He stared at her, as if to see through her, which made he Zixin's heart beat uncontrollably.

"Don't be angry. It's estimated that the schoolgirl may regret to death at the moment. I wish she hadn't said anything before." He Zixin said, "by the way, where are we going now?"

"First have lunch with Xiaojin Jifei. They should be waiting in the restaurant by now." Yi said modestly.

"Hey, restaurant?" He Zixin was stunned.

Yi Qianci took her to a restaurant near the school. They chose a box. He Zixin followed Yi Qianci to the box and saw that Yi Qianjin was playing mobile games with Shen Jifei.

"Hey, sister Zixin, you're here. I'm playing a game with Xiao Fei. You and your second brother order first. In a moment, our game will be over." Yi Qianjin Road.

"OK." He Zixin answered, sat down with Yi Qian, scanned the QR code of ordering on the table with his mobile phone, and then entered the menu page.

The dishes in this restaurant are all home-made dishes in Shenzhen. He Zixin ordered a few and asked Yi to order modestly.

It seems that Yi Feihua can't save me when he comes to the game... It seems that Yi Feihua can't help me when he comes to the game

"Ah! What should I do? I'm dead. When I come back to life..."

"Come on, come on, come on, help me block it!"

"One wave, one wave, one wave..."

He Zixin held his cheek and looked at Yi Qianjin who was playing games. She said that she had played these black games on her mobile phone before, but she had not played games since she separated from Yi Qianci.

First, I'm afraid of touching the scene. After all, I played games with Yi Qianci before.

Second, she doesn't have that time. After all, her time is more used for study and work, and her carefree life seems to be farther and farther away from her.

Now watching Yi Qianjin and Shen Jifei play games, it makes her miss the scene of playing games with Qian CI in the past.

"OK, it's a narrow victory!" Yi Qianjin heaved a sigh and put down his mobile phone.

"It's comfortable now." Shen Jifei said.

Yi Qianjin smiled, "well, it's very comfortable."

"By the way, I ordered some dishes just now. Look, do you have anything to add?" He Zixin said.

"No, you and your second brother order. Xiao Fei and I are responsible for eating." Yi Qianci said, and his eyes suddenly fell on Yi Qianci and he Zixin's mobile phone, "Hey, sister Zixin, you have the same pendant on your second brother's mobile phone."

He Zixin's face suddenly blushed a little, "well, I bought it at your school stall. I feel very good."

"What about the couple pendant? Are you and your second brother really in formal contact now?" Yi Qianjin looked at he Zixin with bright eyes.

Yi Qianci did not speak, but looked at he Zixin, as if to see what kind of answer she would have.

He Zixin replied frankly, "well, it's a relationship."

Since exchanges, then fair exchanges, there is no need to hide anything.

Yi Qianjin said with a smile, "Oh, that's great. In the future, the second brother will worship sister tuozixin. By the way, when will we be free next time? How about four of us dating together?"

"Together?" He Zixin was stunned.

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