Just when he was about to get up and go to the next room to take a cold shower, his body suddenly stopped.

Just because of her fingers, she somehow pinched the hem of his clothes.

He bent down, carefully trying to pull her fingers away.

Her vague voice suddenly sounded, "You forgive me... okay... must... forgive me..."

He didn't realize it, she still closed her eyes at this moment, apparently still sleeping.

What did you dream about, even in your sleep, you have to say such things.

"Okay, I'll forgive you," he murmured.

And she, as if she heard it, gradually loosened her fingers, and her brows, which were originally slightly frowned, gradually relaxed.

In his sleep, Wang Yuxin only felt that an unprecedented sense of peace of mind enveloped him, making him want to sleep like this for a long time.

A gentle voice whispered in her ear, no matter what she did wrong, he would forgive her!

So, she doesn't need to worry about anything!

When Wang Yuxin woke up, it was almost evening.

After eating at Yi Qianmo's villa, she insisted on going back to the rental house.

"It's okay if you live here. If you have any concerns, then I can also disclose it to the public. You are my girlfriend." Yi Qianmo said.

Wang Yu's eyes widened suddenly, "Female...girlfriend?"

"Aren't we in a relationship now?" Yi Qianmo asked in a funny way, "Since we are dating, of course you are my girlfriend."

"I..." She hesitated, "Can... don't make it public yet?"

Hearing this, he frowned slightly, "You don't want to be public? What are your concerns?" If it were another woman, he would be eager to be public.