"... contestant 97, what's your name?"

"It's none of your business."

After the cold looking woman spit out this sentence, the camera suddenly darkened - some spectators who know the game very well stretched out a finger and pointed to the big screen: "it is inevitable that there will be some disobedient people every year, which is a lesson."

There was a sudden "Oh" in the pub.

"The number 97 just now, it seems that it really owes a lesson..." someone muttered in such a low voice, spraying the spirit of wine.

"Shit, it seems that you think you are very high. Mutant people are the most his mother annoying." A voice somewhere echoed.

There are rows of mechanical arms hanging under the ceiling of the tavern. On the mechanical arms are smooth chutes, which are methodically delivering all kinds of wine to the guests. One hand took a glass of blue cocktail from the chute and brought it up. The owner of the hand didn't drink it, but spoke to the experienced person just now: "... What's the general way to teach?"

"Hey, hey, there are many ways. It all depends on the mood of the snake head who brought her in." The speaker was a middle-aged man. He grabbed the wine bottle and took a sip: "wait, that woman will show up again later. At that time, she will have to say what she wants to say."

When he put the bottle down, the silver ring on the ring finger of his left hand lit up slightly.

The man with a blue cocktail can't see clearly in a robe. His eyes stopped on the middle-aged man's hand. He didn't say anything, and then looked at the big screen.

As if to confirm the words of the middle-aged man, the pink faced host was grinning his goose yellow lips at this time, laughing loudly: "sorry. Player 97 was probably not ready just now, and was a little nervous. Let's let her go down and relax. Let's take a look at player 98 first... Ah, what a lovely little girl, how old are you?"

The man wrapped in the robe took a sip of wine and listened with little interest to the shaking girl say "fourteen years old".

When Eden gave a burst of cheers for this young player in an instant, Lin San wine at this time was indeed as expected by the middle-aged man. The sand whale grabbed his hair. People and chairs were pulled into another room.

The door was hit with a bang. Lin Sanjiu and the chair behind him were thrown heavily on the ground, and Sha Jing looked at her. A sneer.

"You think you're awesome?" His tone was cool, with the cruelty of some cold-blooded animal. "Did I mention it? People who offend me usually come to no good end..."

The pupil of the sand whale shrank into a thin strip in anger. "If you hadn't been numbered and exposed, I would have cut off your hands and feet... Now, what should I do with you?"

He said as he spoke. Walking up to Lin San Jiu.

However, unexpectedly, the women on the ground are still not afraid.

Lin Sanjiu raised his palm tied behind the chair, tried to fold his wrist, and felt his fingertips touch the rope. She smiled at Sha Jing, "have you heard of route 300?"

He was stunned. There was no reaction for a moment. However, the next second, the sand whale's eyes almost stared out - the woman in front of him had climbed up from the ground and patted the ash on his pants. The black rope that was tied to her just now disappeared.

He looked at the empty ground a little foolishly and took a step back.

"Looking for this?" Lin Sanjiu waved a card in his hand to him.

It's a card with a pattern on a white background. In the middle, he drew a black rope with childish brushwork. At first glance, it looked like it was just a meaningless black string, and a few rows of small characters were written below.

"Thank you for giving me a chance to get it." She glanced at the card with satisfaction.

[tie rope of female slaves in anti evolutionist series]

Introduction: developed and produced by Eden laboratory, it can effectively curb the "physical enhancement" ability of evolutionary people, making them no different from the strength of normal people. The binding rope itself is made of a special soft alloy, which can bear up to two tons of tension. Out of the personal interest of the developer, the alloy is covered with a layer of black leather.

"No wonder, even without the radiation damage, no matter how I struggle, the rope doesn't even move..." Lin Sanjiu smiled. "Sand whale, right? You should tell me now, what's going on in this game?"

Sand whale frowned and pressed his waist without saying a word. However, to his surprise, after pressing it down, he didn't even react at all - just when his heart thumped, a shadow hit in front of him, and then his chest seemed to be hit by a huge column. His sternum "clattered" for a while, and I don't know how many pieces were broken.

Lin Sanjiu stopped his feet and looked calmly at the sand whale falling to the ground with his chest and abdomen covered, with an unbelievable look on his face.

At the moment when she kicked him just now, she suddenly understood the meaning of the word "growth".

Sand whale has experienced many doomsday worlds. Whether its advanced ability or basic ability, it must have been upgraded more than once. However, under the blow of Lin Sanjiu, he suffered such an absolutely not light injury - why?

If the average person's physical fitness in all aspects is 1, then after gaining physical strength, this number will rise to 2. Lin Sanjiu's physical strength increased, making her figure reach 2.5.

Generally, evolutionists must upgrade their basic abilities again and again before they can change 2 into 3, 3 into 4, 4 into 5... This is gradually enhanced. If sand whale has been upgraded 4 times, he is now 5; But Lin Sanjiu is still 2.5, which should not pose a threat to sand whale - but she is a growth type.

Just when Lin Sanjiu was struggling and struggling to survive in all kinds of dangerous situations, her "physical growth" was growing slowly but firmly without upgrading. Every day, her body had some minor changes: her muscles were stronger, her joints were harder, and her grip increased

However, under the radiation damage, these changes were covered up until after entering the glass ball city. Lin Sanjiu suddenly found his body, as if it was new, full of powerful power.

Of course, Sha Jing didn't know the reason for this. After coughing up a mouthful of blood in shock, he saw that she was about to come towards him, gritted her teeth and jumped up.

Lin Sanjiu said nothing. Wave your arm. A mouthpiece had been rolled horizontally, and its sharp teeth cut through the air with a roar. Instantly hit him in the chest - but what she didn't expect was that the other party's chest suddenly "bang", burst a ball of sand, and the mouthpiece went straight through the sand.

Retract the mouthpiece. The sand ball quickly turned into flesh and blood, and the sand whale was not injured at all.

"No matter what weapon you use, you can't hurt me." Sha Jing spat, "just now you got it, but I didn't react for a moment..."

Facts have proved that he did not exaggerate - Lin Sanjiu attacked several times in a row. No matter which part of the body was attacked, his body could always turn into dust one second before, making her mouth useless.

"Haha. Is this your most decent attack?" The sand whale stared at her with a fierce eye. "It's my turn, too. Bitch!"

Before his voice fell, his two arms had turned into sand, rolled like a storm, forming two sandstorms, which hit Lin Sanjiu. Every grain of sand contains a powerful force. If it hits the body, it must be immediately beaten to no human shape - but the most dangerous thing is that sandstorms are hard to hide.

With this move, the sand whale has killed an unknown number of people - they looked different in life, but after death, they looked strangely unified, all twisted, perforated and bloody.

Even if Eden was unhappy, he didn't bother to pay attention. The angry sand whale just wants to see Lin Sanjiu become exactly the same thing at the moment.

Lin Sanjiu was indeed in danger. Relying on her strong physical quality and speed, she changed her position several times in a row and narrowly avoided the edge of the sandstorm. But the room was so big that she soon had no room to move around.

Being hit by those sands, she really had no chance to live - her forehead exuded cold sweat, her eyes turned in the room, and suddenly she was cruel, kicked under her feet, and instead rushed towards the direction of the sand whale.

Does this mean that you want to attract sandstorms and throw yourself into a trap? Sha Jing understood her intention in a moment and immediately laughed.

"Hahaha, are you stupid? My hands can turn into sandstorms, and of course my body can!"

In his loud laughter, his chest and abdomen suddenly turned into a larger ball of sand and rushed towards Lin Sanjiu. This time, there was a sandstorm in front of her and behind her, forming a potential of attack, which made her situation more critical.

So far, there is no suspense. Under the two sandstorms, this woman is absolutely impossible to survive——

"Oh, the sound in the room is very loud!"

The pink faced man who had finished the introduction for the contestants and was waiting for Lin Sanjiu to come out said to the people around him with a little excitement. At this time, the camera on the screen has returned to the studio where the female anchor is located. He is a little bored. While taking out a piece of goose yellow lipstick to repair his makeup, he smiles and says, "I hope your boss can do it gently this time, otherwise it will be bad to be on TV in a bloody moment..."

"Well, are you people in Eden still afraid of that?"

"No, of course, I'm not afraid, but without the comparison when the appearance is intact, the future effect will not be shocking..."

Before the pink face's voice fell, the room suddenly became quiet.

Is it over?

The men under Sha Jing, the soldiers with all kinds of weapons, and eight frightened women... The people in the room turned their faces to the small door at the same time.

Several small cameras immediately flew to the front of the door under the control of hands and aimed at the door.

On the screen, the female anchor seemed to have just learned something, and quickly explained to the audience that the camera suddenly switched to the picture taken by the small camera - it was in front of the dressing room.

The whole garden of Eden is waiting for the appearance of No. 97 when it reappears.

After a while, the door was finally slowly opened.

Two legs stained with blood stepped out from behind the door. The field trousers have been broken into strips, which are hung on the legs one by one, and can't cover large wounds; Looking up along the pants, the upper body and face are fine, without injury.

The same plain and proud face as just now is not the point - the point is that No. 97 actually walked out of the door intact.

The small camera seemed to freeze. In the eyes of the people who were so shocked that they forgot to speak, Lin Sanjiu smiled and pulled something out from behind the door and threw it on the ground, "bang".

It was the empty body of the sand whale with a large chest missing and an empty shoulder.

Seeing that the soldiers were holding weapons, they immediately clattered around, and Lin Sanjiu calmly smiled: "I volunteered to participate in the 28th spring fighting competition in the garden of Eden. I am No. 97 player, Lin Sanjiu."

In the tavern, a man took off his robe hat and stared at the big screen, his eyes shining. (to be continued)

PS: Thank you for qingqingxiaoxiao's Pink ticket, and thank you for pure blood picking angel's red envelope!

It's a little late to update today, because my mother suddenly found that watching Wu Meiniang with a notebook can be watched all the time, regardless of the limit of 2 episodes per day... So

Wow, haha, I have received all your blessings for me. I also wish you good luck in the year of the sheep and all the best~~~

I'll come back to the comment area later~~~
