No, no... this is too reckless. How can it be?

Qiao Yuan Temple also knows that he can only stare at Jin Yan now. He must be very stupid and suspicious. The door of the office was wide open, and the deformed people in the corridor outside came and went, talking and laughing. No one doubted whether a suspicion test was being staged in the office close at hand.

Didn't Jin Yan see the picture she hung on the wall? Why dare to draw such a conclusion? Unless she's deliberately luring the snake out of the hole, right?

But if Jin Yan has changed her shape, she should never notice anything different from the bird food box. To reach the conclusion that "deformed people can't feed birds", there must first be a premise that "deformed people lack compassion"; However, transformants simply do not have such a premise - after all, in their own eyes, they are very normal human beings.

To discover from the bird food box that Qiao Yuan Temple is not a deformed person, there must be two things: first, a clear understanding of the essence of the deformed person; The second is a simple but complete logic. There are neither of these two things for transformants - at least for now, she has observed so many transformants, and has not found a counterexample yet.

According to the inference of this thinking... It is unlikely that Jin Yan is a deformed person.

Qiao Yuan Temple swallowed his dry throat and still couldn't speak. The female student opposite is also staring at her; The former's face became whiter and whiter, and her face seemed to be gradually filled with a layer of cement. She was so stiff and frozen that she couldn't even lift the tip of her eyebrows, but she still made people see her growing fear. Jin Yan lowered her head and quickly pulled back her hand that had been on the table, but at this time she could not stop shaking slightly.

Qiao Yuan Temple suddenly understood.

Isn't she the same?

I don't know how many times she felt that she couldn't bear the suffocation for even one more second; She can't wait to catch those normal people who haven't deformed at that time, shake their collars, point to deformed faces, and ask them to open their eyes and have a good look.

It's OK to wake up a companion. Even if she was found and flooded by the crowd, she at least shouted before she disappeared. If she fails, it happens that all this will end. She doesn't have to endure silently anymore - the new world has only begun for two months, she is only 33 years old, and she doesn't know how to spend the rest of her life.

Must Jin Yan be in the same mood?

She tried to keep her voice steady and broke the silence in the room that seemed to have lasted too long.

"... haven't you seen my picture?" Even if Qiao Yuan Temple can empathize with Jin Yan, she dare not admit it rashly, so she asked the safest question.

Jin Yan lowered her eyelids. "Miss Qiao... Is this a test you set up? Are you using the bird food box to attract people without deformation to come to you?"

Qiao Yuan Temple was stunned.

"My father is a photographer... I know that photos can be modified by cutting and spelling negatives. In fact, the teachers in the photography department must also know that you are not afraid of their doubts?" The more Jin Yan said, the less her voice was. Even Qiao Yuan Temple had a little trouble hearing it clearly. She couldn't help glancing at the door. Jin Yan was probably afraid of being heard by people coming and going.

"I went to your class before... I've been skeptical since then... And who needs to hang up photos of his face deformation? I think it should be only normal people."

"Since you are so sure, what are you afraid of?" Qiao Yuan Temple's heart pounded, but he still didn't admit it.

Jin Yan closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"Because I don't know, what is the purpose of setting this... Test." When she answered, she also closed her eyes, as if she had completely let go. "Miss Qiao, why do you want to find other normal people?"

The more normal people around, the more dangerous she is. The more normal people, the more dangerous... In the deep mind of Qiao Yuan Temple, this sentence is constantly echoing; Her hand did not know when to put down the pen, leaned over the table, and held Jin Yan's shoulder.

"This is not the place to talk," Qiao Yuan Temple spit out the air flow of his lips are trembling, "come with me."

... in the sea of distorted faces, Qiao Yuan Temple felt like he must have been blessed by heaven in the first week when he and Jin Yan found each other.

As long as there is a companion, everything is immediately different: humans are probably such creatures. When they are connected, one plus one is greater than two. For the sake of safety, Jin Yan finally didn't wait for her class; But it doesn't matter, because Jin Yan said that the reason why she insisted on scheduling this course was just to observe Qiao Yuan Temple more.

"Miss Qiao, I really don't know what sustains you," Jin Yan sometimes says.

As for the fact that the old world has come to an end, Jin Yan doesn't seem to take it seriously - rather, she thinks it's just a way for Qiao Yuan Temple to look at the world and express her feelings; Without talking about the past, Qiao Yuan Temple mentioned it twice. Seeing that she didn't take it personally, it was all over later. After all, what difference does it make to their lives whether they accept it or not?

Compared with the past, the general framework of their living environment has not changed, but there has been a slight chaotic deterioration in many aspects. After becoming a precarious marginal person, Qiao Yuan Temple observed the world around her half out of curiosity and half out of necessity: in addition to the gradually increasing negligence and deception, perfunctory and crude, and inferior and absurd, the public security seemed to be slowly getting worse, and some of the sensational news and stories always made her suspect that it was the fault of the evolutors.

As an alien hidden in the deformed people, an ordinary person who lives in the doomsday world, Qiao Yuansi clearly realizes that her future life will only slowly and gradually get worse - if she is lucky enough.

If you are unlucky, the world may suddenly become something she can't recognize overnight; I don't know which day she will be gripped and burned to ashes by the world in the morning when she steps out of the house.

Later, Qiao Yuan Temple learned that it was not in the morning when she was burned to ashes.

On the day of the penultimate month, after Qiao Yuan Temple entered the house, he received a message from Jin Yan on his answering machine. "Miss Qiao," the latter's voice was a little excited, "don't be angry. I know you don't approve of me doing this... But I'm 200% sure this time that I found another normal person who can see deformation!"

Qiao Yuan Temple's heart immediately hung up. Jin Yan is clear and smart, but she is still young after all. Sometimes she can be said to be brave or reckless; In addition, she met Qiao Yuan Temple at the first contact with others. Inspired by this success, she always felt that she could find another Qiao Yuan Temple.

"Don't worry, I haven't mentioned a word about your existence to him. We have an appointment to meet in the park next to the school at seven this evening, and then I will carefully observe and consider him..."

seven o'clock?

Qiao Yuan Temple raised his wrist to look at his watch, hurriedly grabbed the hat and scarf hanging by the door, turned his head and rushed out of the door.

Jin Yan really considered it. At this moment, it is gradually winter, and the seven o'clock park has already been completely dark. Under the orange street lights one by one, the park was sparsely populated, with a wide view and extending in all directions. If there was any accident, Jin Yan also had a chance to escape.

Qiao Yuan Temple searched everywhere. When he saw two figures on the bench in the distance, he quickly stopped his steps and sat down at the edge of the flower bed. Under the shade of the tree, she pulled down her hat and raised her scarf. Her eyes were fixed on the figure like a couple - the boy was older than Jin Yan and looked strange. He didn't look like a student, but seemed to have gone to work.

Qiao Yuan Temple sat and observed from a distance for a while, and gradually put down half his heart. Naturally, she couldn't hear anything at such a distance; But from the atmosphere and body movements when the two interact, everything seems to be going smoothly. The two talked for a short time. After more than ten minutes, they nodded to each other, and the boy stood up and left first.

Fortunately, the other half of her heart was also put down. Qiao Yuan Temple followed, just to ensure Jin Yan's safety. Now seeing that the boy left first, and Jin Yan was still well, she finally breathed a sigh of relief - after thinking, she stood up and followed the boy far away.

The boy didn't seem to realize that he was being followed; Two people, one in front of the other, walked quietly in the gloom. There were few people in the park. Only a man like an office worker walked past them. After a while, a female employee in a red company uniform walked past; Next, two girls of similar age with badges on their chest walked over, and another middle-aged man in a blue company uniform walked over.

... are there few people?

When Qiao Yuan Temple suddenly stopped and turned around to rush back, in the corner of her vision, the boy walked towards the park gate without looking back.

In that dark and cold winter evening, the scenes in my memory became as old and unreal as black-and-white movies.

Qiao Yuan Temple remembered that he was desperately running back all the way. It was only twoorthree minutes away, but it seemed that he would never reach the end. But Jin Yan suddenly appeared in front of her eyes as if she were cold: Jin Yan was still sitting on the bench as it was, and I don't know when she lowered her head, and her long hair covered her side face.

Beside Jin Yan, the male office worker, the two girls wearing work badges, the female clerk in red uniforms, and the middle-aged man in blue uniforms were standing in a circle around the girl on the bench. When they heard the footsteps of Qiao Yuan Temple stumbling and suddenly pausing, they turned their heads one after another.

Every picture is a face.

Qiao Yuan Temple was in a trance, unaware of their line of sight, just staring at Jin Yan.

Jin Yan finally turned her head slowly.

Blood red thick scratches crawled out of the corners of her eyes, as if blood had torn the earth, meandering up on her face, tearing her face into pieces. Her tears fell one by one, but she couldn't wash away even a little bit of the blood on her face.

Qiao Yuan Temple took a breath and made a small sound in her throat. When she hurried to cover her mouth with her hands, it was already late. It was like hearing a signal, and the group of company staff came towards her step by step.

"Sure enough, there is another one." I don't know who said it.