The next day, Jiang Wan got up exhausted, changed her clothes and rushed to the hospital.

She wasn't devastated by what happened yesterday, and for her, no matter what happened, it was business as usual.

What's more, at this time, if she lies at home, her heart will be even more confused. It's better to come to the hospital to work, at least she won't make people think about it when she's busy.

"Sister Jiang, good morning." Tian Xiaoxiao walked into the office and smiled at her.

During this period of time with Jiang Wan, she couldn't learn much. Although the internship is not over yet, several hospitals have offered her olive branches, so she is naturally very happy.

Jiang Wan nodded, and forced a smile with the corners of her mouth pulled, so forced that Tian Xiaoxiao noticed something was wrong at a glance.

She walked over, worried: "What's wrong with Sister Jiang? Your complexion is very bad, are you sick?"

"I'm fine, I just didn't sleep well last night." Jiang Wan shook her head, of course she would not tell about Yu Xiao's matter, no matter what, it was their own matter after all.

Tian Xiaoxiao didn't feel relieved because of this, and was still very worried: "There are a lot of operations scheduled today, Sister Jiang, are you sure you can do it? Otherwise, I will let the inpatient department push back?"

"No, I won't affect the operation." Jiang Wan replied.

"I'm just worried about your body." Tian Xiaoxiao felt that she had misunderstood him, so he hurriedly opened his mouth to explain for himself.

Of course Jiang Wan understood and smiled at her, "I know, but brain surgery is no different than other diseases, and unexpected things will happen a day later, so we can't delay."

"Okay." Seeing her insistence, Tian Xiaoxiao didn't continue to say anything. After staying with Jiang Wan for so long, she still knew her character somewhat, and understood that once she made a decision, it was basically impossible to change it.

The operation time was arranged very early, Jiang Wan and Tian Xiaoxiao didn't say a few words, when the time came, the two walked to the operating room together, ready to change clothes and start the operation.

Calculating carefully, Jiang Wan has been in Jin'an Hospital for half a year, and the number of people who come to see her every day has only increased. It is no exaggeration to say that Jin'an Hospital has become the most popular hospital in Jincheng and even surrounding cities because of Jiang Wan's living sign. famous hospital.

The dean was so happy in his heart, and felt more and more that his decision to persuade Jiang Wan to stay was extremely correct.

Jiang Wan didn't care about these, she only cared about her patients.

The operation lasted from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. During this period, Jiang Wan hardly had any rest time except for eating and going to the toilet.

Many doctors and nurses said behind her back that she was an emotionless surgical machine.

In the office, the operation was finally over, Jiang Wan was also very tired, leaning on the office chair and fell into a deep sleep.

When she woke up, it was pitch black, no, it wasn't pitch black either.

She took a closer look, not far away on the sofa, a small desk lamp was on, and there was a person sitting there.

"Zhou Beishen?" She was a little unsure. How could the other party appear in her office this late at night?

Hearing the sound, Zhou Beishen knew that she had woken up, and the first thing he did was to get up and turn on the lights in the entire office, and the fear in his heart dissipated a lot unconsciously.

"You haven't seen a doctor yet?" Jiang Wan subconsciously asked, realizing that Zhou Beishen's fear of the dark hadn't diminished.

The man avoided this topic a little, and didn't answer her: "Haven't you had dinner yet? You obviously have an upset stomach, and you haven't eaten on time. Do you think you're a god?"