Chapter 864

Name:Demons Beside You Author:Han Bao
"Evan, come here."

At this time, in the dark corner of the room, walking out of a big cat.

This big cat has spots all over its body. Its length is more than 250 cm.

It is the largest cat in the American continent, the Jaguar.

The deadliest predators, whose diet includes crocodiles.

In the rich class of the United States, they seldom raise Jaguars.

Because they are too big.

Plus the killing habits of cats.

So Jaguar is not a good pet.

It 's Ivan, famtis' pet.

This is what famtis brought back when he went on a mission in the Amazon forest.

At that time, Yiwen was still a minor, and now she is a "big girl".

Famtis sees Evan as his own daughter.

The three-year-old has grown up, which has also led to its growing appetite.

Famtis had to find a better paying job.

In this way, we can prevent our daughter from starving to death.

And feeding with dog food is also a helpless move.

Her credit cards have been maxed out because they were always fed with raw beef and raw lamb.

Of course, as long as this month, then her pressure will ease.

The monthly salary of fifteen thousand dollars is enough to support the cost of Yiwen.

Of course, Evan is pretty good most of the time.

After more than two years of training, Evan will not attack humans at least.

Famtis was pouring dog food for Evan when he saw something in the corner.

Famtis walked over and saw that Ivan was like a child who did something wrong. He was afraid to look up.

When famtis saw this, he was immediately angry and laughed.

I don't know whose pet suffered, or who was too hungry according to Wen.

Take the other dog directly.

"I'm sorry to starve you, but we should obey the rules, OK?"

Ouch -

Yiwen looks down and mutters.

I don't know if I'm pleading or responding to fatis's reprimand.

Famtis is in a tight spot, although his salary is very high now.

But to survive this month, it is estimated that Evan will go out and pick up some more dogs.

If they are found, they are likely to be killed.

There has to be a way

Famtis thought about it, and his heart moved.

The next day, famtis brought the text.

Famtis is going to take Evan to see Steven.

Early in the morning, when Steven came out, he saw the Yiwen beside famtis, and was immediately shocked.

"Famtis, what's the matter? Is this a Jaguar? "

"Mr. Steven, it's according to Wen. I think it's not enough for us to protect your safety. Animals' intuition is more acute than that of human beings, and they can distinguish goodwill from malice. It's more helpful for me to protect you, so I brought it."

"Well It makes sense for you to say that. " Steven looked at it and said, "it doesn't bite, does it?"

"No." Famtis was confident: "but he came out early today, he didn't have breakfast."

"As it happens, there is a lot of raw meat in my kitchen. Can it eat beef?"

"No problem, of course." Famtis's face brightened.

Famtis had thought he needed to talk to Steven again.

It turns out that Steven's receptivity is much higher than she thought.

It was so easy to accept the text.

And he didn't like the ordinary people. When he saw Yiwen, his first reaction was to run.

Steven was scared at the first time, but then he was very normal.

It seems that he is not afraid of compliance at all.

Famtis took a lot of meat from the kitchen.

Anyway, Steven has money. He shouldn't care about this beef.

While she was feeding Evan, Steven came over.

Famtis was a little embarrassed.

"You domesticated it?"

"Yes." Famtis looked at Steven. "Mr. Steven, aren't you afraid?"

"I've touched every fierce beast. It's not very big among the beasts I've touched."

But famtis didn't think so. Evan was a Jaguar, the most ferocious predator on the American continent.

Bigger than Jaguar, only bear.

But when it comes to aggression, bears are not as good as Jaguars.

The other is crocodile. Crocodile is a kind of thing that six people don't recognize. It's crazy to eat even the same kind of thing.

She didn't think Steven would touch the crocodile at will.Generally, parents think that their children are the best.

That's what famtis thinks. She thinks that Evian is the best.

There are some things she can't say directly. According to Wen, she has killed people.

More than 20 kilograms of meat were eaten in accordance with the text.

There are few opportunities for Yiwen to eat so full.

At this time, other bodyguards came to the villa again and again.

"Well, clean up. I need to go to the field later. I need to visit a natural environment studio on the spot." Steven said.

This time, Steven needs to choose the shooting location. He has already begun to plan the kidnapping film.

Since the leak of the plan, all Hollywood film production plans of the same type have been cancelled.

No one and the film company want to collide with Steven's theme and schedule.

Everyone was in a business car, but not long after that, famtis suddenly said, "it seems that there is a car following us in the back."

All the people immediately became alert and took out their pistols.

After all, they all know that Steven just went through a kidnapping not long ago.

There will be no second kidnapping.

Steven got nervous, too.

"Pull over."

"Why stop?" Steven asked.

"Mr. Steven, it's more dangerous to drive on the road if it's really malicious to follow our car." One of the bodyguards said: "they are likely to directly take the way of impact, forcing our vehicles to roll on the road, directly causing casualties in our vehicles, thus losing combat effectiveness."

"What now?" Steven asked.

Famtis looked at the parked car behind his eyes and said to Toray, "Toray, let's check it."

They got out of the car and went straight to the car behind them.

Steven saw that famtis had dragged down the people in the back of the car and had a fight.

After half pay, they came back.

"Mr. Steven, there are two journalists."

Steven nodded. It was a false alarm.

As for famtis who beat the reporter, he didn't care at all.

Dare to follow his people, let alone just hit, even if it is killed, there will be no man-made reporters.

Famtis was still standing outside the car, looking around.

"Famtis, it's late. Don't waste your time on the road." Steven said.