Jiang Wan pursed her lips, and finally said to her: "I didn't save you, when I came, you were already safe."

"Ah?" Jiang Tian was puzzled, who else could it be if it wasn't Jiang Wan?

"It's Murong Fei. When I came, he had already dealt with that man with evil intentions." Although she didn't like Murong Fei, Jiang Wan still chose to tell the truth.

As for what choice Jiang Tian will make, she still said before, she will not interfere, but she also does not allow Murong Fei to trap people by her side.

She wants Jiang Tian to have the right to choose, instead of Murong Fei not giving her the chance to choose like before.

Hearing that it was Murong Fei who saved her, Jiang Tian felt complicated, but she quickly smiled and said, "Tch, who cares about his rescue."

"He won't threaten you with the fact that he saved me?" It's not that she wants to think so badly of people, but that Murong Fei really doesn't have a good impression in her heart now.

Jiang Wan shook her head, "No, he didn't say anything."

At least on this point, Murong Fei is not bad enough.

Jiang Tian nodded and stopped thinking about that man: "The dinner party should be over, why don't you go back first?"

"Okay." After saying that, the two got up and left the room, went downstairs and took the car back.

After Jiang Wan delivered Jiang Tian home safely, she rushed back to Jiang's house.

It's just that when she walked into the living room, she found that the floor was a bit messy, and there were packed things everywhere.

"What's going on?" Jiang Wan asked the servant beside him.

"It seems that the second lady is moving out." The servant replied.

Just after finishing speaking, voices came from upstairs, to be precise, it was the voice of arguing.

Jiang Wan got up and went upstairs to Jiang Mian's room, and saw that she was packing her clothes, and there were Chen Qingwan and Jiang Fengcheng in the room.

"Dad." Jiang Wan called out, attracting everyone's attention.

Seeing her coming, Jiang Fengcheng hurriedly waved to her: "Help me persuade your sister, she insists on moving in to live with Fu Yu, she just got engaged, how could she just move in like this."

If outsiders know about this, what will they think of Jiang Mian!

Jiang Wan was also surprised when she heard the words, and looked at Jiang Mian. Before she could speak, Jiang Mian said first, "I won't listen to you. Brother Fu took the initiative to ask me to move over, which means that he wants to be with me." Wouldn't it be a good thing to think about getting closer?"

As for Jiang Wan, she could have guessed that this woman would not have anything good to say.

She didn't even want to hear such words.

Surprisingly, Jiang Wan did not speak to dissuade Jiang Mian, but said to Jiang Fengcheng: "Dad, since Jiang Mian has already made a decision, you can just let her go. There is nothing to persuade."

"Little night..."

"You should understand a truth. Humans always have to learn to bear the consequences they bring. If you can help her once today, can't you help her forever?" Jiang Wan interrupted Jiang Fengcheng's words with a calm expression.

She wouldn't try to persuade Jiang Mian, but Fu Yu suddenly asked her to move in, saying that it was nothing good.

Anyway, she was also very happy to see Jiang Mian being unlucky, so why stop her?

Jiang Fengcheng sighed, glanced at Jiang Wan, then at Jiang Mian, shook his head helplessly, got up and left the room without saying anything.

That's all, maybe what Xiaowan said is right, he can't help Jiang Mian all his life.

No matter what awaits her when she moves over this time, it should be borne by herself.

Jiang Fengcheng left, but Jiang Mian was a little hesitant, she looked at Jiang Wan: "Aren't you going to stop me from moving in to live with Big Brother Fu?"

"Why should I stop you? You're already engaged, so there's nothing wrong with wanting to live together." Jiang Wan smiled, and there's nothing wrong with talking about ordinary engaged men and women.

But are Jiang Mian and Fu Yu ordinary engaged men and women?

Obviously not.