67 The Mysterious Map

With so much emotional outburst, Baldur got sleepy and Magee told him to catnap beside George. Due to extreme exhaustion and without wasting any second upon reaching to George's bed, Baldur waved his hand to her and dozed off with his back flat.

" Hmm...you both should sleep well. There's a lot of things we have to do when I'd be fine next days." She thought then she sluggishly moved closer to the door and locked it so that no one can disturb them from resting.

" Boom! boom! boom!"

Albrecht rushly knocked on the door and she whispered before opening it.

" Kuya...keep quiet. Two soldiers are seriously sleeping inside." Then she let him in.

" Have you heard the wild blasts?"

" Yeah, the floor was even shaking." Magee replied.

" Those are cannon blasts. The Japs reinforcements maybe have reached in their barracks today. Possibly, its a form of summoning and showing their power after repelling from the past days. Or was it because of the Bataan battle?" We have limited information here but if Baldur would go back to the port where Dad have old friends on stand-by, we'll be able to get some updates from the solo ship that docks from Manila. The last time Baldur went over for Dad's send off by the port, he learned that the Japanese Imperial Forces were already in control of the general headquarters of the Commonwealth army. How much updates we need to get that will just give us more tension, huh!" Albrecht sighed and sat on a bamboo chair while clasping his hands.

" Albrecht, let's attack and burn their Tikaban barracks again."

" Hmm, don't do that again, they've plan out maybe preventions to similar attack that badly hit them last time. We'll think about another plot."

"Hmm...I've got another idea."

" It give me goosebumps already without hearing it yet."

" Haha! what?" She whispered.

" Everytime you suggest on something, that guy who's madly in love with you buys it whether its too risky or not. It so happened that he's our boss so we ended up buying your creepy ideas too." He sarcastically smiled.

" Haha! oppss! my wound aches...I forgot I have this one, huh! but you're really a real comic, I can't imagine Madelleine who laughs a lot when she's with you."

" Oh dear! don't mention her name, I missed her so much!" He bowed down his head a getting serious again.

" S...sorry." She mumbled

"Hmm...I need to prepare for lunch now, the two will be growling too loud at the kitchen later to patch up their exhaustion and sleepless nights of guarding. I'll need to go now and keep prepared anytime, its wartime and evacuation in no time is expected. Just grab what's necessary, okay? And do you know where to run to, in case of emergency?"

" At the cabinet, haha."

He nodded.

"Alright kuya funny." She smiled at him before he went out.

While staring at the two on their sound sleep, she tried to imagine the locations of the map upstairs.

" The entrance secret gate is placed in the eastern part, the smiling skull cave's on the western point, there were four bells, does it mean, there are also northern and southern bound fox holes, tunnels and caves?