In the next few days, Qiao Yuan Temple felt like he was in a trance and had a long dream.

Say it's a dream. She can remember clearly what happened in the past few days; She said it was not a dream, but she felt as if she was "no longer where she was" - her self seemed to be pulled out of her body, and the person who owned her body was not Qiao Yuan Temple.

No, no, that's like an outsider occupying her body; More accurately, before Qiao Yuan Temple's face deformed, her self began to deform first.

The night she found that she couldn't understand her class case, Qiao Yuan Temple could hardly describe her feelings at that time in words. A neighbor can become a monster, and the world can usher in the end, but if she doesn't have wisdom, she doesn't know who she is and how to live. Having established the foundation of thirty-three years of life, all of a sudden it collapsed and crumbled; She buried her face in her arm and cried silently for some time. Finally, she was persuaded by Ying Shuian to put down her handout and go to bed. Before falling asleep, she had a vague hope in her heart that "maybe it would be better to sleep".

After getting up the next day, she was completely relieved.

Yingshuian seems to have stayed up all night. As soon as he heard the footsteps of Qiao Yuan Temple, he jumped up from the sofa and followed her around the room.

When she was about to enter the kitchen to prepare breakfast, yingshuian stopped her, spread her textbook on the table, and asked, "can you read it?"

Qiao Yuan Temple stared at the page for a moment. "I know every word... The meaning of being together is so difficult to understand. What does this mean?"

"Then watch slowly, sentence by sentence."

Qiao Yuan Temple couldn't help rolling his eyes and buried his head again. She forced herself to read it slowly for several minutes before she barely understood a sentence or two; Instead, this progress made her irritable. She pushed the table and stood up and said, "what's the use of looking at this thing? I'm hungry, and I don't want to see it."

Sakura Shuian didn't speak. He sat at the other end of the table, watching her enter the kitchen, watching her make breakfast for one person; He didn't open his mouth again until she ate it slowly.

"The red marks on your face have lightened." He said calmly.

"Oh," Qiao Yuan Temple was reminded that there were still red marks on his face. After touching it, he said, "I don't think it's a big deal. It should be completely eliminated in two days."

"Do you still think you can't deform?"

"No," Qiao Yuan Temple waved his hand, thinking that this statement was really ridiculous: "I'm a living man, and my face suddenly changed. Why? What scientific reason can explain it? If not, it's impossible."

Sakura Shuian's expression, as if he suddenly heard something unbearable stupid, stared at her and frowned. "... what?"

It's hard to explain why, but Qiao Yuan Temple suddenly seemed to be stepped on, and all the thorns stood up, ready for defense. "What, what," she stared at him with vigilance and said defiantly, "those deformations, the end of the world, are you the only one talking about? The morning news? It's in the newspaper? Why didn't I see it?"

Sakura Shuian wiped his face, as if he couldn't believe the current situation. "Have you forgotten the facts you saw with your own eyes?"

"There must be an explanation for what I saw," Qiao Yuansi said. "I've been camping on foot for so long, and I'm tired of driving. It's also possible to read it wrong. And to say 10000 steps back, what if I'm deformed? Don't I still eat and sleep as usual? If I'm a monster, the school will still pay me. Don't say this again. I'm upset and I don't want to hear it."

When she stood up to collect the dishes, she thought of another thing and warned him, "don't talk nonsense when you go out, or I won't care about you if they catch you."

Ying Shuian's eyebrows jumped slightly, and immediately raised his eyes, as if stabbed by this sentence for a moment.

Even if Qiao Yuan Temple was bothering him now, when he touched his eyes, he couldn't help but be stunned - the color in his eyes was too clean and clear, like a small piece of blue sky was frozen on the snowfield. She suddenly remembered that when she first saw him yesterday, she felt that he was like a wild eagle across a mountain... How did she think of this metaphor? Did she think of it?

She slammed the plate down on the table, tightly pinched the back of the chair, and gradually came with the memories of yesterday.

She did not forget what happened yesterday; But just now she really couldn't remember - yesterday's memory seemed to have become some old letters that had been put away. They were still there, but they were sitting in a drawer far away and never crossed her mind easily.

"Don't give me textbooks," Qiao Yuan Temple said hoarsely, still hanging his head. "It may be too difficult for me... There are some general knowledge books, please give me that."

Before her last word fell, yingshuian jumped up to look for a book. He seemed to be afraid that he would slow down. This little Qiao Yuan Temple would slip away from the body again, and quickly put a stack of books with the word general knowledge in front of her.

Qiao Yuan Temple shivered all over for no reason, and turned over several books in succession. The frustration and frustration that he couldn't see and understand became more and more intense; When tears came up in her eyes, yingshuian suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, squatted down in front of her and whispered, "if only you were sad, if only you were sad."

"... what do you mean?"

"Listen to me," Sakura Shuian's tone was a little urgent. "Those red marks are beginning to change your mind and character. I don't know how those red marks work, but maybe we can suppress them in the opposite direction."

"How to suppress?" Qiao Yuan Temple didn't realize that he was crying until he saw a drop of water falling on his hand.

"... by alleviating the symptoms it causes." Sakura Shuian, like a doctor who comforted children, gently said, "if you think these are still too difficult, just do some simple thinking training with me. You said yourself that the virus can't kill people 100%, why can't you survive with resistance?"

When doing thinking training, Qiao Yuan Temple's face in the mirror was clean again, and there was no trace of blood left.

Strange to say, it was clear that her intelligence did not deteriorate, and she was still very fast in solving math problems, but after a while, she even began to make mistakes in elementary school thinking problems. She didn't want to do it again soon, but yingshuian didn't let her go - although he was tall and thin, his strength was amazing and terrible. He was not like a human, but like a construction crane.

After holding down Qiao Yuan Temple, he was still full of patience and asked: "... Which of the above examples is the truth?"

She couldn't answer, so he repeated it again. The two of them come and go like a tug of war. Even Qiao Yuan Temple can feel that her state also moves forward and backward, sometimes good and sometimes bad in this repeated tug of war - but yingshuian is right: as long as she constantly competes for positions in the way of training, her deterioration speed will be temporarily restrained.

The "deformation" factor is like a living creature. After realizing that this position is difficult to grab, it slowly loosened its control. For a full afternoon, Qiaoyuan temple did not deteriorate again; The two of them waited in fear until the evening, and finally breathed a sigh of relief - it was not easy to get through the next day.

On the third day, the state of Qiaoyuan temple was similar to that of yesterday. The two of them have done thinking training for half a morning, and it seems that everything is getting better gradually; Sakura Shuian is also more and more happy, and her eyes are shining. If it hadn't been for a bird hitting her glass that afternoon, I'm afraid no one would have noticed the problem.

It was an unknown and beautiful bird, with a fat tawny body and sharp black tail feathers; It didn't know where it was injured, and it still couldn't fly after splashing a few times. When yingshuian heard the sound and stood up, Qiao yuan temple asked, "throw it into the big garbage can in the community."

Sakura Shuian turned around and looked at her. "It's not dead yet."

"That's dying," Qiao Yuan Temple waved, "throw it away quickly."

Sakura Shuian smiled at her almost gently.

When Qiao Yuan Temple lowered her head again, she suddenly felt a hand grab her collar and lifted it up, and she was lifted up by yingshuian in situ. He dragged her to the door, even rough, and said, "pick it up."

"Why?" Qiao Yuan Temple pulled his arm back hard and asked angrily.

"Because you're not like that." Yingshuian said simply.

An old bird startled Qiao Yuan Temple every time it fluttered its wings. Naturally, she was very unhappy - if she didn't dare to provoke Ying Shuian, she wouldn't want to take the bird into the house. She sat down on the sofa with the bird in her arms. The mirror she had placed there was on the coffee table in front of her. As soon as she sat down, she just saw her face shaking in the mirror. It seemed that a wave hit from under his face, curled, and flashed by.

She was frozen all over.

Sakura Shuian stood on the aisle behind her. She should have seen the image in the mirror, but she didn't speak. For a time, there was only silence in the living room except for the sharp sound of the bird flapping its wings.

"Why... Didn't I get worse," Qiao Yuan Temple said hoarsely, "how..."

The footsteps of yingshuian approached from behind. When he stood behind the sofa and bent down, Qiao Yuan Temple felt a warm hand slip into his neck and gently pinch her neck. Her throat was resting on his knuckles, making her feel for the first time that her throat was such a fragile thing.

"To be honest," Sakura Shuian said slowly, in a calm tone. "The day before yesterday, I thought that since the world can still work normally, even if you are deformed, I don't need to kill you. There may be nothing wrong with letting you live with other monsters in this world. But now... I have changed my mind."

Qiao Yuan Temple's teeth are slightly fighting, and even the bird in his arms dare not move.

The evolutionist is far more terrible than the deformed man.

"I don't like what you're becoming. If you can't make it, I might as well kill you now."