Zhong Ke Ke looks at ye Chongwei in front of him. At the moment, he is totally different from the cold-blooded and heartless face of Huo yuejing just now.

"No more." Zhong Ke Ke shook his head.

Ye Chongwei wants to say something more. Gu lichen frowns and says, "OK, if coco really doesn't cool down, I'll help her cool down too. You don't have to worry about it."

"So it is." Ye Chongwei smiles.

Gu lichen looked at Cocoa's face and said, "it's late. Today I'll take cocoa home first. You go on."

Ye Chongwei smile, but also did not retain, "that line, next time together."

So Gu lichen said hello to others and took Zhong Keke out of the box.

"You don't look very well. You were scared just now?" Gu lichen asked.

Scared? It seems to be a little scared. Zhong Ke hesitated and said, "do you usually treat your female partners so... Directly?"

She thought it over and used the word "direct.".

"Do you mean Chongwei's attitude towards Huo yuejing just now?" Gu lichen asked.

Zhong Keke nodded. After all, just now, other people around seemed to have seen nothing strange. It should not be the first time that this happened.

"Well, each takes what she needs. Most women understand the rules of the game, but there are still some people who have other ideas." Gu lichen said.

"And you? Have you ever had one? " As soon as the words came out, Zhong Ke suddenly regretted that she was not his real girlfriend. What did she do? What's more, he won't answer this kind of question.

But to Zhong Coco's surprise, Gu lichen answered.


She was stunned. She didn't know how to react. After a long time, she said, "well, what they said today is that you can be indifferent even if you saw someone jumping in front of you. Is that your former girlfriend?"

"Well." He said, "at that time, the other party threatened me not to separate by jumping off a building. She kept saying that she could love me with her life. If she couldn't be with me, then she was the same as dead, so she wanted to jump off a building in front of me."

"So, what happened then?" She asked involuntarily.

"Later?" He light a sun, "later I said to her, if she really want to jump, then quickly jump, if she jump, I will give her funeral expenses, if she doesn't jump, then don't bother me from now on."

"..." Zhong Keke smothered for a while and then said, "she... Didn't jump?"

"Yes, I didn't jump." He sneered, "it can be seen that the so-called use of life to love, but also so."

He said, Phoenix Mou raised, the vision fell on her still some dull face, "can you think I am too ruthless?"

Zhong Ke Ke doesn't know how to evaluate Gu lichen. Judging from what he said just now, he is really cold-blooded, but... She knows that he loves a woman deeply and is willing to sacrifice everything for that woman.

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