Ling is still drinking one mouthful at a time, letting the smoky feeling surround him.

But Yi Jin leaves, is accompanies her to drink, then pours the wine for her.

"Ah Jin, sometimes, I really think fate is ridiculous." Ling is still shaking the tall glass in his hand, murmuring.

"What do you say?" He said.

"You see, in my case, at the beginning, people's evidence and material evidence all pointed at me, leaving me speechless. During my three years in prison, I couldn't help thinking every day about what the truth of the case was, who wanted to harm me, and how much trouble it would take to get all the evidence pointed at me... "

Ling still said with a smile of self mockery." I even analyzed all the people I knew and wondered who might be, Who in the world has such a deep hatred with me. "

Her words fell in his ears, but like a sledgehammer, hitting his heart heavily, so that he only felt his heart throbbing.

She raised her chin slightly towards him and smiled, "ah Jin, do you know? I didn't expect that the person who... Killed me, had no hatred with me or with Hao Meiyu. He was only afraid of some possible joint and several responsibilities, or even the responsibility that might not be sentenced, and destroyed my life! "

The three years in prison, like a nightmare, left her a body of injuries, let her lose her career, lost her future, and she may not have her own children in her life!

But these, but only because of a person, fear will be implicated, so look for her as a scapegoat just!

Such a simple but ridiculous reason is the answer she got after nearly 4 years!

Yi Jin left only to feel more painful. This is the first time in his life that he regretted that he had turned a blind eye to her, regretted that he had the ability to give her the truth, but finally let her go to jail.

At that time, he did not know that one day, he would fall in love with her, and the pain she suffered, finally, became his pain.

How he hoped that, at that time, the pain was on him, not her.

"Still, you want justice, I will help you to get back, you want to harm your people how, I will help you to achieve." He said softly, "so please, don't be in pain, OK?"

"I won't suffer with you!" Ling still said, looked up again, and drank the remaining glass of red wine in his hand. "In fact, today, I should be happy. After all, I think about more than three years, and finally have the answer."

She said as she picked up the half bottle of red wine to pour.

He put his hand on her. "Don't drink any more. Even if the alcohol is low, you will get drunk if you drink too much."

"I just want to get drunk!" She smiled and said, "ah Jin, would you let me drink and get drunk?"

After a while, he moved his hand, picked up the bottle and poured her a glass of wine.

She said with a smile, "ah Jin, it's very kind of you."

The wine, following her red lips, entered her throat.

That beautiful face, gradually because of intoxication, and revealed a hint of kitsch.

Yi Jin is afraid that Ling still drinks too much. She orders some more meals to eat and pad her stomach to avoid discomfort when she gets them.

"Then you can feed me." She murmured, and the apricot eyes seemed a little confused at the moment.

Sure enough, she is still drunk. If she is sober, she may not be so close to coquetry to ask him for this.

But he was very welcome to her request.

So, in the bar, Yi Jin left to feed Ling and still eat. Cakes and steaks will be cut into small pieces. If they are shrimp and crab, they will shell for meat.