If the red shorts had known its ending, it must have hoped that Lin Sanjiu would stop it at the last moment.

Unfortunately, the world does not "know" earlier.

Just as no one can "early know" that a pig will take something out of an empty place, the pig can't "early know" what kind of opportunity it has worked so hard to win.

That special item that came out of nowhere and was ignited and activated by it, melted away most of the isolation room in just a split second; the brick walls, steel bars and cement didn't even have fragments. The rest, fluttering in the sky, are full of ashes after the building has been pulverized.

In the dust and ashes in the sky, there are also countless scattered patches of red: some are blown up into a tiny bit of red cloth, and more are a small mass of plaster soaked with pig blood.

As soon as Lin Sanjiu removed the [Protection Field], he couldn't help but coughed loudly. The destructive power of the short-lived explosion just now was far greater than she had imagined; in order to maintain the rapidly depleted [Protection Force Field], in just a second or two, a large chunk of her consciousness was devoured. .

"Are you all right?" She narrowed her eyes and asked loudly in the dust and smoke.

"It's alright," Yu Yuan, who looked shadowy from the smoke, also coughed a few times before saying, "Fortunately, your protection was put in place in time, and it didn't start the item until it climbed a little further."

"It's disgusting, that pig became a scum all over the sky in the blink of an eye." Qing Jiuruu said from the other side with lingering fears, "A lot of the dust we breathe in our lungs now is from that pig, right?"

Seeing that her friend was all right, Lin Sanjiu let go of more than half of her heart; as soon as she let go, she suddenly thought of another person, and couldn't help but take another breath of pig dust: "Ding Liuyi!"

"It's over," Kiyotaka murmured.

Although he couldn't see anything clearly in the thick dust, even a pig-shaped degenerate was turned into tens of millions of pieces, and Ding Liuyi was probably dead long ago. Lin Sanjiu covered his mouth and nose, anxious and angry, and asked from the palm of his hand, "That pig didn't commit suicide, right?"

"Definitely not," Yu Yuan said coldly, "There is no such thing as a degenerate species, and there will never be the consciousness of sacrificing oneself to protect everyone from being affected."

What's more, when the pig in red shorts grabbed Ding Liuyi's ankle, the expression on his face was quite contented, as if he felt that he had finally joined the crowd unexpectedly, a little elated. Proud - that's not the appearance of preparing to risk his life to protect his companion's information.

"What happened just now?" Yuan Xiangxi finally spoke up again at this time; Lin Sanjiu looked back and found that he was hit by the air wave to the other end because he was too light. Is hurrying back.

"That pig was deceived," Before she could answer, Qing Jiuruu already had the answer one step ahead. It seemed that he couldn't stand the smoke and dust in the sky. As he said, he squeezed out the door from Lin Sanjiu's side, "It was cheated of its own life, and even killed Ding Liuyi."

"Ah?" Yuan Xiangxi effectively and fully expressed his doubts with one word.

"Do you know what's going on?" Lin Sanjiu asked, making way for him.

"I guessed it." As soon as Qing Jiuliu entered the corridor, he seemed to have his bones removed, he slid down the wall, and sat on the ground, as if he was very tired of his old man just now. "Did you see the look on his face at the last moment?"

Lin Sanjiu remembered.

When Red Shorts took an item out of an empty pocket, it still had a confident, smug look on its face; it didn't even hesitate, and immediately activated the item.

But after the item was activated, before the explosion, Lin Sanjiu did see it on the pig's face in the tiny hair-like gap - it was a kind of fear that was suddenly realized, but it was too late; it was like a dream. The person in the middle opened his eyes dimly, and found that he had just fallen from a high-rise building with dozens of floors, and the ground was about to come up.

Even that expression didn't have time to spread and take shape, and the next moment, it turned into a sky-filled slag of mud that could no longer make an expression.

"The special item that I don't know how to put into its hands must be a scam, just to make it think that it can escape, or to escape with Ding Liuyi. It probably thought that it was a teleportation item. Bar?"

Kiyomiku picked up the hem of his shirt, wiped it on his head and face a few times, and said, "But your speed and force, Molde has seen. If the red shorts took out a teleportation item, then in it During the time you were about to start, you already got all the money... But why didn't you rush up just now? Did you stop Yu Yuan?"

"My intuition is a little dangerous," Lin Sanjiu replied.

"Yes. If you didn't have an intuition at the critical moment and rushed up, then you are now a pile of plaster." Qing Jiuliu lowered his eyelids, and seemed not to be in a good mood, and said: "That is to say, send it behind your back. The person who gave things to the red shorts - I guess Bacheng is Molde or the fourth uncle - doesn't want to save the red shorts and Ding Liuyi at all, because they know very well that in the face of your force, with these small Means can't save it, there's no hope."

"Since there is no hope of rescuing them, then just kill them all, so as not to let information flow into our hands... Right?" Yu Yuan also came out, leaned against the wall, and said, "And still Think of the red shorts as a pork bomb, and if it goes well, we will be dealt with together, killing two birds with one stone."

...It is indeed something that a fallen species can do.

This kind of maliciousness and insidiousness to completely destroy others just for a very ridiculous reason... No, humans can do it too.

If the pigs had a chance to live by atonement, this opportunity has turned into smoke at this time.

Thinking of this, Lin Sanjiu turned back subconsciously and glanced at the remaining half of the ruins.

However, it was this sight that made her stunned for a moment: the smoke and dust that had been stirred up just now was gradually sinking in a few words, making the vision that was smeared in gray and black just now. , the outline of the scene is recreated little by little. It was in the blurred outline that she saw a figure on the ground.

"Ding Liuyi?" She almost couldn't believe it, clutching her mouth and nose, she rushed up in a few big steps, squatted down to take a look, and found that it was actually a Ding Liuyi who was still in full shape.

"How is it possible that he is still alive... ah, I see," in his mind, Teacher Yi immediately called out, "It's the conscious rope you tied to him!"

That's right, she used her consciousness to bind Ding Liuyi layer by layer, even her head was wrapped in a layer, and only two nostrils were exposed; it was originally to prevent him from making a slight movement and causing pigs Alertness, not wanting to play a protective role.

It's just that Lin Sanjiu did not continue to protect him after all the ropes of consciousness were smashed and consumed, so Ding Liuyi still suffered shocking injuries, almost like a bloody man, unable to move at all. She touched the other person's breath and turned around and called out, "He's still alive! But I don't know how long he can live... I have to try to see if I can save him."

"Ah?" Yuan Xiangxi had been waiting for a while, and then he finally gave his opinion again: "What if you stay here and save him, there is no one there to appease him. Have you thought about it? However, the puppet master has legs, and after a while he walked over by himself, this person is still dead..."

"I'll hang him first, and then go there," Lin Sanjiu said, looking for something in the card library, "Although the puppet master has a bad temper, he has a sense of restraint and won't really treat us. How about it."

The others were silent.

Although the words are very similar, Ding Liuyi's injury is too serious. Even though she now has several special items in charge of first aid, Lin Sanjiu knows that when faced with human life, no ability or item can reverse life and death 100%, and she can only do her best.

When she pressed the item that looked like a blood bag into Ding Liuyi's chest whose skin and muscles were shattered to the point of exposing the bones, she was very sure that his heart had stopped beating a few seconds ago - however That consumable disposable item does have its precious truth. As soon as the blood bag was pressed in, she immediately felt her heart suddenly vibrate under the palm of her hand. Then, Ding Liuyi took a slight breath.

The bright red in the blood bag subsided sharply, as if it had been poured into Ding Liuyi's body; even the "bag" itself was melting between the shattered muscle tissue around it, as if trying to reassemble them. .

However, Lin Sanjiu's hope dissipated immediately before it could rise-across the rapidly emptied blood bag, when a muscle tissue changed and stretched, she could see clearly: in Ding Liuyi's heart, a pierced A broken bone went in.

The current life was lent to him by a special item; in a few minutes, the effect of the item will end.

"Ding Liuyi," Lin Sanjiu hurriedly whispered, "Can you hear me?"

Ding Liuyi's dazed yellow eyes turned towards her. There was something in his eyes that made her feel a little strange, but she couldn't say what it was for a while.

"Can you speak?" she asked. "Where is your Mr. Pig from?"

Tears slowly rolled out of Ding Liuyi's eyes.

"Mom, mom," he cried hoarsely, "please, get my... the person in my head... out of my head."

Lin Sanjiu was stunned.

What is he saying?

"It's so noisy... It's so noisy," Ding Liuyi's tone was no longer like an adult's, his eyes pierced through Lin Sanjiu, falling into the vast sky, silently shedding tears, and said, "Mom, I... can't stand the people in my head... I want to go home."

"He's crazy."

These words sounded gloomily from Lin Sanjiu's shoulders, as if a piece of the sky collapsed because she couldn't bear the dark clouds that contained the storm, and the shadow pressed down on her body.