"That's Li Shuangyi." Someone identified the challenger.

"Oh, the one who is known as the best in both piano and chess?"

"Yes, master Zhou's disciples have extraordinary strength."

"Since he is known as an excellent player in both piano and chess, he should be able to win."

"Well, write down the way he moves every move. If he wins, we'll draw gourds."

"Yes, yes, yes."

With such a reminder, everyone became excited.

At the beginning of the game, you come and go, you eat me as a soldier, I eat you as a pawn. The pieces collide and smash, and the pieces on the field become less and less.

Is it about to be decided?

Li Shuangyi is always calm and calm. He can also move himself, but only in the nine palace grid of the handsome position. Moreover, he has to follow the rules of the chess game. He can't run around.

"Five guns and six guns Six horses in four... " His mouth constantly issued instructions, directing his own chess pieces to attack.

"Win, win!" People are excited, even if they are not good at chess, it is not difficult to judge the situation.

Li Shuangyi has completely gained the upper hand. He only has his share of attack. A horse, a car and a river crossing soldier press each other step by step, so that the other party can only parry frequently, and without much effort, he is eaten three pieces.

So far, the overall situation has been decided.

Sure enough, only three steps later, the opponent's general was killed and the chess game ended.

Li Shuangyi smiles with pride and strides towards the opposite line. No chess pieces attack.

When he passed, the chess game quickly recovered, and the pieces that had been broken before were also restored to their original state, as if they could reverse the time.

"You all see how Ben Shao won?" Li Shuangyi turned around and swept around the crowd. His face was arrogant, as if waiting for people to pay homage.

"Brother Li, you don't have to say anything. I'll take you!" Immediately someone said.

"It's thanks to brother Li to pass this time."

"Brother Li, I owe you a favor."

Sure enough, many people expressed their opinions, but a few did not say anything.

"Well, a pack of white eyed wolves!" Li Shuangyi said unhappily, but not angry, but leisurely way, "the chess game is ever-changing. Even if you follow my routine, it will also change. With your scum chess skill, isn't it for death?"

This When people listen to it, they feel cool.

yes, especially as like as two peas in the opening stage.

In this way, people's attitudes have changed. They are all courting Li Shuangyi. I hope that when such a situation happens, the other party can give some advice.

Li Shuangyi smiles, but he thinks in his heart that if he is not competitive, he doesn't mind letting the other party pass the test and reap a little reputation and human feelings. But if he feels threatened, I'm sorry. You'd better die.

Soon someone came to the end of the game. Sure enough, even if he followed Li Shuangyi's routine, there were still subtle changes. It was only with Li Shuangyi's voice that he brought the chess game back to the original routine and helped the man win.

This is obviously a mistake. Why can the people on the side give advice?

Ling Han thought about it, shook his head, and looked at the pattern and layout of the training ground. He should not have made such obvious mistakes, but deliberately did.

Just like the previous garden, after the first person passes, all the flowers stop blooming and people can easily pass through.

Li Shuangyi is naturally grateful to Li Shuangyi, but Li Shuangyi is very high and indifferent.

Next, there was another game.

After the chess game changed, Li Shuangyi still gave advice to help the other side through.

Two, three, four, more and more people passed through, but in the ninth, there was an accident. The chess skills of array spirit seemed to be greatly improved. It was useless for Li Shuangyi to try his best.

Naturally, the result of this person is only crushed to death by the chess pieces.

Li Shuangyi immediately exclaimed that he had made a mistake, but in the game, he made a mistake and lost the whole game.

"Li Shao, don't pay too much attention to it. People always make mistakes."

"Yes, that's the truth."

"Li Shao, don't think it's your fault."

All of them comforted and spoke for Li Shuangyi.

It is said that, but no one immediately off the challenge, who knows whether Li Shuangyi will "fault" again.

However, the desire for strength eventually surpassed the fear. After a while, there was another challenge and won.

People regained their confidence and began to scramble for the underground, because who knows if Li Shuangyi will suddenly leave?

Ling Han observes, but it is not the change of the chess game, but the operation of the array.

He has learned a lot of information, and there is a very important detail, that is, after each move, both sides have only one minute to think about it. If it is out of date, it will be directly negative.Some people thought about it for a long time and were run over directly.

Ling Han thinks that it is unrealistic for him to break the array in a short time, but he can still do it if he only blocks the operation of the array and makes it impossible to make an action within a minute.

Of course, he has to go off to meet the challenge, and some changes need him to experience in person.

Therefore, after the current chess players won, Ling Han took the lead in taking the lead.

"Hello, Hello, why don't you end up according to Li Shao's arrangement?" Someone immediately called.

Before, Li Shuangyi also arranged the order of who would end up in order to establish his authority. If people want him, they can only follow the arrangement.


"How dare you disobey Li Shao's orders?"

Those who have not passed the test are very unconvinced.

Li Shuangyi is proud and ran a smile: "don't worry, I won't instruct him."

"Ha ha, that boy is miserable, there is only one way to die."

"Hey hey, in order to get ahead, I have to pay a small life. What a fool."

"He deserves it. If he doesn't obey Li Shao's orders, he deserves to die."

Everyone laughs. This unruly person should not live long and will die in the chess game soon.

Ling Han didn't pay attention to it, and the game had begun.

He didn't think about winning the chess game at all. Therefore, he played chess very casually. It can be said that every step was a blind move.

"Not following Li Shao's routine?"

"Well, even if I'm not good at chess, I can see that I'm walking in a blind way."

"How dare you play such a bad chess game?"

"Are you confused?"

All the people shook their heads. This boy is really confused. He is too stupid.

Ling Han walks around, the chess pieces are constantly eaten, but the opponent is almost immortal.

Li Shuangyi sneers at him. Even if he plays in person, he can't win the chess game.

What a fool.

"Without three steps, he will die." Someone asserted.

"One step."

"Two steps."

Suddenly, he stopped.

Then he made a move at random.

It was supposed to be a general on the other side, but the blocking array was thrown properly and the operation of the array was cut off. Suddenly, the array seemed to be dead and no longer work.

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