Elizabeth found herself more and more handy when she lied recently.

After agreeing to Pinker's terms and secretly meeting with Pinker twice, the next plan gradually took shape in her heart. To make people believe her, it's hard to say, it's easy to say - she needs to dig out some secret facts that others don't know as much as possible.

On the other hand, she is more like a detective than a fairy.

The good news is that "Miss Chen" disappeared from her home. I don't know where she went. Finally, Elizabeth can live like a normal person. At first, she thought that "Miss Chen" was ready to surprise her by appearing suddenly. She waited nervously for two days, but she never saw the shadow of that thing again.

While that thing disappears, she has to hurry to complete the game task.

"... there is something you are striving for, but it is always covered in the fog, so that you can't find it all over."

This is not the first time she has spoken this set of words; Now when Elizabeth talks nonsense, even Miss Chen shows a shaking color mixed with surprise and suspicion - it is no longer the way she used to be lazy to listen and sniff.

Of course, Miss Chen will definitely not be able to find it everywhere. After all, what she wants is in Pinker's hands at the moment. I don't know where it is hidden by the child.

Strangely enough, Miss Chen did not touch grandma Pinker again after she took the medicine again; Maybe it's because she can't suppress her anxiety. It is said that every time she is a guest, the traces of looking around and moving around in other people's homes are becoming more and more obvious.

"The reason why you need this thing is closely related to your past." Of course, this is nonsense. Of course, there is a reason for Miss Chen to ask for grandma Pinker's identity information, and this reason cannot happen in the future. Elizabeth and Miss Chen were standing in the corridor, not where they were talking, so they smiled gently and said, "I can divine for you according to your past and lead you to the side of that thing, but if you are always stubborn..."

She didn't finish her words, but shook her head like a pity, and then walked away; As she walked, she felt Miss Chen's eyes still lingering on her back. Elizabeth put the first tick on the to-do list in her mind - Miss Chen's today's deception was completed.

"I... I'm afraid if it goes on like this, I'll be killed by him first... I can't delay, I can't delay..."

In the apartment she visited the second time, Yan Huang was sitting on the bed close to the wall with her knees in her arms, mumbling incoherently. Her eyes were white and round, hardly focused, and seemed to fall out when staring at the front; Elizabeth even felt that she might have forgotten that there was another one beside her.

"What are you going to do?" She asked tentatively, "now the neighbors in the building feel that you are gradually recovering."

"Not enough!" Yan Huang suddenly looked up, and his shin bone "clattered". "He can't treat me as a psychosis, so it's time to start thinking of other ways - I, I can't let him succeed. I have to let him... Let him first..."

It's not good to start first. If Yan Huang really broke out and let people know that she had been pretending, Elizabeth would lose at least heipeng, a "believer"; At any rate, she used all the mysterious words she could think of, and finally stabilized Yan Huang for the time being.

"Listen to me, because I can see the arrangement of fate." She vowed, "have you taken good care of that baby lately?"

If she wants to show that she has recovered, she must start taking care of her children. Just to let the baby into Yan Huang's vision, Elizabeth spent a lot of effort - she had to make up a lie that heipeng had a child with a woman outside, and then she was finally heard by Yan Huang, who had already thought that heipeng was extremely evil.

Yan Huang froze his neck and nodded for a long time.

How many days before the end of the game? Elizabeth wiped her sweat and thought to herself. Is there only twelve days left? As long as we delay her for another 12 days, the goal will be completed.

As long as Yan Huang can continue to maintain the illusion of normality, heipeng's trust will be preserved. Recently, she has visited heipeng and Yan Huang every day. In addition to relying on them to solve lunch, she can also maintain their trust in herself by the way; For Elizabeth, this is already the daily work content.

For the remaining neighbors, she knows too little information.

Elizabeth came to the door of apartment 1 along the corridor, looked at the cat sunflower at the door, and poured all the water in her bottle. She likes this pot of marshmallow and is worried that the drunken owner of apartment 1 can't take care of it well, so she comes down to water it from time to time - besides, she can secretly listen to the movement in apartment 1 under the guise of watering; Although so far, she has basically got no useful clues.

"If only you could tell me what happened inside," Elizabeth sighed and said to herself to cat Kwai, "I heard that he and Abby quarreled so much that they both fought..."

Cat sunflower swayed in the breeze for a few times, and I don't know if it really has something to say.

Elizabeth touched the top leaf of the marshmallow and was about to turn around when her eyes suddenly turned and stopped. She has been hanging around the door of No. 1 apartment for many times recently, and it is the first time she heard the barbecue Hu make a sound other than snoring - she pretended to observe the growth of cat sunflower, squatted down and stood up her ears.

She imagined that she might hear all kinds of things, but never thought that she would hear this from apartment 1.

... the faint voice of barbecue Hu is singing a lullaby.

The only baby in this building is at Yan Huang's and heipeng's house. She has just seen it; Barbecue Hu has no children. What lullaby do you sing? And as he sang, his voice was cut off by sobs, and gradually turned into a low cry like a groan.

Is this person mentally ill?

Elizabeth, full of doubts, tried to gently leave the door of apartment 1. The two female college students seemed to be the most normal people in the building. She really couldn't find a breakthrough, and she didn't think they were hiding something secret; After thinking for a while, she decided to start with Mr. Guan on the second floor.

His secret love for Jessica is known to the whole building. I wonder if she can take advantage of it?

Elizabeth soon got the answer to this question.

"Sorry," Mr. Guan said with a distant face, "I'm not interested in divination and wishing."

Before she could figure out what to say to keep his attention, Mr. Guan had slammed the door with a bang.

Well, it's another hard bone to chew.

Elizabeth sighed and felt that she had to negotiate with Quito next. She shuffled to the last house in the building - apartment 8 next door to her, where ABI lived.


After a series of fourorfive doorbells, no one answered the door; She knocked on the door and cried, "are you home? I'm Elizabeth."

There was still silence in apartment 8.

It's impossible for her not to be at home... Elizabeth looked in through the window for a while. She couldn't see why. However, she knocked on the door again, but no one answered. She looked around and saw that the neighbors in the building seemed to be staying at home, reaching out and quietly holding the door handle.

The door is unlocked.

Elizabeth opened the door and walked slowly into the cool darkness behind the door. The air in the house was stagnant and heavy, mixed with a sharp and pungent smell.

Even before turning on the light, she knew what was waiting for her in the house.

She tapped on the light in the living room.

Amid the smashing of cups and plates, the overturning of tables and chairs, and the messy room, ABI's twisted body was presented in the center like a work of art. Her whole body was covered with wounds, as if she had been skinned by the furious wind and rain; The most eye-catching thing is that her legs were separated and put on the edge of the overturned sofa, and the pool of blood under her body has dried up.

Elizabeth screamed.