In the end, Jiang Wan couldn't persuade the little girl's mother to continue the treatment and wait for the operation, because she couldn't solve the actual problems the other party was facing. Although she was very sure about the operation, did she really dare to say 100%?

Of course, she can also pay for the operation for the other party herself, but this cannot solve all problems, because there are many patients like the little girl's mother, and there will be many in the future. How can she save everyone?

What's more, when she just proposed this idea, the little girl's mother rejected it without hesitation, and Jiang Wan didn't know what to do for a while.

Annoyed, Jiang Wan knocked on the door and walked into the director's office.

"Xiaowan." The director was very polite to her when he saw her coming.

On the one hand, it was because Jiang Wan was young but her skills were good, and on the other hand, it was also because of her identity.

Jiang Wan smiled at the director, walked to the opposite side and sat down, and then said, "Director, bed 23 said he will be discharged from the hospital."

The director was stunned for a moment, as if he was recalling which patient was in bed 23. He quickly remembered that after all, a woman with a child was more noticeable.

"Why did you suddenly say you were going to be discharged from the hospital? Isn't her operation scheduled for two weeks?" The director was obviously also very surprised. He had also seen the other party's case, so he naturally knew that the other party's condition could be resolved through surgery. Not to the point of despair.

Jiang Wan sighed, a little helpless: "Well, she said she wanted to leave some money for the child."

"This..." The director didn't know what to say for a while.

But fortunately, this is not the first time she has encountered this kind of thing, and she also knows why Jiang Wan is in a bad mood, he comforted him: "Do you think it's a pity that she can survive, but she has to lose her life because of money? "

Jiang Wan didn't say anything, but she really thought so in her heart.

"Xiaowan, after all, you don't lack money in your life, so you don't understand how important money is to ordinary people."

"Perhaps you think that life is very important, even if the family is ruined, they must be cured, but for ordinary people, what they have to consider is what if they can't be cured? It will be really miserable when people and money are empty."

Jiang Wan lowered her head, not feeling well.

Seeing this, the director smiled lightly and said, "However, as a doctor, there is always this process, just get used to it."

"Those people outside say that our doctors are indifferent, but they don't know that it's because we have seen too many such things. Sometimes we feel uncomfortable, but because we can't help, we will regret it for the rest of our lives."

"If you get through it, then you can become a qualified doctor. If you can't get through it, then..."

The director didn't say anything later, but Jiang Wan knew in her heart that if she couldn't accept this kind of thing, then she wasn't suitable to be a doctor.

Jiang Wan felt sad and asked, "Then can I pay for her surgery?"

After all, there is still a child. Jiang Wan herself has never had a mother since she was a child. It is really impossible to see such a young child lose her mother.

"Rationally speaking, I don't recommend you to do this," said the director.

"Think about it, you saved a patient with your own money today. In the future, everyone will know that there is a doctor in Beijing Hospital who is soft-hearted and will pay for the patient's treatment. At that time, everyone will come to you, so why do you manage?"

When Jiang Wan opened her mouth to say something, the director didn't give her a chance to speak, and said first: "Even if it doesn't get out, how can you guarantee that you won't meet a more pitiful person next time? What to do? Continue to save with money yourself?"

Jiang Wan wanted to say that she was not short of money, even if she used some money to save people, she would be willing, but in the end she still didn't say it because she knew how funny it was.