Chapter 3048

Name:Demons Beside You Author:Han Bao
"Audron, there are two days left for the next game. Do you want to go out and play?"

"No, I want to practice." Said audron.

The contestants are two people living in a suite, audron and manIt live together.

However, the two people's personalities are quite opposite. ManIt is a casual character and good at making friends.

Audron, on the other hand, is more isolated and hardly communicates with anyone other than manIt during the competition.

On weekdays, manIt asked audron to go out to play, and audron refused.

MANITE is used to it.

"Then I'll go out and play alone. Do you want me to bring you something to eat?"

"No more." Audron shook his head.

"Don't be tired, then Goodbye. " ManIt changed his clothes and went out.

Shortly after manIt was out of the house, audron suddenly heard the door open.

Why is manIt coming back so soon?

Audron frowned. No, it wasn't manIt's voice.

Room service? No, their floor has been contracted by the organizer for a long time, and all room service has been cancelled.

Audron immediately stood up and took out his magic prop.

Audron saw two women standing outside the door.

"Who are you?"

"Are you audron?"

"I am Who are you? "

"We're the organizer and we have your mission." Carrie took out a bag and handed it to audron.

"What task?"

"Before the next round, we will have a little game Of course, you can also think of it as the next round

"I don't understand." Audron was careful not to open the bag.

"In short, it's the RPG game, understand? All the contestants will get a character. Your mission and character description are in the bag. You can read it yourself "OK, get into the role as soon as possible, and we'll have to arrange for others," she said

"And manIt?"

"He has it, too." Carrie nodded.

"What is his role?"

"Although we don't prohibit each other from being public, we don't recommend it either, because public roles mean that you are likely to be targeted, after all, especially when you have a special identity."

“……” Aldrin did not ask again.

After jialiwen and Xiaohe leave, audron opens the bag with three cards in it.

And a couple of magic props.

ID card, brave: a suit for the brave.

Justice will win. When your main camp wins, you will get + 5 points.

ID card, demon breaker: the magic ring can temporarily own the magic power of the target you destroy.

You need to eliminate at least four enemy faction legal characters, when you complete the identity task, you will gain + 5 points.

ID card, monitor: the real lock, the object you suspect is chained, the other party will not be able to lie.

You need to find at least one Betrayer. When you complete the identity task, you will get + 5 points.

The part of your supervisor has been recognized by the Betrayer, and the other party has the means of lethal threat to you. Please treat it with caution.


after audron had read the three ID cards, the ID cards were ignited and burned to ashes in an instant.

And then there's a rule sheet.

Audron is a little surprised. Can this game still be played like this?

Just then, there was another sound outside the door.

Then manIt came back.

"ManIt, why are you back so soon?"

ManIt shook the bag. "Did you get it, too?"

Audron nodded.

Audron was about to ask about manIt's identity when he stopped.

"You see who you are?" Asked audron.

ManIt smiles and nods. "I'm going back to my room first."

Although they are already familiar with each other, they know their roots.

But according to the rules of the game, from now on, they may be rivals to each other.

At least, until the other person's identity is unclear.

Audron returned to the room with his magic props.

Audron wore a ring with the word "courage" written on it.

In an instant, audron's body more a set of silver armor, like the brave in the magic RPG game.

Audron takes a breath. I'm afraid it will cost a lot of money for this set of equipment.

Then the magic ring of de'ao was broken.

They are very powerful magic props.

Audron can't help feeling that this supernatural society is really rich.Just then manIt knocked at the door.

Audron opens the door.

ManIt watched audron up and down.

Audron also looked up and down at manIt.

ManIt was dressed in a very different, legal suit.

"What is your first identity?" Asked manIt.

"My first identity is the brave." Audron replied.

The first identity is an explicit one, which needs no concealment.

At least a little bit of understanding, you can basically know each other's identity.

The second identity is semi hidden. If the task is completed, it is easy to be found.

The third identity is absolutely hidden, as long as the identity of the other party can not be completely determined, then it can never be exposed.

Exposure means danger, or out.

"I'm a caster. This set of equipment has doubled my elemental magic. It's amazing." Said manIt.

"My equipment is not weak, I feel my muscles are booming, the power is flowing into my body."

"I'm starting to get excited about the game." Said manIt with a smile.

"ManIt, your brain is better. You can guess what information is not written in the rules."

ManIt thought for a while and said, "the first identity is a profession, there is nothing to say. The victory or defeat of the camp represents points, and the second identity belongs to personal tasks. I guess this personal task should be different for everyone. The third identity and the fourth identity are hidden attributes, which will give participants unexpected benefits."

Audron's heart moved, the fourth identity? And a fourth identity?

In other words, manIt is a person with four identities.

Can he be a traitor?

ManIt looked at audron and laughed: "it seems that some of my words have caught your attention. Is it the fourth identity I said? In other words, you are different from me. Do you have three identities? Or five identities? I personally prefer three identities. "

"I am..."

"Don't tell me your hidden identity. Even if you trust me again, don't reveal your identity. Otherwise, the game will lose its fun. Anyway, please pass this round of games."

ManIt waved his hand and continued: "the next is the hostile camp. Originally I guessed that it was the other contestants, but after thinking about it, it may not be the other competitors. Because of the number of participants, the current number of participants is 16, unless the 16 contestants are roughly divided into two, otherwise the 16 contestants are too few, and the eight on eight game is not It's often boring, so I prefer that the opposing camp will be someone other than the contestants. "