"Are you ready?"

When the puppet master's question came into his ears, Lin Sanjiu breathed a sigh and was about to nod his head, but he woke up and said, "ready."

As soon as her voice fell, a force immediately hit her back heavily, and immediately knocked Lin Sanjiu down the shelf - the puppet master's hit with the help of a special object was so powerful that it seemed to take the opportunity to vent, and he almost didn't blow her out.

Before he finished scolding, seeing that the ground was getting closer and closer to him and was about to hit him head-on, Lin Sanjiu quickly released several strands of consciousness, took four angles in a row, and formed a semi arc reflection, just hit her askew and fell into the last shelf on the ground.

She bumped into another bag of snacks and gave a soft "bang".

Lin Sanjiu waited nervously for a while. Seeing that the road was still quiet, he finally breathed a little relieved. This noise was not loud, and did not attract the potato chip man.

She turned a deaf ear to the puppet master's repeated urging. After several seconds, she laboriously poked out a corner and slowly fell to the ground.

A bag of potato chips flavored with scallion and chicken lay flat on the aisle and slipped away for a distance until Lin Sanjiu could see every row of snacks on the shelf, and she heard the voice of the puppet master.

"OK, stop here."

Lin Sanjiu lay flat on the ground, trying to look up to see what kind of potato chips the Puppeteer had; However, the part where he wrote the taste was just blocked by a price tag, which was not clear from her point of view.

"Don't patronize me!" In her ear, the voice of the Puppeteer suddenly raised: "turn your eyes and look carefully at each row of shelves!"

Every time the puppet master incorporates a new puppet, it means that he has also received all the property of the other party. With such a trick and grab, he can be called one of the people Lin Sanjiu has seen and has the most and best special items - the [crew soul] he put on Lin Sanjiu is a powerful prop.

[the soul of the crew]

The end is coming, investors are dead, and if you want to make a film, you have to save as much money as possible in all aspects - this product is a good helper to solve this problem! It replaces cameramen, audiovisual engineers, camera equipment, audio-visual equipment, lighting engineers... Basically, as long as you have this product, there are only directors and actors who can not lose their jobs.

This product can conduct all-round HD shooting of actors according to the environment and commands, and the angle switching is free and smooth. Even everything in the actors' perspective will be perceived by this product and played synchronously by the director.

The two-way microphone effect of this product can not only record the actors' lines and convey them to the director, but also directly transmit the director's instructions to the actors' ears without affecting the shooting of the film.

In the next step, our company plans to continue to develop actor substitutes. Please look forward to it.

The puppet master used this special item to track and monitor others, which is really unexpected and makes the best use of it.

Lin San's eyes slowly swept from the top of the shelf.

Every scene she saw was synchronously transmitted back to the Puppeteer and recorded; Even where she can't see clearly, he can also zoom in later - of course, he probably won't tell Lin San what his taste is.

"When did you put this thing on me?" Lin Sanjiu asked, "are you watching me all the time?"

The puppet master sneered, with a mild but gloomy tone: "after a while, looking at you is enough to make me uncomfortable."

This answer, called Lin Sanjiu, felt a little relaxed. I don't know why he hates good people so much - when she thought of this, she couldn't help vaguely affirming that she could be hated by the puppet master, which was also a compliment to her.

In their next silence, they "scanned" the goods on the shelf and soon finished. Lin San Jiu didn't miss any corner or any small packaged snacks. He looked at the whole shelf and confirmed to the puppeteer, "have you written down every commodity?"

"Use your words."

The next plan is to go back to the shelf. Lin Sanjiu alone can't do this - although she pushed the wall with her consciousness and slipped back under the shelf, someone must help to climb back to the high shelf.

"Hurry up," she urged several times, "what do you want to help me climb up? Is it a special item?"

Her urging annoyed the Puppeteer. He is not like Lin San wine. All special items are carded and stuffed into his body; So many kinds and a large number of special items are integrated into his objects. He has difficulty moving after becoming potato chips. It's really hard to take out something - "shut up and wait!"

Now everyone is potato chips, and the deterrent power of the puppet division in the past is at least 90%.

Lin Sanjiu was about to urge again, but he found that his voice was "dumb" again - [the soul of the crew] was turned off one way, and the other party couldn't hear what she said.

There was no way. Lin Sanjiu stared at the price tag on the shelf in front of him while waiting.

It was a price tag with black words on a white background and a plastic shell. It was written with an inclined number "6.5", and next to it was a currency symbol she didn't know. It looked a little like a knife.

She looked at the price tag in a daze until its "6.5" number gradually darkened, as if covered by a shadow.

Lin Sanjiu was immediately surprised, and hurriedly turned her eyes - behind one end of the shelf, she saw half a familiar face.

On that yellow, wavy face, two empty eyes, one big and one small, looked straight at her - a bag of potato chips that fell on the ground.

One person, one potato chip, four eyes facing each other, and there was no movement for several seconds. This guy's footsteps were very loud when he walked, but this time he came silently, as if he had been staring at Lin Sanjiu for a long time.


She scolded severely in her heart. When it leaned out and took a step in this direction, Lin Sanjiu hurriedly hit a force of consciousness, "when" on the shelf - the clear metal impact immediately echoed in the aisle, but when she looked up, she could only vaguely see rows of neat potato chips on her head, all silent without movement. The little sound from the direction of the puppet division just now, I don't know when it was also dumb, quietly avoiding the attention of others.

With a "pop", the potato chip man fell down the second step. It is only twoorthree steps away from Lin San Jiu now.

She tried to shout through [the soul of the crew], but her voice never came out. Seeing the potato chip man getting closer and closer, but the puppet master on the shelf still didn't move at all. Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but feel thirsty, and finally a cold and bone chilling guess sprang up under his heart: the puppet master has always been unhappy with her, and now what's the reason to take risks to save her?

In the plan made by the two men, they must first get the scanning map on this side of the shelf - Lin Sanjiu has done this, and the scanning map has already been in the hands of the puppet master. Next, the action of leaving this side of the shelf all refers to his special items.

"Can they write anything about those data bodies?"

She couldn't help thinking of the question of the puppet master.

If his wish to implement through the gift bag can also be implemented through the data body, isn't she useless for the puppet master?

When she thought about it, the huge shadow of potato man had completely covered her body. Even if you don't have to look carefully, Lin Sanjiu can feel the silence on his head, and even the air flow has no trend to move, as if it was really just a shelf of ordinary snacks.

For the puppet master, I really can't relax at all!

Lin Sanjiu was anxious and regretful, desperately thinking about what he could do to resist the potato man. There was not much time left for her. She had heard its "squeak" bending sound; In a hurry, she repeated her old skills and hit the shelves again with a sense of consciousness. However, this time, she exerted much more force, and her body was a light potato bag. She immediately pushed herself away in the opposite direction——

A bag of potato chips suddenly slipped out of the aisle automatically, and the potato chip man couldn't help but "eh"; However, the speed of moving forward with the help of thrust is really not fast enough compared with the speed of reaching out and grabbing it down - Lin Sanjiu has no time to play the second consciousness, and has been firmly pressed on the ground with a "snap".

From the perspective of her lying on the ground, the flat and sallow face of the potato chip man seemed to be magnified several times and almost deformed.

With her fingers clucking up, Lin Sanjiu felt light and her angle of view gradually raised. She was still caught off the ground.

Looking at the Yellow flat face getting closer, her heart shrank to the tip of a needle, as if she was shaking on a trembling string, so nervous that she couldn't hear anything in her ears for a moment. It raised its other hand, pinched the serrated edge of the bag, and was about to tear open the package of "dusty" potato chips.

Judging from Lin Sanjiu's current figure, the sawtooth of the bag is just above her head. The sharp pain came down from her scalp instantly, as if she had been torn in two, but she couldn't make a sound; At this point, she could no longer hide her strength, and the [protective force field] opened to the strongest on her head in an instant, desperately resisting the tearing force of those two big hands.

In such a sawing pain, she heard the potato chip man "eh" again, "why can't she open it?"

Next, it gave up the jagged edge, grabbed the front of the potato chip bag with one hand and the sealing strip at the back with the other hand, and pulled hard on both sides - her ears were full of the "cluck" sound that her skull was about to split in two. Even with the [protective force field], she could not stop the pain penetrating into the bone marrow, just like a sharp knife, which was getting deeper and deeper in her mind.

Resistance can't last long. Only attack is the only way to survive! Lin Sanjiu endured the sharp pain that could make people unconscious, and tried to draw out a little consciousness to hit the potato chip man's wrist - however, the force that it tore at her skull was too strong, and as soon as she moved, Teacher Yi immediately shouted, "no, it's too dangerous!"

Consciousness cannot be invoked, so she has only the last hope that is not hope.

All the special items hidden in the card library can't be used because of the loss of hands and feet; But she also has a Pygmalion collar.

As long as the puppet master is willing to help say a word, she can escape from heaven! But it happened that Lin Sanjiu couldn't tell him this at all - almost in despair, she shouted at [the soul of the crew] again and again. In the pain of tearing her skull, she shouted later, and she couldn't tell whether it was the real cry, or whether it was just an idea in her mind, or a flash of illusion.

The only real thing, it seems, is that the big face, which is yellow, flat and full of small bubbles, is wondering at a close distance: "why can't I open it? This bag is really knotted -"

The word "Shi" was not exported, and the part of its mouth was punctured.

A small shadow suddenly pierced its mouth and quickly disappeared into the air; The Yellow fragments immediately splashed all around, falling on Lin Sanjiu's head and face. She was just stunned. She felt her scalp loose. The big guy screamed and threw her down - then, it hit the ground with a bang.

"You haven't died after so long?" The Puppeteer's calm voice sounded again.

"What's that? Did you do it?" Lin Sanjiu narrowly escaped death, but he still couldn't believe it.

"The thing I threw in before didn't hit the arm that grabbed us, so it's still there; but you have to find a good angle from your perspective to use it."

Is he explaining?

As soon as Lin San Jiu got the idea, he just heard the puppet master immediately sigh: "although he killed it, the disadvantage is that he made you survive."

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up and pull me up!"

The Puppeteer obviously regretted that she didn't die like this, but he thought he was a man of his word, and finally slowly hung down a rope - this rope was very polite. After falling down, he first said hello to Lin Sanjiu, and then while chatting and chatting, he entangled her body and dragged her bit by bit to the shelf where the owner was located.

Seeing the finish line getting closer, the rope didn't forget to politely say, "I'll be put away when I go back. I'll see you later and talk next time. Ah, by the way, I almost forgot to say two things."

"What?" Lin Sanjiu was wrapped tightly by it and pulled up slowly like taking an elevator.

"The seal of your bag was pulled a little loose. This is one," the rope nodded to Lin Sanjiu. "There is another one, the potato chip man just stood up again, and now he is behind you."

Lin San Jiu was startled and looked up. He happened to see the Puppeteer's packaging bag leaning on the edge of the shelf. Obviously, he also saw the potato chip man who had just climbed up - a roar came from her ear: "come up!" But he shouted at the rope.

But the rope was still steady. Even if one hand of the potato chip man came in front of him, he still walked up unhurriedly - a burst of shaking, and Lin Sanjiu was held together with the rope and bag.

"Describe to me an ability that can kill it! Come on, it's better to be rare!" She roared out in a hurry. Fortunately, this time the Puppeteer didn't close [the soul of the crew], and then she heard a description of her ability; [Pygmalion collar] it started when it gripped the potato bag tightly - clattered for a crisp sound, and the potato man fell to the ground like he suddenly didn't stand firm, smashing a corner of his shoulder and releasing Lin San wine in his hand.

Taking advantage of the opportunity to regain her freedom, the rope finally sent her to the shelf; As the potato chip man struggled to stand up, the Puppeteer shouted, "here it is!"—— Then, a hard, long clip like thing suddenly caught the two people and dragged the two bags of potato chips into the depths of the shelf.

... when she opened her eyes again, she and the Puppeteer had returned to the other side of the shelf. A snow-white goose loosened its long beak, flapped its wings and jumped down from the shelf.

The two were safe, but Lin Sanjiu was in a terrible mood, and even his stomach was still sick for a while.

"Why did you... Tell me the skill of eating potato chips?" Her voice was dry and hoarse, and she felt that there were finally some more chips in her potato bag.