bai Jinyi left the Zilei monkey gathering area, golden wings sprouted from his back, and he went straight to the Serpentine Mountains.

It didn't take long for Bai Jinyi to find the mountain where Ye Yuxi was, just in time to see the Snow Ridge Copper Snake King biting the "turtle shell".

Bai Jinyi descended from the sky, and with a wave of his hand, with only the spiritual power in his hand, he chopped off the python's head with a wave of his hand.

Bai Jinyi glanced at the python's head with fangs embedded in the "turtle shell", swung one leg high, and then fell down suddenly!


The "turtle shell" collapsed, Bai Jinyi stood at the gap and took a look inside.

"It's you!" Looking at Bai Jinyi who opened the gap, Long Xiaopang finally let go of his hanging heart.

Huo Ling also saw Bai Jinyi, but after taking a look, he turned his head away and stopped looking at Bai Jinyi. Huo Ling said to himself: "I told you to bully me in the woods last time, the baby ignored you, hum !"

Fire spirit memory is very good! A few months ago, also in the Tianshan Mountains, Bai Jinyi grabbed himself and made him cry! The baby is so strong...

"Why are you here?" Long Xiaopang walked out of the "turtle shell", looked at the scene outside, the entire head of the snow-ridged copper-patterned snake king who was flamboyant before had been cut off by Bai Jinyi, and he was lifeless.

Bai Jinyi looked at the "turtle shell" that had been stamped open with his foot, and a hint of surprise flashed in his eye mask. He asked Long Xiaopang, "Is this the Xuanwu seal? One of the four major seals, the Xuanwu seal?"

"You answer my question first! The blood poison in your body is suppressed?" Long Xiaopang didn't pay attention to Bai Jinyi's question at all.

Bai Jinyi nodded, glanced at Ye Yuxi who was wrapped in blue-green flames, turned around and said to Long Xiaopang, "I'm passing by here on business, so I'll come and see her."

After going through the "battle of life and death", Long Xiaopang could finally relax a bit, and tilted his head to look at Bai Jinyi, "When are you going to leave?"

"a while."

Long Xiaopang's eyes were somewhat surprised, "Aren't you going to wait for her to wake up?"

"No need, I'll just take a look at her, and I'm relieved that she's fine." Bai Jinyi didn't have any expression on his face, and asked and answered where Long Xiaopang was.

"These days, Master Long, you have been worrying too much." Bai Jinyi was silent for a while, and then spoke again.

Long Xiaopang played with the two grasses boredly, and replied: "It's okay, this little girl and her little stupid bird are quite fun, and that little fat man is good at cooking."