Zhuo WeiTing gritted his teeth as he glared at his father.

"It's not that serious. According to the marriage law, if it's a man 21, then a woman 19, she can get married. She …"

"From this news, she's not even twenty?"

Zhuo Weitang pointed at the computer screen and almost shouted.

"That's just a rough estimate. Besides, even if it's really less than twenty, it's still only a few months away. Don't look like you've been raped."

Zhuo Minghui joked when he saw his son's appearance.

"Listen up. If she doesn't have twenty years, you can forget about me marrying her. Moreover, you are not allowed to force a marriage in the future."

Seeing his father in such a state, Zhuo WeiTing left in anger.

When he returned to his room and saw the sleeping face, his anger slowly subsided, followed by anger.

As if he had thought of something, Zhuo WeiTing gently pulled open the bangs on Zi Yan's forehead, and then he took out the flashlight. Only then did he see that there was actually a deep scar on her forehead.

"Is it really you?"

After gently putting Zi Yan back on the pillow, Zhuo Wei Ting's hand gently caressed her forehead.

It was a rather distant memory. At that time, his surname wasn't Zhuo, but that woman had married him to a fourth man. When they first arrived at that man's house, he had fled the mansion because he felt uncomfortable.

It was very dark. He walked down the mountain road for about half an hour before he heard a cry.

He was a bit bored. After he climbed over the wall, he saw a woman through the window hitting someone with a wooden stick. He didn't think much before rushing in.

It had already been ten years, and his memories were blurry. What he could carve was that he had saved the little girl and left the witch's home with her.

He remembered how much blood she had bled that day, and how she had been dying when he had brought her to the hospital, and how, over the years, only the bleeding wound on her forehead had remained.

Even now, he occasionally dreamed of the girl with the blood on her face.

However, he did not have the time to ask for her name. After he was sent to the hospital, he was taken away by his family. He went to the hospital to look for her, but the poor little girl was no longer there.

All these years, he had been wondering if the little girl was still being abused. Was he still strong and alive?

Zhuo Wei Ting thought of many things, but he was still not sure. Too much time had passed, and her memory was blurry. Moreover, he had just examined it. Besides her forehead, there were many wounds on her body.

Staring at this small face with a slight frown for an entire night, Zhuo WeiTing finally put away his memories. There was no point in thinking about the past matters now. What he needed to deal with was the matter of this cheated marriage.

After daybreak, Zhuo WeiTing left home in anger without even eating his breakfast.

At this moment, Zi Yan was still sleeping soundly.

On the other hand, Zhuo Minghui didn't sleep for the night. He was looking at the tragedy that happened six years ago at the Song Family and checking the internet for the little girl's whereabouts.

After a night of no results, he finally called the private detectives, hoping they would find out as soon as possible.

Originally, he could have asked Zi Yan about this because he was afraid of touching her pain.