"Well, I'll show you only," he replied.

She smiled and began to touch his face with her fingers.

"Huh?" he glanced at her again.

"Feel it casually." she smiled, "it's a little uneconomical for such a handsome husband not to touch more." in fact, she was excited by his eyes just now, but she couldn't do anything to him, so now she can only have a hand addiction.

He massaged her left leg and replaced it with her right leg.

She touched his cheek and then his neck, especially her fingers were still stroking back and forth on his Adam's apple, as if she were playing with some novel toy.

Even if Gu lichen's usual self-control is good, he can't help being teased by his dear wife.

The color of Feng Mou's eyes didn't feel deep. His voice was a little hoarse and said, "when are you going to play?"

"Ah?" she was surprised. Looking at his appearance, she found that she had played too much, "I... that..."

"Like to play?" he looked at her with a bit of heat.

Her face turned red and subconsciously wanted to take back her hand, but his hand took a step faster and pressed her hand on his neck, "is it intentional?"

"What?" she looked at him blankly.

He leaned over, his face closer and closer to her, and his breath sprayed on her cheeks, which made her face redder, and all his mind seemed to have been taken by him.

"Did you deliberately tease me like this?" his low and elegant voice sounded in her ear.

"No, it wasn't intentional." she came back to herself for a long time and denied. It was just her denial, but she looked so weak.

"Whether it's intentional or not, just try not to do this during this period of time." he murmured, "do you know how much restraint I have to use to make myself resist that impulse?"

Zhong Keke blinked his eyes. In his ear, he only heard Gu lichen's low voice continue to say, "Keke, do you know how much I want you? And how afraid of your touch? I'm afraid I'll hurt you and your children for my temporary pleasure."

Zhong Keke found that there were green tendons on his forehead, and the green tendons on his arm were more obvious.

So... He was patient and endured very hard.

Suddenly, there was a trace of guilt in Zhong Keke's heart.

She was just a whim, but it made him have to be so patient, "yes... I'm sorry!" she apologized with guilt.

"You don't have to apologize, and you didn't do anything wrong?" Gu lichen said, kissing her lip flap, which is also the biggest scale he can do now. No matter how much, he was afraid that he would really lose control. "In fact, you are interested in me, I'm very happy. My self-control is not as good as you think, so please bear it."

As he spoke, he gently held her in his arms. "When you have a baby, you can do whatever you want, and I can give it to you."

The murmuring voice was hoarse and magnetic. Zhong Keke's face was going to burn up. His words were like the greatest temptation to her.

After a while, she murmured, "then you... Must keep your word."

"Well, I will keep my word."

Because he loves her so much.


The next day, the day of her pregnancy examination, Zhong Keke was awakened by Gu lichen.

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