After realizing what had happened, Lin Sanjiu stood stunned for a long time, staring at the wall in a daze - until Teacher Yi gently reminded her to say "hide, don't stand", she suddenly came back to her senses, and didn't enter a nearby path for a few steps.

There are also arched carved iron doors standing on this path, and she can't tell whether it's the one she passed by. The bottom of the hospital is a maze of countless similar paths. As long as you go farther, it is difficult to identify the direction when you come. Hearing a rustle of clothing friction sound, she seemed to be getting closer and closer. She stepped back a few steps, jumped into the air, pushed her toes on the wall, and shot up when she twisted her body. Her right hand grabbed the iron door frame and pulled herself up.

Stepping on the half palm wide arched iron door with her toes, she squatted down like an owl, holding her breath and waiting for someone to come.

Ahead is a T-shaped intersection, both sides of which are just not illuminated by the light of wall lamps. At this time, it is quiet and dim. She looked at the intersection without blinking, and saw a shadow slowly emerging from the intersection on her right hand, stretching longer and longer on the ground, and gradually sticking out the man's head; The hair hanging down to the shoulders fell down and swayed leisurely in the light and shadow.

"Huh?" Looking around, Yajiang saw that there was no one above the path, his face was cautious and confused, and he didn't dare to step out for a long time: "just now it seemed that someone..."

Lin Sanjiu suddenly saw an acquaintance in this ghost place, and even his chest warmed up. He was like a child who couldn't wait to complain to his friends. She quickly "hissed" him in a low voice and gently shouted, "here!"

As soon as Yajiang looked up, he was startled when his eyes just fell on Lin Sanjiu.

"What are you doing up there?" He said, turning out from the back of the corner, put one hand on the corner and wiped his forehead with the other hand: "I didn't expect that after so many rounds, I finally went to the hospital..."

Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but be stunned.

... why are Yajiang's arms still complete? Didn't he have to take things out with his hands to be swallowed by the magma?

She was cheated so hard just now, and now she's a little scared. When she thought that it might be other players pretending to be Yajiang to cheat her, she couldn't help sweating on her back - at this time, Yajiang suddenly turned his head and dropped his hands.

Lin Sanjiu cast his eyes along his movements.

At this time, only the upper part of Yajiang's body poked out from behind the wall, and he didn't know what he had done, so he took another leg from behind the wall; Lin Sanjiu stared at him tightly until his whole body came out from behind the wall, and then he finally understood——

"Where are you, your waist and abdomen?" She asked in a low voice.

Yajiang has complete limbs and neat clothes. If he covers his waist and abdomen, he really can't see anything wrong. But the parts below the sternum and above the crotch were actually empty at this time: the fracture was as flat and smooth as the broken arm of Lin Sanjiu, showing a meat pink plane; The middle between the two bodies is empty, and there is not even a broken spine. At first glance, he looked like a Lego man, except for a piece missing in the middle, leaving the upper half floating in the air.

"Isn't your arm gone," said Yajiang unhappily, "is it necessary for you to ask me?"

When he said this, he lowered his remaining upper body, hugged his left leg with both hands, and moved it forward a step; When it stepped out, he hugged his right leg again and dragged it up - by this way, he finally walked into the path.

Lin Sanjiu opened his mouth and said after a while, "you... Your third special item is..."

"I'm wrapped around my waist," he said with an expression of "that's it. What are you going to do?" when I was swallowed by lava, Bunny Rabbit looked at me and couldn't stop laughing. "

Although this bridge section is uncommon, the effect is really comic.

"Then you... Then you can only walk forward with your hands and two legs?" Lin Sanjiu watched him move forward bit by bit, and he understood why Bonnie rabbit would smile like that: "you can't control your legs?"

"If you had lost your waist, could you still walk?" Yajiang seemed to see her smile under her face, and could not help feeling a little angry: "don't you know that lower limb movements also need the participation of waist and abdomen muscles? I'm just more flexible in the upper body... I can shake my knees, ankles and toes, but what's the use?"

"Then how did you get down?"

"I jumped down directly." Yajiang stretched his face and said, "fortunately, my ward is not high, and the door is very close to these walls on the ground floor - what else can I do?"

"Can you dance?" Lin Sanjiu blurted out.

"Just throw your legs down first!" Yajiang waved his hand, "don't talk about me. Tell me about you! Fortunately, I met you. I don't need to carry my legs around here a little bit. What's going on here? How can we get points?"

It seems that he has also read the price list in the room.

Lin Sanjiu sighed before speaking: "what I don't have is more than an arm... I was cheated just now."

With that, she told Yajiang everything just now; The latter was stunned and kept saying "how can you prevent this" and "even have a map?" At last, when Lin Sanjiu finished speaking, he was silent for a while.

"No wonder when I said that I thought the goal of the game was to find a love letter, Bunny Rabbit didn't even have interest in listening... She knew that what she could buy with points here could not be the goal of the game." Yajiang looked up and said, "don't say, although you lost a kidney and didn't get the information book, you didn't get nothing at all."

Lin Sanjiu nodded, said "I think so too", and slid down from the arched iron door and gently fell to the ground.

In order to successfully disguise as a replica creature, the small shopkeeper dutifully entered the role of acting and speaking. In the process of bargaining with her, he also revealed a lot of information like NPC.

"First of all, I know how to earn points in the hospital."

Lin Sanjiu took a few steps, stopped and waited for Yajiang to move his thigh to follow up. "Human organs and blood, whether their own or others, can be exchanged for points, otherwise the shopkeeper will not deliberately cheat my kidney. Since it is organ trading, of course, it must be fresh. I thought that if you want to hunt new fresh organs from others, you either have to kidnap the living to the toll office by force, or you have to freeze the newly harvested organs... But now I know them What are we going to do? "

Where did other players get the refined steel frame? Is the hospital toll office?

"Secondly - I'm not 100% sure about this, but I guess the location of the hospital toll office should be unstable."

After thinking for a few seconds, Yajiang hugged his right leg and gave a "hum" to show his approval.

"How does the small shopkeeper know whether I'm a newcomer or an old player?" When she said this, she looked up at the top - the broad circular building walls, surrounding the bottom of the hospital, seemed to stretch upward as if endless; The iron doors near the bottom floor looked as big as playing cards, and smaller and smaller as they went up, gradually shrinking from the size of mahjong and fingernails to almost invisible. In the range she could see, from time to time, an iron door was pushed open, or a figure flashed on the wall; Under the silent sea, the undercurrent never stopped for a moment.

"This general hospital is so large that I'm afraid all lava players who were swallowed by magma outside have been sent here. That's not a number of three or five." Lin Sanjiu looked back and found that Yajiang was too weak to move his legs, There was a layer of sweat on his forehead: "the small shopkeeper didn't know whether the next person he was waiting for was a new person or an old player. Was he not afraid that the old player would hunt him when he saw him? But even so, he still set up a fake store... So I wondered whether the location of the toll booth was not fixed at all, it was completely random, so he could shoot a gun and change a place to deceive people everywhere."

"But... Are NPCs in the hospital toll office also random?" Yajiang asked.

"I don't know if he used any disguise." Lin Sanjiu frowned and thought, "before I approached the fake store, I saw an evolutionist standing at the door, muttering something like 'four points for such a little thing', and then left... I didn't think much at that time, but now I recall that it was simply a means to lead me into the trap. Maybe the evolutionist and the owner were the same person, as long as he moved fast enough."

"That's great," said Yajiang without any meaning of being too good. "If your reasoning is correct, even if we find the toll office, we can't tell whether it's genuine or a liar."

Lin Sanjiu tilted his head, but when he spoke again, he talked about another thing.

"When I jumped down, someone kept chasing after me and told me that it was dangerous below... It seemed that he wanted me to trust him." But that man's acting skills are really not very good. Compared with the small shopkeeper, even a fool can see something wrong. "I'm thinking, isn't every player in the hospital in a weak state with reduced combat power? Can it be... In this hospital, we have to find ways to cheat people to survive?"