"If Mr. Gu has nothing else to ask, I'll go out first." Ling still said and walked toward the front door of the conference room.

But before her hand touched the handle of the door, Gu lichen seized her.

"Ling still, do you have to refuse me like this?" His voice, which was always in a bad mood, seemed a little impatient because of her.

At this moment, Gu lichen had a rare anxiety, an anxiety that he could not even tell.

Ling still stared at the handsome face in front of her, and her delicate facial features made her look like another miniature face.

Once upon a time, the little boy with that face was in the dense forest, hugging her who was exhausted because of carrying him. "I will be very good to you in the future, I will buy you a lot of skirts, and I will take you to eat a lot of delicious things. I will protect you better than anyone else! "

At that time, she didn't take it seriously. After all, many of the words spoken by children today will be forgotten tomorrow.

And a fever, she forgot him, but also forget those common memories.

I didn't know that he had been looking for her for so many years! That day and night, his obsession, in fact, is far deeper than she imagined.

But now, his obsession is on gorgeous Fang.

And she... At that time, she chose not to say anything.

The one she loves is not him. If he puts his obsession on on her, it may not be a good thing for him if there is more involved.

At the moment, Ling still said nothing, but she looked at his eyes, but let Gu Lishen's heart move.

In a trance, it's like seeing the little girl in her childhood staring at him.

This pair of eyes... Once appeared in his dream again and again. He had imagined countless times what those eyes would look like when he grew up...

GU lichen could not help raising his hand and gently stroking Ling the still eyes...

the cool fingers and touching the warm skin made him want to get more of her Temperature.

Ling's body is still stiff. The apricot eyes close slowly. She could feel his fingers clearly moving in her eyes.

He was the "minister", the "minister" who had shared weal and woe with her. In those days, everything seemed so wrong.

To her, it's like a dream!

If she didn't lose her memory of him because of a high fever in that year, if she met Yi Jin before she fell in love with him and remembered everything in that year...

then maybe they would really recognize each other!

But now...

Ling still opens her eyes again, and pulls Gu lichen's hand away from her eyes. "Mr. Gu, I think you should not forget what you said on the mountain at the beginning. After that, we are strangers!"

Gu Lishen's body suddenly shocked.

He thought he could do it, but now he finds it so hard to treat her as a stranger.