Chapter 2493

Name:Demons Beside You Author:Han Bao
"You said I could stand up again, didn't you?" Cried tiger, looking at the entrance of levans.

"Of course, there's no difficulty in getting you up."

"I've told you all you want to know." "Or do you want to repent?" said tiger

"It's not a problem getting you up." "As long as you take the devil's Potion again, the power of the devil's Potion will directly stimulate your body, but there are certain risks in it," said levans

"What risks?"

"When we equip each customer with devil's medicine, we have a standard dose. Everyone can bear up to 15 ml of the dose. Your body should be able to bear more doses, but not more than 20 ml, more than 20 ml. the excess devil's medicine will start to cause distortion to your body. If you have If you haven't used devil potion, you can recover your injury quickly by using devil potion. But now, if you use devil potion, you are likely to have strong distortion. "

"What kind of distortion?" Asked tiger.

"Let me show you the distorted experimental materials." "Mr. hinga, would you like to have a look at it?" said levans, turning to another metal bed bound to hinga

"Of course, I think it's a zoo." Said hinga.

"Mr. hinga, your boss has given up on you. In his eyes, you are worthless. I don't understand why you have to be loyal to him."

"Hinga, do you like being that Chinese dog so much?"

"Not his dog, your dog?" Said hinga with a sneer.

This organization is illegal at first sight.

He didn't feel the need to be loyal to them.

Even if they are free in the future, they may control them all their lives.

Moreover, his daughter is still in Chen's hand.

Even regardless of the interests, I have to think about my daughter's safety.

My Chinese boss is not a man of faith.

He would have planned such a big play because of tiger's betrayal.

So if you betray your boss.

The boss will not reason with himself.

Maybe her daughter will be the first victim.

Levans didn't go on persuading Singa.

In his eyes, the value of Zinga is not much.

What hinga knows, tiger has said it.

So it's of little significance if Singa doesn't cooperate.

They were put in a wheelchair and pushed out.

Levans took them to a long narrow corridor.

There are glass compartments on both sides of the aisle.

Most of the cubicles are closed to one person.

Just then, a man in the next cubicle suddenly slapped the glass hard.

"Mr. levans, Mr. levans, let me out. I'm willing to work for you."

Tiger looked at the man in the cubicle. "He looks normal."

Levans stopped and stood in front of the glass.

"Hein, show them your differences." Said levans.

Sean, who was in the cubicle, took a deep breath and clenched his fists.

At this time, a pair of bone spurs suddenly stretched out from the back of his hands, just like Wolverine.

"Eh?" Tiger looked at sheen in the cubicle in surprise, at the bone spur on the back of his hand: "is this the X-Men?"

"He once suffered from congenital osteoporosis. Later, after taking too much devil's medicine, his congenital osteoporosis was cured, but he suffered from hyperosteogeny. As you can see, he can control the bones in his body, not only his fists, but also the bones in all joints of his body. He can change himself Become a hedgehog. "

"Everyone's constitution is different, and the changes will be different, right?" Asked tiger.

"Yes, this change is out of control." Levans nodded: "and he is controllable. He has slight distortion symptoms. Next, they may leave a bad impression on you."

As Tego and Zinga continued to push their wheelchairs forward, they saw that the people in the cubicle were becoming less and less human.

They even saw that some of the cubicles were closed to non-human creatures.

Some people have red skin, some have blue skin, and some have green skin.

Moreover, the body shape and appearance are various.

Some have horns, some have fangs or claws.

Some people have fluffy hair or tails.

"If I use an overdose and there's distortion, I'm going to be locked in here too?"

"It's all about disobedience." "Like the two of you pushing now, they belong to the obedient," said levansTego couldn't help turning his head to the man pushing himself. This guy looks no different from ordinary people.

"Crimea, let Mr. tiger see you."

The pupil of this man named Crimea suddenly changed from blue to red, his hands began to turn into claws, at the same time, he grew fluffy, and his figure changed from one meter eight to two meters three.

"Crimea is a kind of beast distortion. His speed is amazing. His strength is not below you, and he has the ability to climb on the smooth wall. His explosive speed can sprint 100 meters in three seconds Well, Crimea, you can change back. "

"He's lucky to be able to switch between the two," he ordered

"No matter how powerful it is, it's just a monstrosity." "I'm not going to turn myself into a monster for the sake of the so-called power," she said scornfully

"I want it!" Tiger's eyes were shining: "only this kind of power can defeat that man."

"Even if it's a monster?"

"At all costs!" There was a look of hatred in tiger's eyes.

Tiger is not only hateful to Chen Yu, but also fearful.

If he wants to defeat his mind devil, he can only defeat Chen Yu in a real sense.

And Tago knows that even if he stands up again, even if he recovers his peak state, he can't defeat Chen Yu.

Only in this way can we defeat Chen Yu unless we can gain non-human power.

Zinga doesn't want to be the kind of monster in those cubicles.

In particular, this change is out of control.

If I really become that kind of monster, maybe I can't see my daughter all my life.

"As long as I can beat that man, I am willing to pay all the price."

"Let me see how many doses of devil's medicine you can take."