Chapter 94 Dilemma.

Sky Imperial

The spacious office of the CEO of their agency had deadly silence as if a bomb had blasted in a village and created the silence.

Wang Hong Wei was wearing a black suit and wrinkles on his stern face and white beard,which who knew when did he shave last time, made him looked aged.

Opposite him, a lady sat like a queen in her maroon business suit with a stony face, short curly hairs and cigarette on her hand which gave her an aura of the boss of this company. In reality, the actual boss of the company was sitting in front of her, but who cares.

"What did you say?" Yue Wanwan infuriatingly asked.

"Yue Wanwan, I know you don't like this but you need to change sometime." Wang Hong Wei was trying to talk calmly, even though, his blood was boiling like lava in the volcano because of anger.

Sky Imperial had stabilized now after a lot of difficulties and sacrifices, not to mention the 17% shares of Sky Imperial. Where Wang Hui's image had been trashed before the public.

Now, Lee Chang-You was still holding that recording against Wang Hui which could send him behind the bars.

If Yue Wanwan wouldn't take Lee Xuiye as an artist under her, then Lee Chang-You wouldn't give him that recording and moreover, he would take more time, then Lee Chang-you might release that recording on the social media which meant the end of Wang Hui.

Even though Wang Hong Wei had fired Wang Hui from the position of Vice President, but that was temporary, till the time he was in the coma. Until then, the public would also forget about this scandal as well.

Back to the current discussion,

"And why do you have to think I have to change? It seems that you don't like my working style. No problem, I can resign." Yue Wanwan calmly said in a threatening manner while taking a few puffs.

Well, it was a threat because Sky Imperial couldn't bear to lose Yue Wanwan at any cost. The other agencies were dying to hire Yue Wanwan under them, it was only her loyalty for Wang Hong Wei which had stopped her from leaving Sky Imperial. However, no one would know until when this loyalty would be effective.

And that was the thing, Wang Hong Wei understood very well, that was why he couldn't lash out his anger on Yue Wanwan, even though she was giving him a headache.

"When did I say I don't like your working style? I am just BEGGING you to please consider Lee Xuiye as an artist under you. If you do this, I owe you. You can ask me anything."

Hearing 'You can ask me anything.', Yue Wanwan's sharp eyes bright up. Yes! She could ask ANYTHING. It could be the position of CEO of the Sky Imperial. Who wouldn't love power?

Actually, after seeing the talent and intelligence of Yue Wanwan, she would be the best candidate for the position of CEO. In fact, she was far better than Wang Hui. However, she didn't have one thing, which disqualified her for being the CEO of the Sky Imperial, blood and flesh of Wang in her veins.

If she was the daughter of Wang Family, then Wang Hong Wei would have given his position of CEO to her a long time ago.

Sadly, she wasn't the daughter of Wang Family.

Seeing that Yue Wanwan wasn't replying, Wang Hong Wei continued "Yue Wanwan, the position of Vice President is still not decided yet, so I can recommend some suggestions to the board members, besides I am just telling you to consider Lee Xuiye as your artist, but it isn't necessary for you to give your attention and resources to her. You understand what I mean, right?"

Although Yue Wanwan deserved the position of CEO, she knew that she wouldn't be able to take that position, all thanks to Wang Hui.

However, the position of Vice President was not a bad position as well in comparison to the position of manager.

As for Lee Xuiye, she was just a newcomer who didn't know anything about modelling, so it wouldn't be difficult for Yue Wanwan to disregard her and toss her out to the other lower manager afterwards.

Even though, Yue Wanwan didn't know what tricks Lee Xuiye had played to make Wang Hong Wei to beg Yue Wanwan to consider Lee Xuiye as an artist under her and she wasn't interested in that unless Lee Xuiye wouldn't become thorny for her.



Few days had passed, now Lee Xuiye's bruise had fainted away - not complete but at least she could leave her house.

Therefore, the first thing, she decided was to meet Mo Lingtan. Since from that last night, Mo Lingtan and Lee Xuiye were only able to talk on the phone and she missed him dearly.

Although, Mo Lingtan wanted to come here like that night, however, Lee Xuiye always refused that idea. He should consider himself lucky that he was successfully able to climb up and get down without getting injured, however, not every day was as lucky as that day. Lee Xuiye didn't want to take any risk.

In the end, the couple wasn't able to meet with each other.

Nevertheless, today, she was going to him at any cost.

Therefore, this morning, Lee Xuiye woke up early and got ready to meet Mo Lingtan. She really missed him and especially his kiss. Even though she wouldn't tell him that she was missing his kiss than him, but still, he always understood what was running in her mind as if he had filled a transmitter insider her mind which was communicating directly to him what was running in her mind.

Afterwards, she packed Mo Lingtan's favourite breakfast and was able to leave, then her phone vibrated.

Lee Xuiye picked it up and before she could say 'hello, who is this?' a stern voice came from the other side of the phone.

"I am Yue Wanwan, your new manager from the Sky Imperial. Meet me in 30 minutes in my office."

Yue Wanwan hung up without even asking Lee Xuiye whether she was able to or not.

Initially, Lee Xuiye was very angry for such a rude behaviour of Yue Wanwan and decided not to go to the Sky Imperial first. However, she remembered that Lee Chang-You had told her beforehand that Yue Wanwan was the person, she shouldn't offend in her lifetime because only Yue Wanwan was able to help her to achieve her goal i.e to take revenge for Lee Chang-You.

Now, Lee Xuiye was in a dilemma to whom to choose.

She had promised Mo Lingtan that she would come today early and bring breakfast for him as well. She knew that if she wouldn't go then Mo Lingtan wouldn't eat his breakfast. However, she couldn't offend Yue Wanwan as well.

Now, what should she do?