He Zixin raised his eyes and looked at Yi Qianci who was running. From her point of view, you can see his firm jaw, the tip of his nose and the eyes looking straight ahead.

He held her so tightly that he didn't want to leave her at all.

In such a dangerous situation, he rushed in to look for her to save her! But Why? Isn't he tired? Don't you love her anymore?

Why risk your life to save her like this?

Just then, another explosion sounded. This time, the explosion sounded at the other side of the auditorium!

Then the ground shook and the building where the auditorium was located began to collapse.

Even if it is easy to be modest, in this case, the original running step is also a stagger, and the body falls forward because of the wind generated by the explosion.

But the moment he fell, his hands firmly protected her body and became her shield with his body.

"Modesty... You... Run out yourself and leave me alone!" He Zixin hurriedly tunnel. At this time, she will only become his burden. It's better to die alone than to die here.

He is willing to risk his life to save her, which is enough for her!

She was not afraid of death, but she was afraid that she would involve him and die with her.

"Don't talk nonsense!" Yi Qianci gnashed his teeth and said, "just hold my neck!"

Now that he's in, he'll run out with her!

Yi Qianci stumbled back to his feet, but he Zixin couldn't hold Yi Qianci's neck because his shoulder had been hurt by falling cement blocks.

Yi Qianci could only run more carefully. At the same time, according to the blasting order he remembered, he tried to avoid the points that would explode soon, and ran towards the safety zone by circuitous route.

He Zixin can feel that the speed of Yi Qianci is decreasing.

Even if his physical quality is strong, but in such an environment, holding her will only increase the burden on his body.

The explosion sounded again and again. Every time, another building collapsed, and the route they ran became more difficult.

Finally, another time, Yi Qianci fell down with her in his arms, but this time, his back was crushed by the stones blown up by the collapsed building, and he sent her forward at the critical opportunity of falling down.

He was pressed and she was safe.

"Run! As long as you run another 500 meters, you'll be safe!" He roared at her. His handsome face could hardly see its original appearance because of dust and blood stains. There was a rare eagerness in his dark eyes.

If she's safe, what about him? He is under the pressure of stones now. What should he do?

Then there will be an explosion!

The explosion is not completely over!

"If you want to run, run together!" Her shoulder was so painful that she endured the pain and tried her best to move the stone on his back.

As long as he can lift a little, with his ability, he should be able to drill out quickly.

"What are you doing! Stop messing around, run, run!" Yi Qian's voice became more anxious.

"I said, if you want to run, run together!" He Zixin labored and flushed.

It seems that the arm is about to become not your own. From the shoulder to the arm, and then to the whole body, it seems that you can't feel anything else except pain.

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