And now she is like this, which is not her adaptation.

She is adapting to the various situations she has to face with him.

Thinking of this, Gu lichen took Zhong Keke's hand, lowered his head and gently kissed her palm.

"Huh?" Zhong Keke's eyes twinkled with doubt.

"You are really a good wife. I am lucky to marry you," he said.

"I'm the one who is lucky," she said with a smile.

In the next few days, Zhong Keke and Gu lichen wandered around during the day. There was a strong comic atmosphere in the city. Many well-known cartoonists in the industry lived in the city. Zhong Keke even visited several cartoonists with Gu lichen.

In the evening, she will also have a video chat with Xinmian, and still talk with Qian Yun, Xia Xi and Qin Lianyi.

Sometimes a few people, but also many people video connection, it seems like a tea party.

"How was your honeymoon?" asked Zhou Xinmian.

"Very good," said Zhong Keke.

"Maybe you'll get pregnant after your honeymoon." Zhou Xinmian said.

Zhong Keke was drinking water and almost spewed out, "pregnant?"

"Why don't you plan to have children?" Zhou Xinmian said. "You're 30, and Gu lichen. Although your face looks ok, you're not young. How old are you going to have children if you don't have children? Even if he doesn't urge, your mother-in-law will urge."

"I didn't say no, it's just... Er, will it be so fast?" Zhong Keke hurried.

"I have no experience. You can ask other experienced people," Zhou Xinmian said.

Those experienced people are naturally other than Zhou Xinmian.

Ling still cleared his throat. When the representative spoke, "in fact, pregnancy should be fast and slow. It's really uncertain. Sometimes, you come when you don't expect it, and you don't come when you want it very much. In short, just be normal."

"Yes, yes, ordinary." Qin Lianyi said, "but hey, I really want to see you and Gu lichen's baby earlier! It must be a beautiful baby!"

Several women can't stop talking about children.

At this time, Zhuo qianyun said, "by the way, has the boy Xiaojin is looking for found?"

"What boy?" Zhong Keke wondered.

"It was your wedding day. Xiaojin heard a little boy playing the piano in the utility room in the corridor of the hotel. She wanted us to help her find the little boy and say she wanted to listen to each other play the piano again."

"Isn't Xiaojin good at playing the piano? Do you want to hear other children play the piano? That child plays better than her?" Zhong Keke was surprised.

After all, she had heard Yi Qianjin play the piano. When she heard it, she was shocked. She had no idea that a child could play so well.

"That's not true. She said that the boy's fingering was not so smooth in some places, but the sound of the piano had a lasting appeal." Ling still said.

Several other people in the video call are not talents in this field, so it is difficult to understand what the so-called "charm" feels like.

"Xiaojin doesn't like other people's little boy, so she wants to find it out? What about the child of the Shen family?" Qin Lianyi suddenly said.

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