Chapter 378

Name:Demons Beside You Author:Han Bao
Finally, the door of the operating room opened.

Chen Yu came out of it with some tiredness.

"You are willing to open the door at last. Two police gentlemen, catch him." Cried rosick yard.

"How about Chen?" Asked Val first.

"People are back. It's OK." Chen Xun rubbed his forehead.

"Kane is not dead?" Karim and Howard look at Chen Yu excitedly.

"Well." Chen looked at the two policemen and said, "do you need to take me to the police station?"

The two policemen are the most embarrassed. Chen Yu is a violation of the law.

However, he saved the dead people identified by the hospital, which is difficult to do.

"No way, that man can't be alive." Hill nandes denied on the spot: "his brain damage is serious, first of all, the bullet debris can not be cleaned, and there are multiple symptoms of intracerebral hemorrhage, which can not be handled. Before I came out, there was a lack of oxygen in the brain, which is expected to die within 30 minutes."

Chen Yu looks at Hill nandez and goes in to have a look. Isn't that ok.

Hill nandes looked into the operating room, and then at Chen Yu, with some hesitation in his eyes.

This is probably the most tangled time in his decades as a doctor.

On the one hand, he wants his judgment to be right.

But on the other hand, he wanted to see a living man.

Not only his professional ethics, but also because he wants to see a miracle.

Of course, the president of rosick around him is less complicated.

He just hoped that people would die before attacking Chen Yu.

"You have heard that this man is a liar at all."

Bang -

Chen Yu made a hook, and President rosick's teeth were all knocked out.

"Get him. He's going to kill me He's going to kill me... " When President rosick shouted, two more teeth came out of his mouth.

"Now you should have more reason to arrest me."

The two policemen laughed bitterly. Now they can't do without catching people.

"Come with us to the police station, sir."

"Chen, you go with them. I promise you nothing." "Karim, get in touch with my lawyer and I'm going to claim $10 million from this hospital," said whitup

When hill nandes entered the operating room, his first sight was to see the heart rate meter, which was stable.

Looking at the brain wave instrument, the brain is active and stable.

These two data are obviously not the data that the dead should have.

Hill nandes would like to reopen Cain's brain to see what kind of surgery Cain's brain has undergone.

"Impossible Well President rosick spits out another tooth: "fake This is a fake! He's dead. He must be dead. "

Everyone felt the noise, and whimper shouted, "call me."

Karim and Howard have endured him for a long time. As soon as they listen to winip's words, they just go straight up to a set of combos.

"I will accuse you, I will accuse you of deliberately injuring people!"

"Go ahead and Sue. As the president of a hospital, curse a wounded person who has just completed the operation to die. You can't wash it out. I will buy the front page headlines of all media in Sacramento and make you the most famous president of Sacramento." Said winip quietly.

"I didn't mean that..." At this time, President rosick finally realized that he had just made a mistake and wanted to deny it.

It's just that there are so many people here that he can't wash them if he wants to. Even hill nandes can't testify for him.

Chen Yu spent less than an hour at the police station and was picked up by her lawyer.

As soon as Chen came back home, he fell asleep.

"Farr, is Chen OK?"

"It's OK. It should be too much energy consumption. Let him have a good sleep." "It was the same last time," Farr said

"How is Kane doing now?"

"There's no danger. I'm still in a coma, but I've done a comprehensive examination. All the debris in my brain has been removed. To be honest, I've seen his X-ray photos. I can't imagine that Chen can rescue him. If it's me, I'm afraid that he will be as dead as Dr. Hill nandes."

Chen Yu slept for 18 hours, from noon to the next morning.

Although Phare has promised several times, Chen is just a drain of energy.

However, fari was still in a hurry, and kept saying whether to send Chen Zhu to the hospital.

Of course, she is concerned about the chaos.

When Chen Yu woke up the next day, the first thing was to pull fari to the bed and get to the right place.

Seeing that Chen Yu had recovered her energy, farry was relieved.Generally speaking, Chen Yu is able to toss her, which means that he has recovered his vigorous energy and physical strength.

By the time Chen Yu and fali came downstairs, the atmosphere at home had recovered.

"Chen, you can really sleep." Whitney's face also says easy. After all, Kane is out of danger.

"How is Kane doing now?"

"I woke up briefly last night, but I fell asleep again."

"I'll see him that afternoon." Chen said.

Whitup nodded, and Chen Yu went to see Kane. Of course, it was the best.

After all, Kane was rescued by Chen Yu, who must have the best knowledge of Kane's situation.

For the first time, she realized clearly how good her son-in-law-in-law was at medicine.

It is unimaginable for ordinary people that a person's head is shot open, so that he can be saved.

Of course, it's also related to that man's small caliber pistol.

One more thing Kane's brain is harder than normal.

Laurent also came downstairs, sat down at the table, was about to eat the eggs and sandwiches in front of him, and Whipp opened his hand directly.

"Don't touch it. It's for Chen."

"Whitney, he just happened to save Kane, and there's no need to take special care of him." Laurent said discontentedly.

"If you happen to save Kane, I'll prepare you a breakfast."

"I helped yesterday, too." Laurent said discontentedly.

"When did you help?"

"When I hit that asshole Dean You see, my fists are bleeding. "

"You can hurt yourself if you hit people, rubbish."

Chen Yu proudly enjoyed the breakfast prepared for him: "Laurent, do you want me to teach you how to hit people? I'm good at it And I'd love to teach you. "

"Come on, you must want to hit me." Laurent is not to be fooled. He knows too well what Chen Yu is.

This bastard is narrow-minded and will report to others.

Laurent's revenge on Chen Yu is fresh in his memory and will never be forgotten in his life.

Especially the birthday the night before yesterday, it almost became his nightmare.