"I warned them not to use that medicine. It not only can't cure the disease, but also has side effects. It's partial... ~"

Lu Yu frowned and sighed. Unfortunately, Liu Fang interrupted before he finished his words:

"Don't fart. Hurry to Pan's group and save Lili and her husband!"

"And Mr. Pan also spoke, so you have to come."

Lu Yu couldn't help wondering, "save them?"?, I'm not related to pan billion, and I can't talk. "

"You carry everything down, say that the medicine is yours, and you encouraged Lili to treat Miss Pan."

"That's all right!"

"What a pig brain!"

Liu Fang's words are justified. Whether Lu Yu will die after carrying them is not her consideration.

"Mom, won't your conscience hurt when you say that?"

"Lu Yu is your son-in-law!"

"Is it fair to him to do so?"

Lin muxue heard Liu Fang's words clearly. She couldn't help it. She grabbed the phone and was angry.

"Mu Xue?"

"Did you talk to mom like that?"

"Your father and I worked hard to raise you, but you contradicted me for a waste?"

"Your grandpa said that if Lili had any trouble, she would drive us out of the Lin family!"

"If he doesn't come, our old couple will jump from this upstairs!"

With that, Liu Fang hung up directly and watched Mu Xue grow up. Mu Xue will not die.

"Mom! Make some sense... "

Lin muxue continued to argue, but found that Liu Fang had hung up.

Manager Liu nearby has been silly. A son-in-law like Mr. Lu is not satisfied. How wonderful is this mother-in-law?

"Mu Xue, forget it. Let's go there. It's just that the order hasn't been signed yet."

Do not want Lin muxue caught in the middle of a dilemma, Lu Yu made an excuse and comforted softly.

Although it can't change anything, Lin muxue is very satisfied that he can fight hard for himself.

His mother-in-law's attitude towards himself is not important. He only cares about Lin muxue!

"Lu Yu! You are just too... Too used to my parents! "

"You just can't go anyway!"

Lin muxue stamped her feet angrily and knew that Lu Yu was looking for her face, but she didn't want Lu Yu to take risks.

This is obvious. Lin Lili has made Miss Pan's condition more serious, and everyone will be angry.

An angry man can splash blood five steps!

Pan Yiyi, known as the richest man in the cloud sea, started a fire and killed several people. It's normal!

Therefore, if Lu Yu goes, there must be no return!

"Don't worry, wife. There will be no danger. The diamond ring must be taken back!"

"Besides, you don't want to be expelled from the Lin family by grandpa?"

Lu Yu smiled and held Lin muxue's small hand. Her concern warmed her heart.


Lin muxue wanted to stop talking and was very tangled. On the one hand, he was his husband and on the other hand, he was his parents. The palms and backs of his hands were meat.

"Don't worry, I still have some friendship with third master Lei. Pan Yiyi won't embarrass me too much for the sake of third master."

Lu Yu knew that Lin muxue was still worried and hurriedly comforted.

In fact, in Yunhai, pan Yiyi and Uncle Lei are basically in a state of rivalry. If something really happens, I'm afraid Uncle Lei can't speak.

Lu Yu said so, just hoping to give Mu Xue some confidence.

"All right!"

"But I'm going with you!"

Lin muxue thought for a moment and said firmly.

There was another word in her heart that she didn't say to Lu Yu, that is:

"Die together!"

When she arrives at the pan group, she and Lu Yu take on all the responsibilities, so that she can save Lin Lili and avoid being expelled from the Lin family.

In this way, she doesn't have to live up to Lu Yu. She has to die together!