So Mo Xiuyao’s illness acted up? Song Zhi hesitated for a moment, but she still stood up and walked carefully into the depths of the forest.

Song Zhi had been in the Demon’s Note Valley for a while, but she did not know where Mo Xiuyao lived or what he did every day besides eating. So even if she wanted to find him, she would look for him blindly.

“Demon Lord, Demon Lord, are you there?” Song Zhi asked as she walked, but the forest was quiet and there was not even a reply. She stepped on the soft fallen leaves and continued to search, but the Demon’s Note Valley was too big. She walked for nearly two hours and only managed to cover half of the place, but she still did not see Mo Xiuyao’s figure.

Should I go back? Anyway, it would be fine as long as Mo Xiuyao got through the night, right? Song Zhi hesitated for a moment and was about to turn to leave when she suddenly heard a faint sound. She stopped and asked tentatively, “Demon Lord?”

No one answered.

Song Zhi licked her dry lips and continued to walk slowly toward the source of the sound. She walked past a few big trees and some weeds, and a relatively open grassland was exposed in front of her eyes. There was a crooked broad-leafed tree on the grass, and Mo Xiuyao, who she was looking for, was leaning against the trunk. His eyes were tightly shut, and one of his hands was casually placed on his knee. The silver moonlight shone on his body, and it seemed as if he was coated with a layer of frost. No, it was really frost. Even his eyelashes were covered in fine frost, like the stars falling from the sky, gently trembling on his eyelashes. If one got closer, one could see that he was trembling slightly, not as relaxed as he looked.

Song Zhi hesitated for a moment, but still walked towards Mo Xiuyao carefully. With every step she took, the air around her became colder. When she was almost beside Mo Xiuyao, Song Zhi started to shiver. If Mo Xiuyao could be so cold even when he was close to him, how cold must he be?

For the first time, Song Zhi felt sympathy for this Demon Lord. Unfortunately, her sympathy did not last for three seconds before she saw Mo Xiuyao suddenly open his long and narrow eyes, which were cold and ruthless.

The Mo Xiuyao that Song Zhi knew had always been lazy. Even when he was threatening people, he was lazy and did not like to move. This was the first time she had seen him so aggressive. She was so scared that she did not dare to go forward. “Demon Lord… It’s me…”

Mo Xiuyao stared at Song Zhi for a long time until her legs were trembling. He then said slowly, “What are you doing here?”

you didn’t come for lunch and dinner. I was afraid that something might have happened to you, so I came over to take a look,” Song Zhi replied.

Mo Xiuyao closed his eyes again, frowning slightly in frustration. “Get lost.”

Song Zhi wanted to leave immediately, but she came back after a few steps. “Sir Demon Lord, do you want to have some hot porridge? Maybe it’ll be warmer.”

Although Song Zhi knew that Mo Xiuyao had a strong life force and would not easily get into trouble, she was still a little worried. After all, she was still waiting for him to save her. He could not get into trouble easily.

Mo Xiuyao was unmoved when he heard this. He just closed his eyes and silently endured the cold. Song Zhi saw this and could not help but say, “It’s congee made with lean meat and fresh shrimp. The rice grains are soft and sticky, the ingredients are fresh and fragrant, and it’s soft and sweet. Drinking a bowl of it might get rid of the cold. Do you want to have a sip?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Mo Xiuyao opened his eyes and looked at Song Zhi coldly. Song Zhi instantly understood and gave an ‘OK’ sign before turning around and leaving.

“Come back,” Mo Xiuyao said in a deep voice.

“Alright,” she said. Song Zhi came back decisively and shivered as she went to Mo Xiuyao’s side.

Mo Xiuyao was unhappy. “Why are you shaking?”

“It’s cold,” Song Zhi answered honestly.

It was only then that Mo Xiuyao saw that Song Zhi was still wearing the chiffon dress she wore during the day. The chiffon dress was not only light, but the fabric was also pitifully thin. When she squatted down, her legs and collarbones were faintly visible. When she was frozen by the cold air on his body, there was a hint of pink in her fair skin.

Song Zhi lowered her head and focused on taking out a bowl of porridge from her Cosmos Bag. She did not forget to sprinkle some scallions and sesame oil on it. “For you, Demon Lord.”

Mo Xiuyao raised his frosty hand and took it. The porridge, which was still steaming, quickly cooled down and quickly turned into a bowl of ice.

“How did this happen?” Song Zhi’s eyes widened.

Mo Xiuyao’s eyes flashed with mockery. “Take it back, don’t waste it.”

“…” Song Zhi took the frozen bowl silently and stood up to walk back. She felt warmer with every step she took. When she reached the first tree, she could no longer feel the cold. She turned back and happened to meet Mo Xiuyao’s indifferent gaze.