Chapter 2438

Name:Demons Beside You Author:Han Bao
A passenger plane landed at Los Angeles Airport.

A dozen passengers dressed strangely came out of the exit.

These people look like people coming out of Hogwarts college in the movie Harry Potter.

Of course, other people look at them as if they were magicians at cos Hogwarts.

And they have already seen this kind of look.

So they seem to be very calm, and other people's requests for group photos have been answered.

When these people came out of the exit, a man greeted them.


"May the Immortal King bless you, Mr. madeko savage."

Among those "Hogwarts" magicians, an old man looked at the man who was greeting them.

"Glad to see you." Madeko savage looks at Hamson dele.

They are all real magicians.

Although not from Hogwarts college.

But the magic of the world is real.

All kinds of strange magic make the first contact with madeko savage amazing.

It was from then on that madeko savage got to know these magicians from England.

They come from an organization called the immortal crown, an extremely ancient organization.

But though they are old, they are poor.

And because of funding constraints, they have fewer and fewer members.

Until madeko savage funded them.

Their precarious life was relieved.

Of course, madeko savage is not unconditionally helping them.

When madeko savage needs it, they also need to help him solve any problems.

These sorcerers, who have long been afraid of poverty, don't care so much about the rules of the spiritual world.

Maybe they didn't realize that they had been controlled by madeko pavich from the beginning.

Now they live on the money provided by madeko savage.

Of course, even if they are aware of the problem, they don't want to go back to the past.

At that time, when madeko savage first contacted them, they lived in a remote mountain forest.

When madeko savage accidentally broke into their hideout, there were fifty-two of them.

They were psychics who hid in the mountains to avoid World War II in the last century.

The vast majority of them are the second and third generations, and a few are the fourth and fifth generations.

Originally, there were hundreds of psychics, but after decades of reproduction, they did not grow, but continued to reduce the number of people.

It's mainly because they have too little contact with the outside world.

And their living materials basically rely on their own cultivation and breeding.

Their only vehicle was an old car from the 1930s.

They have not been in touch with the outside world for decades.

Their cognition is seriously out of touch with the outside world.

Before madeko savage entered the mountain forest where they lived in seclusion, they were almost back to the primitive society.

With the lack of living materials and the backward medical level, all their diseases can only be solved by magic.

But in many cases, magic can't solve all diseases.

For example, appendicitis is a problem that can be solved only by a small operation outside.

But it's a fatal disease there.

They have no idea what's going on outside.

They thought it was still a time of war.

This kind of cognition is not only disjointed, but also lack of knowledge.

This also led to their inability to survive on their own, even when they were later taken out of the forest by madeko savage.

Of course, on the other hand, in order to better control these magicians, madeko savage deliberately made them think so.

All their knowledge is decades behind.

We need to know that the development speed and changes in these decades are greater than the thousands of years of human civilization development in the past.

Especially the first generation of them has almost died.

There are few second generation left.

The incompleteness of knowledge inheritance makes their cognition of the outside world incomplete.

Thus, it also has a sense of dependence on madeko savage.

Madeko savage can easily take them completely under control.

At least most of the members of the immortal crown have now become his servants.

Those older second and third generations are no longer willing to step out of their former seclusion.The fourth and fifth generation are younger, and they are more willing to come to the outside world.

Hamson is the only second generation to follow madeko savage.

But he is very old. He is eighty-five.

In fact, he was born before his parents lived in seclusion.

He knows the outside world better than anyone else.

Of course, he also yearns for the outside world more than others.

So he's actually the first generation.

His magic power is the most powerful among other magicians.

Hamson knew that madeko savage was using them.

But he doesn't care, compared to the lack of material and monotonous life in the seclusion.

The outside world is too much fun.

But also has the stable life level guarantee.

What's more, madeko savage has given them simple tasks.

"You're really eye-catching." Madeko savage said with a smile.

"Although the outside world is much more interesting than the seclusion, I am still more used to the robe of order in my dress."

The magician called his robe the robe of order.

And the robe of order is also a magic prop, which can provide them with magic.

Of course, for Hamson and others who have been living in seclusion for a long time, this robe of order brings them more sense of superiority.

Perhaps because of the influence of the film and TV series, when they appear in front of the public in this robe of order.

Ordinary people's fanaticism and pursuit of them make them feel proud and proud.

"What shall we do this time?" Asked Hamson.

"Mr. madeko, please give us some challenging tasks." A fourth generation young magician said in a somewhat arrogant tone.

"Yes, I hope the task will be difficult. At least when we travel, we feel a little pressure."

"Although I also want to arrange some challenging tasks for you, you are born extraordinary. Maybe only saving the world can make you feel the pressure."

"Ha ha Can you give us the task of saving the world? "

"I want to. But first of all, we need to make our lives better before we save the world. "