"...So that's how it is."

Yu Yuan reached out and patted the rock wall in front of him, turned his head, looked at Lin Sanjiu a few steps away, and said, "Look."

Since Yu Yuan also followed, the two groped around for a while under the cover of "fake sea water", but they never found the second buried anti-inflammatory drug, nor did they see any so-called "underground farms". ——At this moment, Lin Sanjiu squeezed into the crevice of the reef and walked up to Yu Yuan's side, only then did he see clearly where he was pointing.

"This is……"

On the rough and solid rock wall, where it meets the large dark reef rock, there is a deep and dark crevice, which is blocked behind the reef rock. If it wasn't for Yu Yuan who happened to come and look back, most people would probably not have found this gap even if they walked back and forth.

"It seems to be very deep inside, and the space is not small," Yu Yuan looked at it and said, "Would you like to go in and have a look?"

Lin Sanjiu had seen the open space under the fake sea water everywhere. Except for the hidden space, there was no other place where people could enter—let alone it looked like an underground farm.

"Go in and have a look," Lin Sanjiu made a decision, and said, "If we go straight in from here, we will be walking into the bottom of the earth, right? Underground farms, at least there is an 'underground'."

The gap is as wide as one person, bypassing the reef, you can drill in. It's just that although it is wide enough, its height is a head lower than the two of them. They had to bow their heads and walk into the dark corridor formed by the broken rock wall. Lin Sanjiu took out the [ability polisher] again. In the crack hole immediately reflected the silver like water.

"If you are sure that someone didn't put the one you lost back into the box for you, then maybe this incident is just an amazing coincidence." After listening to Lin Sanjiu's narration, Yu Yuan was much calmer than her. "After all, the nature of the world is disorder and chaos. Coincidences happen far more frequently than carefully crafted laws and causality."

Lin Sanjiu looked back at him.

"I used to be a data body," Yu Yuan said with a blank expression, "the coincidences that I have seen caused by disorder, the level of complexity is beyond the understanding and tolerance of today's human brain."

"That's wronging you," Lin Sanjiu muttered, and went deeper again.

The "corridor" between the gaps, as they gradually deepened, became more and more spacious. Although the Kurosaki area was still dim, it was much better than the beginning - but it was difficult for Lin Sanjiu to give birth to happiness.

"What's the smell?" She covered her mouth and nose and complained in a low voice, "Did you smell it?"

The living environment of the evolutionary is not ideal, and it is not uncommon to see dirty and disgusting places, but from just now, there has been a strong smell coming from the depths of the cave, and even Lin Sanjiu can't help retching. ——The stench was thick, hot, cloudy, and pungent. It was fleshy, rotten, and greasy, like layers of maggots, burrowing down the human nostrils into the chest cavity.

"I should have recovered later," Yu Yuan regretted, "Well... stop talking, you can't open your mouth."

Lin Sanjiu closed his mouth tightly, covered his nose, and searched for the second anti-inflammatory medicine in the mercury-like light. She also didn't expect that the anti-inflammatory drug was not found, but she found another evidence that Feng Chen had been here: she found a pool of watery vomit under the rock wall.

It seemed that Feng Noo didn't stand it either.

"It's really terrible," Mr. Yi sighed. "Turn around and go out. At most, you should lower your face. It's better for Louqin to ask for a few more vaccines than to suffer this crime."

But... what exactly is Feng Chenwu going to do?

Just when Lin Sanjiu felt a little hesitant and was a little distracted, Yu Yuan suddenly strode up to her side and grabbed the [ability polisher] in her hand. He grabbed it, barely struggling, and a few thin lines gushed out from between his fingers.

Lin Sanjiu cast a questioning look, and Yu Yuan raised his chin forward.

The "corridor" where the two were located was suddenly opened in front, and expanded into a hall-like cave. The top of the cave was raised high, and on the walls of the cave, there were also several dim yellow lights-lights of light. It was much darker than [Ability Polisher], soaking and undulating on the edge of the darkness, so that Lin Sanjiu, who held the light source in his hand, didn't realize that there was a light in front of him for a while.

"There seems to be a passage over there," Yu Yuan took out a shirt and wrapped it around his nose and mouth, so that his hands would have room to move. "Don't let the people inside notice our light."

The cave was about 100 square meters in size, but it vaguely reminded Lin Sanjiu of the copy of the portrait she had experienced. The only difference is that when the two walked into the hall-like cave, they found that there was more than one passage connected to the cave; it was like a transit hall, with more than a dozen holes embedded in it, and each hole was filled with a barrage of heat. Dark corridor.

"Look," Yu Yuan picked up a plastic-covered wire on the cave wall, and said in a sound like Huhu: "Video signal transmission line."

Lin Sanjiu was stunned for a moment, and took a breath after eating. "Forget the lights, what do you need a video signal for?"

"This question, maybe it can answer you."

After Yu Yuan groped along the line for a while, he stopped and pointed above, "Look at that."

Lin Sanjiu looked up and found that on the rock wall facing the entrance, there was actually a black screen hanging. The signal transmission line was groping before I saw it. When it was not lit, it was easy to find its existence.

"The screen... is it broken?" Lin Sanjiu squinted and took out the [ability polisher] to take a picture, and finally confirmed. "Indeed, it was broken. You look at the edge of the hole, and there are shards of glass."

"Did Feng Chenwu do it?" Yu Yuan also knew that no one could answer this question, so he simply looked around the cave again and asked, "Which way should we go?"

The ground of the cave is also solid rock, and basically no traces of predecessors can be seen. Lin Sanjiu thought for a while, and asked Teacher Yi, "Is there anything suitable that I can use now?"

She had no hope of her luck at first—don't look at her having two hundred or so things, but she wouldn't be surprised at all if she didn't use any of them when she had a problem—but she didn't care about the teacher. Quickly replied: "Yes, I'll call it out for you."

When Lin Sanjiu thought about it, the card in his hand turned into a small paper bag.

【All-purpose fingerprint powder】

Compared with ordinary items such as fingerprint powder, this product has a similar effect, but has a much wider range of uses. Throw it on the surface of an object, on the ground, or in the air, and you can see the traces left by previous human body parts, such as fingerprints, footprints, body shape or facial features - yes, people touch the air. Traces will also show traces under the dust.

PS: This product will dissipate very quickly when it is thrown into the air, so if you need to watch it, you have to read it quickly, because this product is a consumable item, and it will be gone when it is used up.

PS: The time when a person touches the surface of the object cannot pass too long, otherwise the accuracy will be weakened with the passage of time. The fingerprint of someone who touched the table an hour ago is naturally much more accurate than waiting for a day later; the longest imprint that can be traced by this product is no more than 24 hours.

"We didn't delay for a long time...but it's just such a small paper bag," Lin Sanjiu looked around and smiled wryly, "Sprinkle a little bit into each hole, it won't last until the last one, and it will run out. "

"I hope the first few will be able to find traces of Feng Chenwu." Yu Yuan also grabbed a handful of powder, walked to a hole under the screen, raised his hand and sprinkled a little powder in it, and asked, "Is that so? Use it?"

The white dust scattered in the air, forming a powder mist for a while, smearing the black hole of the lacquer white. Lin Sanjiu stared at the dust and mist in the air, for fear of missing the vague human form of Mohu, and replied, "Yes, that's how it works—"

Before she could finish her words, the darkness behind the powder mist suddenly wavered slightly.

Just like a wave of water that was disturbed, it naturally generated a wave, and the darkness suddenly pushed the powder mist in mid-air, and then swallowed it in one bite.

The two stood at the entrance of the cave, watching the remaining bits of white powder slowly fall to the ground, and the darkness behind them was still silent and heavy.