When the sense of weightlessness rushed through Lin Sanjiu's body, one end of the rope formed by consciousness was hung on the windowsill, and the other end was held in her hand, suddenly straight down the haze layer.

Several evolutionists exclaimed in the window above her head, "she really jumped!"—— When the cry fell, it became a faint ghost above the thick haze layer, and was swept away by the wind in the blink of an eye. Lin Sanjiu only had countless vertical pictures flashing in front of him.

[protective force field] spread thinly on her, wrapping every wrinkle and corner. Generally speaking, even if she opened the force field, she could still listen, watch and breathe, so Lin Sanjiu had already reminded Teacher Yi that she held her breath when she jumped down, and then inhaled again, and the end of her nose had been sealed.

In the instinctive panic of the small explosion, Lin Sanjiu kept passing through the gradually gray and dirty building, breaking through the roaring haze in front of him; She suddenly stretched out her legs and stepped on the body of the building, stopping the vomiting of consciousness.

Guess at her speed, she should be between the fifth and third floors, not far from the ground; As far as I could see, I couldn't see anything except the leaden haze full of cold threats.

She hit out a few small whirlpools of air, blowing open the heavy and reluctant haze, and then found a window not far away. Lin Sanjiu swung against the wall, stretched out his feet and kicked into the empty window frame, stabilized his body, sat on the windowsill and retracted the rope of consciousness.

The abandoned building on this floor in [scan of consciousness] seems to be empty except for some residual tables and chairs, garbage and ruins. From the deep and shallow rolling haze, she didn't hear anything - it seemed that even the sound was strangled by the haze.

Lin Sanjiu quickly pulled out a set of oxygen cylinders and breathing equipment from the card library, buckled them on her body, and wrapped them under the [protective force field] - the things she took out of caution when she left Exodus were really useful.

After breathing again, the fear that had been faintly wrapped in the depths of instinct disappeared, and my mind was much clearer.

The next stop is the deepest haze that has destroyed the world.

When she learned of the plan, Teacher Yi warned her: "the earth under the haze layer is completely unknown. Considering your actions and the loss of consciousness, be cautious, even if there is a [protective force field], you must rush out of the haze layer within 30 minutes."

Thirty minutes sounds not short, but the haze is so thick that it will even affect the speed; It usually takes only ten minutes to move, and it may double on the ground.

Lin Sanjiu took a breath, held it in his chest, turned over and jumped off the windowsill.

The whirlpool of air she made suddenly burst the haze below, vaguely revealing the ground that rushed towards her: for a moment, she couldn't see anything clearly, as if there were vague, dirty and messy deposits under it, and the hills fluctuated on the dirty and wet land... She saw the target, flipped in midair, and her feet went straight down.

The car frame, which was rusted into brown black, did not withstand the impact from the sky. It cracked and broke at the foot of Lin Sanjiu, and fell into his body with the fallen people in the dust.

Even through his consciousness, Lin Sanjiu could feel that he had fallen into a hard, rigid and fragmented ruins, and countless broken things stabbed her from all directions, stabbing her - if it weren't for the [protective force field], he would have been injured.

Lin Sanjiu didn't jump out of the car in a hurry.

The reason why she chose to jump into the car was that the car was corroded to almost a bare shelf, which could not hide the accident. At this time, the haze that had just been blown up was about to close again - through the sparse and faint places, several swaying shadows emerged from the hall of the building, across the street, and on the ground at the end of the car.

Before we could see clearly, the haze covered our vision again.

"Go, go," Teacher Yi shouted, "here comes the back!"

Lin Sanjiu immediately jumped out of the car seat, stepped over the original windshield, stepped on a pile of iron ruins that used to be the front of the car, and fell to the ground like a bird. She pushed away the thick haze that seemed to push her back, and rushed out in the direction she remembered.

When she ran, the air flow and the whirlpool blew away the haze, and stirred up countless black catkins, revealing a completely different world from that in the air: dark green vines, vegetation and exposed strong roots tightly wrapped around the earth and broke the floor tiles and slabs; Most cars have been wrapped in piles of black and purple moss. Only the tires corroded as if half of them had melted, and occasionally a broken headlights can let people see their original identity.

"Don't touch live things," Teacher Yi reminded, "just now some leaves actually... Sucked a few bites of your [protective force field]."

"What do you mean, how many sips?"

"Just like a vacuum cleaner, a small piece is sucked up by the blade. If it takes long enough, it can suck your protection away."

This makes action more difficult.

There must be a lot of humidity in the air. There is a greasy light almost like dirty engine oil on plants, land and garbage dumps. It is more and more difficult to find the open space to settle in, and the haze resistance is everywhere pressing up; When Lin Sanjiu slowed down, she clearly saw a bunch of large, undulating "blood vessels" on the leaves, a ray of reflective purple line disappeared.

"Who are you?"

From the depths of the black Xu smoke, a voice was calling softly, "we are wandering through the money affairs agency in the cloud. Here we collect the materials for making the fog ball. Now, the visitor should immediately report his identity to avoid misunderstanding!"

Obviously, it is full of alert and urgent content, but the tone can't keep up, as if the weak actor is squeezing the lines of a role. Lin Sanjiu walked forward with deep feet and shallow feet, and the voice also followed opposite her, and continued from the haze: "Lao Ding, we only need to collect one kilogram of this black wadding each, are you overcharging?"

Listen carefully, and the speech is still a little vague, as if the tongue can't pronounce around the words skillfully.

"Why are you so inflexible? Take a little more as preparation, so as not to run again, right? Even if you don't need it, what can you do if you keep it for me?" The same voice changed her tone and asked herself and answered.

The fog ball with black catkins is the currency with the largest face value in the clouds. Now Lin Sanjiu understands that he originally had to send people to go deep into the earth to collect it. As she swept the ground with an iron bar, she took a step and sighed for the team of institutional workers who collected materials - I'm afraid they had an accident here.

Is it a degenerate species?

Lin San Jiu raised his hand to blow out a vortex of air flow, clearing away a haze on the opposite side. A long broken dark red brick wall loomed out in the vaguely dispersed fog - the sidewalk had long disappeared; There is no trace of any living things nearby, not even the vegetation all over the earth. Only the brick wall stands bare on the dark land.

... but what's that on the brick wall?

Lin Sanjiu narrowed his eyes and made another vortex when the haze was about to close. The airflow vortex is also weak at the deepest part of the haze layer, because even the air is saturated with weight, so it needs to be replenished frequently.

There is nothing on the brick wall - that is to say, there is nothing else except the dirty, dim, broken and cracked red bricks.

Staring at the red brick wall in a daze, she suddenly understood why the working group that should have been prepared was in danger here.

The crooked black cracks on the brick wall clearly formed a walking human figure with his head up and hands waving, one leg in front of the other leg behind - if you look carefully, you can even see that it is a woman's figure.

Look carefully again, the woman's eyes, that is, a broken black damage on the wall brick, fell on the edge of the face drawn by the crack, and stared at Lin Sanjiu flatly.

Lin Sanjiu's eyes swept back with the brick wall and looked forward. As far as his eyes could see, all the black broken lines and cracks on the wall formed human shapes naturally. He could even see that they were the same woman, and even the clothes he was wearing were the same style.

Just like the figures in the Egyptian murals, it is also like a comic strip. The simple human shape on the wall is flat and thin, composed of split lines. Each action is different, and even a little stiff and ridiculous; But her movements were clear, and from behind, she was walking on the brick wall step by step - along with Lin Sanjiu.

Looking at her figure, her mouth is closed and her right arm is raised high; The next human figure in front, his mouth opened - Lin Sanjiu realized that when he walked in front, he might hear the human figure repeat the conversation of the working group again.

What on earth is this? Walls? biology Degenerate species? Ghost?

"Don't look," Teacher Yi's tone suddenly became urgent. "These cracks have been seen for a long time, and it's impossible to say what effect they have - we don't know why the human shape formed by the cracks can make a sound."

Lin Sanjiu hurriedly lowered his eyes, thought for a moment, suddenly shook his arm, and threw the iron bar to the woman on the brick wall in the distance; The iron bar roared and rotated to break the light haze, and "when" hit the woman's arm - a new long crack was suddenly made on the wall, right from the head, dividing the woman's shape into two halves.

It seems to have achieved the effect, but Lin Sanjiu himself was stunned. She didn't expect that she could really knock a new crack out of the wall; It seems that her guess is wrong. Isn't the red brick wall the problem?

"Hurry up," Teacher Yi urged, "at least the crack can't go down the wall."

That's right. Lin Sanjiu let the haze gradually close, and covered the red brick wall behind the invisible barrier again - although she felt that the cracked human shape could see her - she felt the hairs on her back lying down again. She turned half a circle, looking at the thick haze, but did not move.

"Teacher Yi," she asked, "is this the way I was heading just now? When I turned to look at the wall just now, I paid special attention to it. I only turned my right foot 90 degrees..."

In the silence of his mind, Lin Sanjiu's lower abdomen was shrinking and tightening, and he continued to say dryly, "I'm sure, otherwise it would be worse to walk more and more in the thick fog."

Exchange good books and pay attention to VX official account [book friends' base camp]. Now pay attention, you can get a cash red envelope!

"Yes, there's nothing wrong," from the depths of her mind, the woman's thin voice on the red brick wall sounded, as if she had been pinching her throat since just now, pretending to be a teacher's voice. "That's the direction, let's go."