"But this Cartesian spirit may also be lying, right?"

From a blanket that Bohemia casually turned over, there was a small voice of the cat doctor: "... Whether Lin Sanjiu was infected or the body was full of spores, it said it. I don't understand. It just wanted to absorb us. How can it start to protect us in a blink of an eye? It can't sympathize with us?"

It pretended to be drying its body, and had been busy in the blanket for a long time - Descartes was still wrapped in a cat and a man at this time, and he sighed bitterly at the words.

"For me, you mortal creatures, if you can absorb it, you will absorb it. If you can't absorb it, you will vomit and live and die. What do I care about? Although I can talk, I'm not human, and I don't have your feelings. Whether you are infected or become servants, I don't care at all."

"Then why..." Bohemia gently spit out a few words.

"Isn't it because of your weird power that I don't let go!" The voice that hit the nerve in my mind suddenly became stronger and stirred up: "if I didn't protect you just now, after you were infected and became servants, I would be unlucky!"

"What do you say?"

Bohemia pretended to wipe his face while sweeping Lin San Jiu not far away with the end of his eyes. The latter seemed to have forgotten all the corpses she carried, and no longer looked in the direction of the mutilated corpse at a glance; His face looked calm, as if even the sadness of gang Cai had disappeared completely. She is sometimes distracted and sometimes strolls for a few steps, but she always lingers around one person and one cat, and never goes far.

"Although there are various truths in this world, they all have one thing in common."

Descartes explained delicately: "... they all think that only 'truth', that is, ourselves, is the master of the world. The principle, technique and power of the small copies that we hard-earned evolutors eat are different from them. They can't fight but can't run away, so they have always been very interested in us... But I have nothing to do with them, because I can't split the cognition of the servant of truth at all. Why do you think I want them In the middle of the night, looking for prey on the suburban road where birds don't shit? It's all because I'm too close, and I'll be in danger. "

Listen to this tone, it's like a native copy of the world... Wasn't it washed over by the flood?

Bohemia was a little confused, but he resisted and didn't interrupt Descartes.

It said, It seems that there is resentment: "... as a result, you rushed over with a truck of truth, and then a big bucket of corpses full of spores crashed and overturned beside me. As soon as I saw those spores growing slowly, I was ready to run; but I couldn't run away in vain, could I absorb one person... Just at this time, you had to leave and got into the truck."

Bohemia finally understood.

The essence of Descartes had already fallen into Bohemia's hands and was rolled up so firmly that it could not run away; If she is infected by spores again and becomes a servant of truth, she will surely turn it over to "truth" - God knows what it means by "truth" - so Descartes is very afraid of the "truth" of this world, probably just at the lower level of the biological chain.

Based on the principle of "the enemy of the enemy is my friend", Descartes was quick to see the opportunity and quickly protected Bohemia. He didn't forget to take a cat nearby - he knew that only by keeping them, he could keep a chance to get out.

The cat doctor showed his head from the blanket. Although it was a cat face, it was still miraculously suspicious.

"I don't quite believe it." Cats have always been very suspicious, and the cat doctor who produced wisdom is not immune from it: "... This guy can play with the cognition of prey. Who knows this explanation we are hearing now is not an illusion created in my own mind?"

It does not know the power of consciousness, of course, there is this question; Bohemia only hesitated for a moment and put this possibility aside.

"I... I was thinking, I might have a way."

"I'm not Descartes."

One person and one cat turn a deaf ear. The cat doctor got out of the blanket and asked in an almost inaudible voice, "what can I do?"

Bohemia first looked back at Lin San wine.

The latter was standing on the road not far from them at this time, looking at the dark white moon at the end of the road, and he didn't know what he was thinking. No matter what it is, it seems that it is something that excites her and makes her happy - because those eyes, at this time, seem to be bright enough to burn the night.

"Although I also think Lin Sanjiu's behavior is strange, it doesn't mean that she must be infected."

Bohemia wrapped the voice with consciousness and spread it to the cat doctor's ear: "... After all, it is possible that, as the doctor said, she was only mentally stimulated because the puppet master died. This Descartes spirit is very sensitive to the unstable mental state of human beings. Maybe it saw an opportunity and deliberately made up a lie to frighten us first."

The cat nodded up and down its head several times, and the tip of its ears shook into two shadows.

"In this way... There is a way to verify whether she is infected. If she is really infected, then this Cartesian essence is temporarily trustworthy; she is not infected, and I will grind it into Cartesian juice now."

"Speak quickly!" The cat doctor hit the ground back and forth with his tail.

"Let's go and see if the dead man is a real puppet master."

This sentence stunned the kitten - it seemed that it had never thought in this direction. "How... How?"

"Before she broke the body, I remember I looked at the body of the Puppeteer." Bohemia was more and more disturbed by the idea in her heart, and she hoped to go to the roadside to have a good look at the corpse, For fear of arousing Lin Sanjiu's vigilance - "I didn't see his face, which was covered by his hair. The body... The body seemed quite thin, but to be honest, I didn't dare to look at the figure of the puppet master carefully, and people always look a little different when lying down and standing up... Plus the dark roadside, I can't see very clearly."

She motioned for her clothes and whispered, "I remember, that black leather coat seemed... Quite normal."

"Eh?" The kitten has round eyes.

"It's ordinary black leather clothes, no eyes, no holes, no feathers, and it seems to have a zipper." Bohemia recalled hard for a moment, "if the dead person is not a puppet master, it means that Lin Sanjiu is really infected. She specially brought a corpse disguised as a puppet master, in order to let the spores in the corpse invade our brain... Ah, so, cat doctor, haven't you seen a puppet master?"

"Yes," Hu Miaomiao nodded, "I've been together for a long time."

"Didn't you see his face when you operated just now?"

The cat doctor glanced at her.

"Look at my height, and then stand up and compare." It sounded a little unhappy. "Do you know that as soon as you humans stand up and walk, I can only see a pair of legs next to you? To see your faces, I have to step back a few steps and put my head back hard. I'm always so tired! I usually don't pay much attention to your faces - on the contrary, they all look the same - so Lin Sanjiu just let me see his stomach, and I just had an operation on his stomach."

"Yes, yes, I neglected." Bohemia hurriedly bowed his head and apologized, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's normal that you didn't notice."

The cat doctor waved his front paw magnanimously. "After people die, the smell is different, and I can't tell from the smell -"

"Haven't you cleaned it yet?"

Lin Sanjiu gave a cold cry and asked them to excite their spirits at the same time; Bohemia heard her footsteps coming towards her, and immediately jumped up. Before she opened her mouth, she shouted, "this is not good!"

"What?" Lin Sanjiu frowned in confusion.

"It's pathetic to just leave the body of the puppet master by the roadside." Bohemia never thought that one day this sentence would come out of her mouth - before Lin Sanjiu reacted, she picked up the kitten, rushed to the broken body on the roadside a few steps ahead, and shouted, "I'll bury him!"

Before saying anything, her eyes fell on the face of the body. Because of the shock just now, the pale face was straight facing the night sky.