The crisp "pa pa" sound became the most disturbing sound Lin Sanjiu had ever heard.

She was so scared that she felt her stomach turn over, and she could spit it out at any time if she wanted. The tension, anger and helplessness that just intertwined... At this time, they were wiped clean, leaving only a blank and a cold sweat on her face.

Tall and stout Santa Claus, even when sitting on a chair, is still as huge as a hill; His white beard, powdered with flying blood, slowly lifted up, as if laughing; As his hand rose and fell again, he patted "pa pa" on his thigh.

"Come, sit here and make a wish." When Santa Claus laughed, his barb like eyes bent into a hair numbing appearance, and the black hole in his beard loomed: "... Oh, hurry up."

Almost half numb, Lin Sanjiu withdrew, and after stopping the soul queen from following, she walked rigidly to Santa Claus.

... maybe she should also thank herself for making the right choice for this scene.

Ten minutes ago, when Santa Claus slowly turned his head, Lin Sanjiu finally made up her mind in fear - seeing that the first three evolutors had turned into blood bubbles, and thinking about their words, she decided to try another way. She confessed all the holidays between herself and the puppet master: including how the other party waited for trouble in the growers' Alliance and how she escaped from the puppet

What is the relationship between this strange Santa Claus and the puppet master and what happened. Only genius knows; In the process of her narration, Lin Sanjiu could hardly feel the body parts outside her throat - her eyes were frozen on Santa Claus, for fear that if she missed a move, she would end up dead. When she finally finished speaking, Lin Sanjiu was soaked with sweat, and even his eyes were faintly sour.

Fortunately, Santa seems to be very satisfied with her "story" and finally decides to give her a Christmas gift.

"Your gift is different from those three stinky guys," his thick voice slid gently into his ear, "... If you're clever, I'll give you more than your life. Oh. Oh."

At the moment of understanding "I can survive", Lin Sanjiu's skin pores all over came a burst of crisp numbness.

"... what do you want me to do?"

Even if she was scared, even if she was killed, Lin Sanjiu couldn't say "you".

Fortunately, Santa doesn't seem to notice this little disrespect. Still keep smiling. Wait for her to walk over: "... When you make a wish, you will know."

He didn't say another word, but the subtle tone between the lines immediately made Lin Sanjiu's hair stand up - if he didn't make a wish. Then naturally, there is no "gift"; And the end without gifts, at this time, she was wetting the floor greasily under her feet.

No... no chance of action, no hope of victory.

... when Lin Sanjiu finally sat on Santa's knee trembling, she wished she could scratch the skin she touched him. Taking a deep breath, she tried to calm down, but in vain——

She could hardly tell whether it was panic or nausea; Every muscle on the body can't be tightened any more, as if this can make yourself less contact with him; Santa Claus's new clothes smell, mixed with putrefaction and fresh blood, pounced on his face.

There was no temperature under the body.

"... tell me, will you listen to Santa Claus and be a good child?" Santa asked sweetly in his voice, and the ending was greasy, as if he couldn't wipe it off once he stuck his ears.

"I..." Lin Sanjiu is now willing to take all the special items on her for a chance to have a look at the growth opportunities just now; But when the snow-white curly beard slowly lowered, she knew she couldn't drag any more. "I... will."

The next second, she only felt her stomach tighten, as if she had been beaten by something; Then a deafening laugh immediately lifted her knees.

Santa's happy laughter made her ears tingle, but Lin Sanjiu didn't know what he had just promised. She got up from the ground with weak legs, looked up again, and saw Erhua not far away staring at her, unable to figure out what he meant——

"Great! Not only a growing type, but also has a problem with doll players..." Santa Claus moved his curved eyes from her and stood up: "... Great, ooh. Now I need to find out where the doll player is hiding, so you need to go to a place with me -"

When the ending of his last word burst into the air, Lin Sanjiu finally understood what the so-called "wish" was about.

In fact, the answer has always been obvious. She doesn't know why she hasn't figured it out - just before "being a good child", it was "listening to Santa Claus".

... it's hard to describe this feeling, as if she knew to eat when she was hungry and sleep when she was sleepy. Every cell of Lin Sanjiu told her that now she must "go to the place he designated with Santa Claus", otherwise——

... the place where her lower abdomen tightened just now is the dividing line where the upper bodies of other evolutors burst into blood foam.

"Wait, wait!"

She didn't dare to delay. She took several steps to keep up with the green figure in front of her. Lin Sanjiu couldn't help but feel anxious and hurriedly shouted - when Santa Claus really turned his head, she shivered excitedly, trying not to think whether this was disobedient: "well, my friend... Can you come with me?"

She refers naturally to the queen of souls.

With the soul queen, she has one more card in her hand; Maybe she can get away with it when there is an opportunity to take advantage of it - but will Santa watch her take a helper?

To her surprise, the tall, fat old man in front seemed to care nothing at all.

no In fact, it's not so much that he doesn't care that Santa doesn't know why. He seems to welcome the idea.

"Oh, yes, of course." He even walked back a few steps, and his eyes swept back and forth on the soul queen and Erhua twice, "... Which one do you want to take?"

Lin San Jiu didn't look at Er Hua and stretched out his hand, "she -- the other one was just the one I met just before I came here. It's useless."

Since she took the red crystal of Erhua. Then you might as well help him as much as possible. Give him a chance to get away.

The queen of souls looked up at Santa Claus, and could not see an exact expression through the human skin it was covered with - it carefully bypassed each other for two steps, and quickly walked to Lin Sanjiu.

Santa squints. Stared at its back. Slowly tilt your head.

... when the footsteps are farther and farther away. After gradually disappearing from the hall, Erhua trembled and raised his head.

The hall of encyclopedia forum is still brightly lit. Countless screens shine brightly together, and various notices and announcements still scroll silently from one side to the other - after there is no voice, the encyclopedia forum looks like the same place as usual.

The place where Santa Claus was just now was empty at this time, and they had already gone with Lin Sanjiu and disappeared; The only trace of his coming was the rotten flesh splashed all over the ground.

Fortunately... No one paid attention to him.

When she opened her legs, Erhua felt that her blood was stiff, as if it had been frozen into ice in just half an hour.

"Really, how could it be so unlucky," he said to himself as he stumbled towards the front door: "... How long has Santa Claus not appeared? I thought it was a fucking urban legend..."

The closer he gets to the door, the more courage he recovers; When the light outside the door fell on Erhua, he narrowed his eyes and vaguely heard someone outside as if shouting, "someone is coming out!"

As one of the most important places of the red Nautilus, what happened in the wooden fish encyclopedia forum has long been spread throughout the free zone with the people who escaped before; After several people outside the door said "he's gone, there's no one inside", Erhua felt that he didn't have the energy to pay attention to their problems anymore, and bumped himself into an alley——

Now he needs to change some money and have a good rest.

Maybe he was dizzy for a while. Erhua's skill was indeed blunt. One was careless, and he nearly ran into another shadow at the corner. When he made a mistake and finally stood firm, Erhua raised his eyes, his face suddenly vibrated, and immediately changed into another look.

"Hello," he wiped the sweat on his forehead, hoping to look decent in front of the right side: "hello... I'm sorry, I didn't look at the road just now..."

"It's okay, don't worry," the other party graciously forgave his rashness. "Since I met you, I happen to have a question to ask you."

"Don't dare... Just say it!"

"I'm new to your place, and I'm not familiar with many places. Excuse me, if I want to ask for information, where should I go?"

"Oh, you can ask. Generally speaking, we will go to the wooden fish encyclopedia forum, where there are all kinds of news... But... You'd better not go now."


"Just now... There came a very dangerous person, dead, and the blood on the ground... Now I'm afraid it's in a mess." Er Hua said with a little worry.

"Oh... I don't mind that." The other side's tone is gentle. No matter the frequency of beard shaking or the occasional licking of claws, they all look so cultured. "After all... I don't know why, it seems hard for you humans to refuse me."

The kitten's big green eyes are shining with bright and moist light. (to be continued...)

PS: dead line is the first productive force! Today, I came back from the studio and was warmly praised by the teacher. I can't walk all the way back... As soon as I get home and open the page, I'll be surprised. Evil dream, Miya Yamada, have you two discussed making a peace with each other? This frightens me! Thank you!! Fortunately, I have to pay more next week. Otherwise, how can I eat and sleep well after I owe so much debt

Thank you for giving me the sachet of make-up mushroom, the house of bread and milk, the peace talisman of caitelent, Zhijun and book friends, the five peace talisman of my unique way of death, and the three peace talisman of wandering~~

Well, as for the monthly ticket party, I missed several tickets of Mu Qingchen. I'm sorry... It's too easy to miss the monthly ticket (it's not that I'm blind! Let's go out and talk if anyone says I'm blind!), Otherwise, I'll build a penthouse. If anyone is missing, you can leave a message, OK?

Thank you for the following (I found out) monthly ticket Party: 2 tickets for a mouth of rotten teeth, 2 tickets for maple night star, 2 tickets for a long mind, forbidden curse Luocha shame, four seasons spring! (did you find it? There is a delay...)

There are many posts in the comment area, and sometimes I can't come back, so I'd like to thank everyone who encouraged me. I've seen every post you sent!

(I've seen all those who say bad things about me. What's short, abnormal, update slag, authority dog... Hehe, you're waiting.)
