Chapter 872

She took a sip of wine and thought it was wrong. She asked me, "once this opening is opened, if you encounter other people like this in the future, then you..."

"I can't save everyone, and I can't always trouble ghosts and messengers." I said, "this is a special case. The ghost emissary is the law enforcement officer of the underworld. If I ask him to spare Xin'er, he will certainly raise conditions. So it's not just about human relations. "

"And the Xu family owes Fengshui debt?" She looked at me.

"Yes," I nodded, "that's the essence."

"I see..." she nodded and then asked me, "young master, speaking of the Fengshui debt of the Xu family, I have something I don't understand."

"What?" I asked her.

"Twenty years ago, old man Jin knew that the affairs of the Xu family were done by old Xu. Why did he take the initiative to take charge of it? For a man like old man Xu, who can kill his own brother, is old Jin not afraid to set himself on fire when he works for him? "

I look at her, smile calmly, and take a sip of wine.

"Is there anything else in this?" Kor asked.

"The inside story is that Jin Wen has been poor all his life. He wants to make more money and leave it to Jin Lei." Remember the website

"is it that simple?" Chloe couldn't believe it.

"It's so simple," I said faintly, "poverty is the most painful thing in the world. Because he didn't want to harm people, Jin Wen couldn't make a lot of money and was poor all his life. When Jin Lei was six years old, his father had a serious illness. Because he had no money and delayed treatment, he died soon. Jin Wen lost his son in his old age, and the man with white hair sent the man with black hair. How painful did he feel? In his opinion, all this is because he has no money....

I took a deep breath and said, "after that, Jin Wen left his hometown in Bashu. He wanted to use his skills to earn money for his grandson, so that he would not worry about money in the future. But Jiangshan is easy to change, but his nature is hard to change. He is a man of integrity all his life. It is not easy to change his character if he wants to change it? So he wandered around for a few months, and finally managed to do some small things for people and earn some living money. "

"What happened then?" Kor asked.

"Then he came to Jinling and happened to meet the Xu family," I said. "As soon as the old man saw that this was an opportunity, he went to the Xu family to volunteer. He felt that this was not harm, but to save people, so he was very open-minded and did not care about old Xu's human nature. It was not impossible, but he lived most of his life. He never worked for a big family. He didn't know the rules of how to do things for the rich, so he suffered a loss. "

"The rules are different for the powerful and the common people?" She asked.

"Of course it's not the same," I said. "You have to pretend to be forced to do things for ordinary people, but you have to hide your clumsiness in handling affairs for powerful families. How can it be the same?"

Can't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" I was stunned.

"Nothing, nothing..." she laughed and cleared her throat, "you go on."

I suddenly understood, "Oh, you're because I said the word" fake force? "

She chuckled and chuckled.

I helplessly a smile, "so say more image, anyway you understand the line."

"Mm-hmm!" She held back her smile, "you go on."

"Ordinary people don't look at the essence, they just look at the appearance, so the more exposed and ostentatious they are, the more confident they are," I said. "Moreover, ordinary people usually don't encounter too big a thing, and no one will spend a lot of money to ask feng shui master to give a delivery man a nightmare. Therefore, if you give ordinary people a little more money, you will not cause too serious consequences. For example, when Jin Wen was in Bashu, although he was very famous, people didn't give him much money. Sometimes, some people owed him first, and then they gave him money. He also knows that these are against the rules, but he is embarrassed to say, so he is used to going back and forth

"No wonder he can say that he will go to the Xu family to collect money in half a year later..." Ke'er understood that "emotion is such a thing..."

"that's the case," I said, "but it's not the rule to handle affairs for a powerful family."

"What are the rules?" She asked me.

"When you work for a powerful family, you should know how to hide your clumsiness." I said, "most of the big families are very smart and alert. They have many secrets. They often do things in a wide range. If you are careless, you will hurt your muscles and bones. Therefore, we must have a good sense of propriety. While showing their abilities, they should never let them doubt you or worry about you. Only in this way can they ensure their own safety. "

"It's like this..." Ke'er nodded.

"Jin Wen didn't do anything for a rich family," I said, "so he made three taboos about it: first, the Xu family's business is very big, but what he wants is very general and unclear. Half of the property? What is half property? How much is half? It's hard to define. It is the first taboo that the so-called blessing is unknown and the foundation must be disordered. ""Well, what about the second one?" Kor asked.

"The second one is his half year period," I said. "What's the installment payment for the disaster of destroying the door? The old man of the Xu family did not dare to think so, but Jin Wen, because of his lack of self-confidence, took the initiative to put it forward, which caused later disasters. "

"You're right," she thought. "What about the third one?"

"The third is that he shouldn't break the old man Xu's secret," I paused. "In fact, I understand him very well. He saved the whole family of Xu, but in the end, he was splashed with dirty water. If he was changed, everyone would be angry. However, the old man did not judge the situation, and showed off his speed to uncover the old man Xu. Old man Xu, who can kill his brother, disciple and nephew, can tolerate him? "

I sighed helplessly, "if he didn't tell the truth at that time, he held back his anger and left directly. On the contrary, he would give him some money to buy peace of mind. However, he exposed the old man Xu in a rage, so this could not end... Otherwise, grandfather Lin secretly helped him, he would have been killed by the Xu family. "

"It turned out that it was the third master Lin who saved the old man Jin." Ke'er's eyes brightened. "Are he friends with him?"

"No, they don't know each other at all," I said. "Grandfather Lin didn't tell him who he was. He saved him from Jinling and left. Jin Wen knew that he had picked up a life and came back with a cold sweat. After learning from his bitter experience, he returned to Bashu and never left his hometown until he died

"I understand...", Ke'er nodded, "grandfather Lin is so righteous..."

"grandfather Lin has accumulated virtue in his life." I sighed, "compared with their four elder brothers, we are still far behind..."

Ke'er gently smiles and holds my hand, "young master, you are only 19 years old, you are already very good!"

I smile at her, "finish this thing..." I moved in my heart, turned to look at the door.

I saw a white dress, elegant and elegant ghost emissary, pushed the door in.