"The information on the contract shows that changshengmen is dead?" Li Xiandao asked Xiao Qi.

"In a quarter of an hour, when the contract was about to turn black, changshengmen came back to life." Xiao Qi doubts.

Li Xiandao frowned and called for tianguangming.

He didn't care much about changshengmen, just because changshengmen still owed many treasures of Tiandi bank.

What's more, Li Xiandao's trading target has not died and the contract has been cancelled.

The guest signs a contract with Tiandi bank. During the contract period, the host dies, the contract automatically ends and Tiandi bank loses money.

Since taking over Tiandi bank, Li Xiandao has dealt with a lot of contract losses and has seen a lot of automatic contract termination.

Every time I see a contract automatically ending, Li Xiandao's heart is dripping blood. Behind this contract, there are resources invested by Tiandi bank.

It's not unreasonable that the last owner failed Tiandi bank.

Therefore, in order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, Li Xiandao attached great importance to the completion of the contract.

Although there are not many resources invested in the contract this time, it's not an excuse.

Li Xiandao just doesn't want the event that his first contract ends automatically.

The light of the day came at once, wondering, "master, do you want me to do something again?"

Li Xiandao shook his head and said, "you just went to Changsheng palace with Changsheng gate. What's wrong with him?"

Tianguangming thought for a while and said, "there is nothing unusual, but maybe I am too relaxed to deal with the deacon of chaos devil gate. He is very dissatisfied and thinks that his price is not worth the price."

Li Xiandao asked suspiciously: "in addition to his dissatisfaction, there is no life danger?"

"How can Wang Ting be sure that his life is in danger?" The light of the day affirmed.

"Changsheng palace is an immortal tool. It is a huge and floating ancient city with many people living in it. It is still very difficult to kill Changsheng gate in it." The light of the day continued.

Li Xiandao looks at Xiao Qi.

Seven is still distressed with his chin, way: "but the contract is not wrong."

"The sky is bright!" Li Xiandao immediately said seriously.

"Yes, master," he said The light of the day stood up solemnly.

"You can go to the Changsheng gate and find out what the situation is, and then we can talk about it." Li Xiandao said seriously.

"Yes." Tianguangming promised to come down. Although he didn't want to go, it was Li Xiandao's order.

For Li Xiandao's order, tianguangming can not refuse.

Li Xiandao watched tianguangming go and looked at Xiao Qi: "don't worry, I'll find out. It's also about my first contract."

There were no problems with the previous contracts, only this one had twists and turns, and Li Xiandao also needed to investigate.


Before the light of the day, he went out of the heaven and earth bank to solve a deacon in the boundless realm of the chaos devil gate. Then he returned to the heaven and earth bank and prepared to practice. Unexpectedly, he was called out by Li Xiandao.

Back and forth, the light of the day is helpless.

Fortunately, he had already remembered the journey and came to Changsheng palace easily.

The heavily guarded Changsheng royal court is floating in the sky, which is very spectacular. Tianguangming is paying a certain fee to enter the city and enters the Changsheng royal court.

In addition to some specified areas, the Changsheng royal court is not allowed to enter. The rest of them are just wandering around. There are a large number of permanent residents here, all of them are practitioners, and none of them are ordinary people.

When the light of day enters here, go to the residence of Changsheng gate immediately.

Even if Changsheng gate is down and out, he is also the son of Changsheng emperor. When he is an adult, he has his own residence, though dilapidated and remote.

Now, this mansion is a clue to the light of the day.

When we came to the mansion, there was no one guarding the gate at all. Although it was closed, the light of the day went in.

But there is no longevity door in the house.

However, there is a mother who is responsible for cleaning and cleaning up. It is very sad that a prince has only one mother.

"Where is Changsheng gate?" Tianguangming didn't want to talk nonsense. She hypnotized mammy directly and asked.

"Called into the palace by the general of the emperor Changsheng." Mammy's vague answer.

Tianguangming immediately went to the guard general in Mammy's mouth.

This guard general is the realm of great respect and is only one step away from the emperor.

But there is still a huge gap with the day before the light.

This huge gap made Tian Guangming hypnotize him directly and asked, "where is Changsheng gate?"

"The Changsheng gate was summoned by the emperor Changsheng for an audience, and then came out, and entered the guest area, but did not go out." The guard general said what he knew.

He was guarding the gate for the emperor Changsheng. Naturally, he saw the gate come out and didn't leave. Instead, he took a rest and practice in the room in the guest area.So he told tianguangming, but he didn't know that there was a new soul in the gate of eternal life.

It's not easy for him to come here from Tiandi bank. In order to find Changsheng gate, he asked hypnotized one by one and was afraid of being found out. He was always careful.

Fortunately, he had won the destiny for three times, otherwise he would have been discovered.

Now it's hard to find the location of Changsheng gate. Tianguangming swears to give him a good beating after seeing Changsheng gate.

You have nothing to do with it. Xiao Qi is worried.

As soon as Xiaoqi adults worry, the master will worry.

As soon as the master was worried, what was injured was his bright day. Thousands of mountains and rivers came here, asking one by one.

Once again, I quietly touched the house where Changsheng gate was located. Tianguang was surprised to find that the house was full of aura, huge and full of resources.

The cultivation of Changsheng gate broke through the boundless realm and entered the epic level.

What the hell is this?

You're on drugs, aren't you so fast?

We are separated less than six hours, you from the ten fold cave into the epic realm?

You are more fierce than taking medicine.

Tianguangming is acutely aware of some problems. There must be ghosts in this Changsheng sect.

He came to the door quietly and listened silently, hoping to hear some useful information.

"Teacher, I came to the lower bound and occupied a body. Now what I want to do is to improve my own strength, find the key to the immortal gate, and then open the immortal gate?" A puzzled voice is asking.

Then an ethereal voice sounded: "you need to speed up. The two people I sent before can't lift the water after they go down. All of them are dead. I'm very disappointed."

"Teacher, I won't be like them." Changsheng gate is firm.

"I know you won't be like this. You are my outstanding disciple. You have the strength of an immortal at a young age. It's very good. When you finish your practice, go to the cold moon day and find Tianshan. According to the information I got, the key to the immortal gate is there." The old voice of the teacher rang out.

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