"Yes, she's a proud student of the instructor of our comic club! It's also our example. "

"Have you seen her?" Asked Zhong Keke.

"No, I haven't, but I've seen her graduation photo." He said.

Well... Is she much different from what she was when she graduated from high school? Zhong Keke thought to himself, "is your instructor Mr. Yao?" Asked Zhong Keke.

"Well, do you know Mr. Yao, too?" The other side was surprised.

"Of course I do. He was also my art teacher in high school." Zhong Keke didn't buy his own comics. Instead, he chose the works of the members of the comics club and bought a customized chronicle.

"By the way, is Mr. Yao here today?" She asked.

"I've been to the comics club just now. Now I'm probably back in his office."

"Is his office still on the fourth floor of building 3?"


Zhong Keke then walked toward building 3. Today, she came with a comic she had drawn and wanted to give it to her teacher. Unexpectedly, there were so many of her comic books on the booth of the comic club.

On the fourth floor, she quickly found Mr. Yao's office. Only when she got to the door, she heard a voice coming from the office, "I said you, but it's just to give the student a prize. It's not a big deal. Now people's parents go to the Education Bureau to complain about you, You can't even be a teacher. "

"Even if it comes to the Education Bureau, I can't let her child win the prize without conscience. There are only three awards in total. If her child wins the prize, won't the other children brush it off?"

"But you can't touch people with eggs. It's said that the family has something to do with the Yi family. It seems that they are relatives. If they really want to cut you, you can't stay in the deep city."

"In any case, since you are a teacher, you can't do anything against your teacher's ethics." Yao Zhitao insisted.

Zhong Ke knocked on the door and went in.

"Who are you? This is the classroom office A middle-aged girl said.

"I'm looking for Mr. Yao." Zhong Keke said, looking at Yao Zhitao.

And Yao Zhitao in micro Leng after a moment, recognized the bell cocoa, "cocoa?"

"It's me, Mr. Yao. Hello!" Zhong Ke laughs.

"Good, good." Seeing his former student, Yao Zhitao showed a smile on his face. "You've been very good these years. I've bought your comics. Now you're also a famous cartoonist."

"I also want to thank Mr. Yao for your encouragement to me in those years, and let me stick to the road of comics." Zhong Keke said, "by the way, just now I heard some words outside. Mr. Yao, are you in any trouble?"

"It's not a big deal. Besides, it's fair." Yao Zhitao said, "you haven't come to school for a long time. I'll show you around and take you to see the comics agency. When you graduated, there was no comics agency."

"Good." Zhong Keke replied, "when I came in, I saw the booth set up by the comics agency. The younger students all drew well. In the future, if they need to, they can come to my studio to have a look and learn."

Yao Zhitao replied with a smile, and they walked towards the room of the comic club.

When I got to the room of the comic club, it was a big room, but it was shared by several clubs, and the comic Club occupied a corner.

At the moment, there are several students busy in the comics club.

When Yao Zhitao introduced Zhong Keke, the students immediately looked at Zhong Keke with surprise.

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