Chapter 2096

Name:Demons Beside You Author:Han Bao
"Chen No, Mr. Chen, it's me, Morocco. Bick, do you remember me? It's me. "

Chen Yu turned to Morocco. Bick: "remember, how can I not remember? I remember people who owe me money very well. I once paid bail for you, and I said, it's not money for you, but it's lent to you, you need to repay. But after such a long time, you didn't repay the money, and because you were in prison again during the bail period Prison, leading to the confiscation of bail. "

Morocco. Bick's face is full of embarrassment.

"Chen, give it to me." Mogri went to Morocco. Bick in front of: "do you want to feed sharks or crocodiles?"

Mogery is not the kind of person who doesn't know anything but fights and kills.

He experienced the ups and downs of life, so his life experience also gave him the wisdom to deal with various affairs.

Chen is obviously not going to actually kill Morocco bick.

But intimidation is clearly very effective for people like Morocco bik.

Desperado like Morocco bick.

On the one hand, they are constantly testing on the edge of death.

But on the other hand, they are full of fear of death.

There is no need to reason with them, no need to reason with them.

Just ask them if they want to die or live.

This is more effective than the others.

"Boss mogery Not at all I just owe a little money. " Said Morocco bick in fear.

"Not a little, fifty thousand dollars is not a small amount for anyone." Chen said.

"I I'll find a way I will definitely give it back to you... "

"How are you going to pay back? Is it a verbal commitment? " Chen Yu said disapprovingly.

"No, it's not I have a way. I can definitely pay back the money. "

A smile appeared on Chen's face: "how many people have you made this commitment to?"

"I That... "

"Well, my requirements are not very high. Please do me a favor, and the money will be given up."

"I see. Mr. Chen, who do you want me to kill? Or will you take the goods? "

Chen Yu's face turned black. "I don't need you to do these things."

"Don't worry, Mr. Chen. I understand. Even if I am arrested, I won't offer you anything." Morocco, said bick wisely.

"I said, not that." Chen said with a black face.

Mogri's arm rested on Morocco bick's shoulder. "Listen to him, don't be smart there."

"Yes..." Morocco. Bick wiped the cold sweat off his forehead.

The sense of oppression that mogery brought to him was too great.

This is a super villain who kills people without blinking an eye.

Sure enough, I even taught Morocco bick a lesson in prison.

It's not as intimidating as mogery.

"You go back to prison, to the seventh prison, to be exact." Chen said.

Morocco. Bick almost didn't have a gush of old blood.

Seventh prison? Stop kidding.

Even though he used to be a regular at seventh prison.

But it doesn't mean that he really regards the seventh prison as his home.

More and more people have died there recently, more and more frequently.

And Morocco bick has a fresh memory of that night's experience.

"Mr. Chen, I can promise you anything But this thing I don't want to go back there. You know what's there, white nightmare! That's a white nightmare... " Morocco bick remembers very well.

If Chen Yu was not there that night, he would be dead.

Mogery didn't know what was wrong with the seventh prison.

Chen can arrange for someone to come in if he needs to.

Of course, since Chen Yu wants Morocco bik in.

Then he has to go, if not.

"Morgre, leave me alone with him."

"Well, call me if you need to." Mogery turned around and left.

When mogery left, Chen Yu suddenly grabbed Morocco bick's neck: "I'm not asking for your opinion, I'm ordering you!"

Behind Chen Yu, dark magma like a wave appeared.

"If you refuse my request, you will send me to hell now."

In a flash, Morocco bick felt unprecedented fear.

It's a physical and psychological shock.

He knows Chen Yu is not an ordinary person.

After all, the last time Chen Yu expelled Bai mengyan empty handed.

Now, he really saw Chen's horror."Do you think the seventh prison is horrible or I am?" An evil smile appeared on Chen's face.

"I'll go, I'll go..."

"Very well."

Suddenly, Chen Yu put up the grim smile, and the dark magma.

Morocco bick almost thought spring was coming.

Chen Yu laid down Morocco bick and patted him on the shoulder: "don't worry, I will protect you. The warden of that prison is my friend. You will enjoy five-star treatment in the prison."

Morocco. Bick wants to cry without tears, that kind of ghost place, even if give him ten star treatment also useless.

Of course, compared with the horror Chen just showed, it seems that the place is not so terrible.

Chen took out a bottle containing thick and muddy liquid.

Anyway, Moroccan bick felt creepy at a glance.

I don't know what's in it.

"If you are in danger, drink this thing, and it will give you some non-human power temporarily."

Chen didn't tell him about the side effects of this thing.

If Morocco bick is a good man, Chen doesn't mind giving him some benefits.

For example, strengthening agents.

But Morocco bick is not a good man.

It can even be said that they are extremely bad people.

All the evils of man can be found in him.

If he gets strength beyond ordinary people, the devil knows what crime he will commit.

So it's better to give it to him.

This is the saliva of the crazy corpse devil that Chen Yu made up by heilish.

Anyway, it's disgusting.

People can gain powerful power in a short time after taking it.

But the side effect is lying in bed for a month.

"Can I not?" Morocco. Bick is not blind. How could he not see the horror and supernatural of this thing? This is absolutely not a precious liquid.

"I don't care if you are not afraid of being pressed on the bed like last time when you encounter white nightmare."

"But I can't bring it in either. "

"You don't have to worry about it. I'll find a way."