Chapter 1625

Name:Demons Beside You Author:Han Bao
The woman teacher also noticed Chen Yu in the office.

When I saw Chen Yu, there was some disdain and disgust on her face.

It's really that Chen Yu's posture of sitting on the sofa is too ugly.

She felt it was disrespect for the principal.

The conversation between the teacher and Wright finally came to an end.

Then Wright got up and shook hands with her teacher.

When the female teacher turned and left, she glared at Chen Yu.

"Wright, is that woman a school teacher?"

"Don't you all hear that, ask clearly." Wright's eyes are white.

"How do you look at me like you have a feud with me?"

"It's not like you're hanging around."

"I have nothing to do with her."

"All right, come out with me." Wright said.

Chen took Wright by the arm and went around the school twice.

Finally, I sat in the auditorium of the gymnasium.

In the gymnasium, there is a volleyball team practicing volleyball.

Chen Yu is very famous in sports club.

Chen is the leader of the last enlarged games.

Except for freshmen, most of them know Chen Yu.

Including most of the coaches in the school.

At this time, the volleyball coach ran to the audience.

"Hello, Ms. Wright. Hello, Mr. Chen."

"Lancarott, what can I do for you?"

Chen Yu remembers lankarot. After all, when he led the team last time, lankarot, as the coach of the school volleyball team, also went out with the team.

"Mr. Chen, do you want to fight on the scene?"

"Volleyball?" Chen Leng said, "I haven't played volleyball."

"It's OK. Let's play together. My students are looking forward to playing a friendly match with Mr. Chen."

How does Chen Yu feel? Blue karot has deep malice?

I don't seem to have much contact with him, do I?

Chen looked at Wright sitting next to him.

"Chen, I'd also like to see you play volleyball and teach those who don't know how to play."

Wright has spoken, and Chen can only go on with a stiff head.

Chen has not seen several volleyball matches.

I don't know the rules. I only know that the ball can't fall on my side of the field.

These volleyball players are not as old as Chen Yu.

But on the rise, they are all much higher than Chen Yu.

It is estimated that the lowest ones are all over 1.85 meters tall.

Chen Yu is about one meter eight two.

When it comes to height, it is quite different from professional volleyball players.

Chen found that the former female teacher was also there.

Chen Yu is a little confused.

Did this woman instigate lancarott to coax himself to the stage?

"Meet me, I'm gorgiselle."

When the koji sell came to Chen Yu.

Chen found that the height of a woman is higher than that of him.

About the height of those volleyball players.

"Hello, what can I do for you?"

"Listen to LAN karot. He said that Professor Chen is good at all sports. I want to play volleyball with you. Of course, you can choose the players first."

Isn't the challenge too baffling?

Because I'm not sitting right in Wright's office?

Chen Yu looks at lankarot, who is also embarrassed.

In fact, who has nothing to do to offend Chen Yu.

When Chen Zhuo led the team, the coach of the basketball team challenged him.

He's going to fire the other side without saying anything.

If it wasn't for the other party's decisive advice, I would have gone home to work.

"Mr. Chen, Miss koji just wants to talk to you."

"Well, then come on." Chen Yu looks at the volleyball players in the eye field.

Chen doesn't care which are regular players or substitutes. Chen doesn't recognize any of them.

"You choose first." Chen Yu said generously.

Because Chen Yu really didn't know how many players he played.

"Are you sure you want me to choose first?" Serge looked at Chen.

"Ladies first." Chen Yu said very gentlemanly.

Koji Zell will not give way to Chen Yu.

She used to be a professional volleyball player.

Although she didn't know all the players on the scene.

But she's seen them play a couple of no games.

So basically we know which ones are strong.

"This, this, this..." Kogi sell quickly picked out five players.

Lankarot looks at Chen Zhu.There was some sadness in his eyes.

Kogi sell has picked most of the regular players out.

The rest are basically substitutes.

There is a big difference between the strength of regular players and substitutes.

"Then I want those." Chen Yu ordered a few at will.

The substitutes looked at each other.

Because they are all new students, they don't know Chen Yu at all.

Technically, it's far from those old students.

The opposite side, led by Kogi sell, has gathered to discuss tactics.

Then Chen and kuiji sell put on a vest. Chen is the blue team, and the red team is opposite.

"Mr. Chen, how about the system of the final game?"

"Yes." Chen Yu didn't understand what a decisive game system was.

Volleyball matches are divided into four regular games and one decisive game, with three wins in five games as the rule.

The regular game is a 25 point system, the first to score 25 points, and two points ahead of the opponent for the winner.

The decisive game is a 15 point system, with 15 points for the first time and two points for the winner ahead of the opponent.

"Is the game ready?" Asked Serge.

LAN karot looked at Chen, who shrugged. "I'm fine."

"Then the game begins, draw the right to serve."

"Ladies first." Chen Yu said generously again.

Chen Yu was standing on the spot as a free man, because he didn't know where he was going to stand.

At this time, the opponent serves.

Chen saw the flight path of volleyball and rushed to it.

嘭 -

Chen Yu directly knocked over one of his players.

But Chen also got the ball.

But Chen didn't control his strength. Volleyball flew directly over the opponent's court.

It flew for tens of meters before landing.

Everyone looked at Chen Yu in amazement.

And the team members who were knocked down by Chen Yu.

"Well How are you doing? " Chen Yu crouches down awkwardly and asks.

"My hand bone seems to be cracked. It's very painful."

Chen Yu touched the hand bone of the player.

It's like it's really cracked.

It's embarrassing. We can only help the player off the court.

"One point for the red team."

Chen Yu is speechless. He not only let himself lose a point, but also sent one of his players off the field.

"Mr. Chen, is it better? Now you have one less person on your side. "

"Why don't you have one less than that?" Chen said with a black face.

Chen's teammates looked at Chen's eyes one by one with some fear.

They didn't expect Chen Yu to be a few centimeters smaller than them. He was so powerful.

To knock a member of the team off the field.

It is estimated that it is rare in volleyball.