"Besides..." her voice faltered. "At the beginning, they took all the compensation for my parents' death, and even a lot of the legacy left by my parents. They were not really so poor, but... They were too greedy."

And she didn't want to fulfill their greed.

"Well, no more." Zhong Keke took a deep breath and said, "I'm going to continue to draw the mirror. If I don't finish painting, I'll really stay up late today."

She said, and went back to the side of the workbench, began to continue to draw the sub mirror manuscript.

And Gu lichen was looking at Zhong Keke quietly, but he was not conscious.


When Zhong Keke finished drawing the script, it was more than 6 o'clock in the evening.

"Sorry, I forgot the time." She quickly apologized.

"Finished?" Gu lichen asked.


"Then go to dinner. What would you like to eat?" He said.

"Or the restaurant near the studio, the restaurant we met for the second time." Chung Kok Road.

Gu lichen's eyes flashed slightly. That restaurant, which was the small noodle shop where Ling still worked before, also had many memories of him.

"Why do you suddenly want to eat there?" He asked quietly.

"Maybe it's because it's where we become friends and girlfriends, so it feels... Very kind." She said, what she didn't say is that she usually works here in the studio and often goes there when eating alone.

Every time she sat inside eating, she would think of the fate between her and him.

If at the beginning, she did not walk into that small restaurant on that day, then maybe she and he would have done it.

Fortunately, she didn't miss it.

After pondering for a moment, he said, "well, then go there and eat."

Because the restaurant was not far from her studio, they walked there on foot.

Into a small restaurant, the two ordered. Although there was a hot search for their relationship before, the good news is that although Gu lichen is the prince of the entertainment industry, he is not a star after all. In such a small restaurant, he is not recognized.

Just his clothes and temperament, sitting in such a small restaurant, but there will still be people looking sideways from time to time.

After a while, the dish was served. Zhong Keke lowered his head and ate the dish. He hesitated and said, "next Wednesday, are you free?"

Gu lichen asked, "what can I do for you?"

Next Wednesday, the company has an important film and television contract to sign.

She bit her lip slightly. "Next Wednesday is the death day of my parents. If... If you are free, can you accompany me to worship? I... I want to take my parents to meet my boyfriend. "

She wants her parents to know that now she is not alone, she is accompanied by someone, even if... She does not know how long this company will last, but at least now she is happy!

He was silent.

Please remember the first domain name of this book: ddxstxt8.com. Reading website for mobile version of zenith novel: m.ddxstxt8.com