"Hello, Mr. Gu. Thank you for coming to my birthday party." Zhou Xinmian said.

"Hello." Gu lichen replied, "Happy Birthday to you!" With that, he also took out a gift and handed it to Zhou Xinmian.

Zhou Xinmian was stunned, obviously did not expect that Gu lichen would give a gift alone, "coco has already given it, you are her boyfriend, you just send one, if you also send it, it seems that I invite you to come and ask for more gift."

"You are Coco's best friend, and you helped her a lot at the beginning, so this gift is due." Gu lichen said.

Zhou Xinmian was embarrassed to smile and looked at Zhong Keke again. Then he said, "thank you." Then he asked Zhong Keke and Gu lichen to sit down.

And other people who come to the birthday party, their eyes will more or less fall on Gu lichen.

For Gu lichen's introduction, Zhou Xinmian only said that it was Mr. Gu, Zhong Keke's boyfriend. He didn't directly talk about Gu lichen's identity. After all, if he did, I'm afraid everyone would be watching.

After all, the prince of the entertainment circle, ordinary citizens usually listen to all kinds of gossip in the entertainment circle.

After all the people were seated, Zhou Xinmian was simply grateful that everyone could come to celebrate her birthday and wish everyone a good meal and drink.

Just as the crowd was about to start, suddenly the box door was knocked twice. Then several security guards pushed the door open and stood on both sides of the door.

All the people in the box were wondering, but Wu ran, the big star, came in slowly, holding a cake with candles and singing a happy birthday song. The number of candles on the candles was Zhou Xinmian's age.

Zhou Xinmian was stunned and looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief.

Wu ran appeared in front of her and sang her a happy birthday song with a cake... It was like a dream.

Until Wu ran stood in front of Zhou Xinmian and said, "you are Xinmian."

Zhou Xinmian nodded stiffly.

Happy birthday to Xinmian Wu ran said that the melodious baritone only makes people feel dreamy.

"Are you... True?" Zhou Xinmian asked foolishly, the whole person is still in a dull state.

"Of course it is." Wu ran chuckled, "I'm here today to wish you a happy birthday. Come on, make a wish."

Zhou Xinmian closed his eyes, made a wish, and then blew out the candle on the cake.

Wu ran then asked, "do you have any songs you want to hear? I can sing one for you. "

"It starts over and over again." Zhou Xinmian almost subconsciously said the name of this song, which is a famous song by Wu ran and her favorite song.

Wu ran put down the cake, picked up the microphone and said, "everyone, now let me sing a song" cycle and start again ". Happy birthday to Xinmian!"

After that, Wu ran began to sing the song. Although there was no music accompaniment, the singing was very different. Wu Ran's voice was clear, and the singing had a unique flavor.

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