Ling's first reaction was Yi Jin's departure from the meeting. A new company with a big future among other people, whose future is uncertain, is likely to be removed, let alone a small restaurant.

"I... I didn't think so." She said, I don't want Zhuo's small restaurant to encounter anything because of her. After all, she can see that Zhuo is a nice person and has a deaf son. She must have a heavy burden of life.

"If you don't have one, you'd better settle down here first." Yi Jin said with a smile.

Ling still pursed her lips, without saying a word.

Yi Jin took Ling still's hands and put her palm on his cheek. "Since you have to find a job by yourself, I'll let you do it. No matter how late you come back every night, you have to say good night to me, OK?"

She was stunned, but she didn't expect him to make such a request.

Good night... That was once in the rental room. She would say it to him every night. Because at that time, he was her family and the one she thought could be with her.

But now... Is he and she still family?

His cheek gently rubs her palm, his eyes close gently, the radian of the lip angle rises, as if it is incomparably comfortable.

But she only felt that her palms were getting more and more hot until she got hot...


Ling still took her own certificate the next day, came to the small restaurant according to the agreement, Zhuo qianyun registered for a while, then explained to Ling still, and gave Ling still a battery car.

"You can ride this battery car when you go to work. By the way, can you ride it?" Zhuo qianyun suddenly thought of this problem.

"Yes, I've ridden before, but I haven't ridden for several years. I'll practice a little later. I think I will." Ling is still authentic.

"Then you can practice for a while." Zhuo qianyun said, "besides, you also know that you have had a car accident before, so you should be careful when you drive the battery car. Don't overspeed for the sake of speed. You'd better be later, but also ensure safety, for you and for others."

Ling still answered, and said to Zhuo qianyun, "well, I know, I will pay attention to safety, not speeding."

Zhuo qianyun smiled, "OK, that's it. The salary will be paid on the 15th of every month. I will pay you the basic social security. If you don't understand anything, you can ask me. "

"Good." Ling still said, suddenly I felt something clinging to my leg.

She looked down and saw a pretty face.

Ling still remembers, yesterday Zhuo elder sister called this child "Xiaoyan".

"Xiaoyan, come here." Zhuo qianyun gestured and said to the little guy.

It's just that the little guy is still holding Ling's legs, still looking up, looking at Ling curiously and ignoring his mother.

Zhuo qianyun comes forward to open his son.